Check if a resolution state is in use before deleting it

  1. Go to Administration –> Settings and Alerts 2. Check the ID of the Resolution State you wish to delete   Notifications   1. Export Notifications Internal Library 2. Open the exported XML in Notepad 3. Search for <Value>ResolutionStateNumber</Value>, for instance: <Value>30</Value> 4. Copy the GUID, without the “ “     5. Open Operations Manager Shell and execute the following query: Get-SCOMNotificationSubscription –Name TheGuidFromXML     You then get which subscription uses the Resolution State Views 1. Open SQL Management Studio and connect to your SCOM instance 2. Execute the following query, with your Resolution State number:   [...]

By |2014-04-28T14:36:22+01:00april 28th, 2014|Operations Manager (SCOM)|Kommentarer lukket til Check if a resolution state is in use before deleting it

OLE DB Data Source Monitor error: ORA-00900 invalid SQL statement

  There are no free management packs for monitoring Oracle databases in SCOM 2012. However, a free solution is to use the OLE DB Data Source monitor and install Oracle client on the watcher node. There are several blogs about how to set this up, so I’m not going to write about that.   What I am going to write about is the “ORA-00900 invalid SQL statement” error one might receive from these monitors. Some weeks ago I was at a costumer who wanted to monitor some Oracle databases and I configured the monitor without a query, which worked fine. [...]

By |2014-02-10T16:08:23+01:00februar 10th, 2014|Operations Manager (SCOM)|1 Kommentar

SCOM 2012 Web Console prompts for credentials – new

  When accessing the web console from the server hosting the web site there is no problem, but when accessing it from another server, you get the following message:     This issue is pretty common and I have already blogged about it here: As written in the blog post, this is due to Kerberos double hop. But what to do when that solution doesn’t do the trick?   I made sure that everything was as supposed:   Only Windows Authentication was enabled:   In Providers, NTLM had been moved up, which normally is the fix:   I then [...]

By |2013-11-27T11:17:36+01:00november 27th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|15 Comments

Upgrade to SCOM 2012 R2: Unable to proceed

  The upgrade time has truly come!   During an upgrade at a costumer site I got the following error when trying to upgrade the secondary management server:   Unable to Proceed Setup could not detect the current Data Warehouse Scenario. Please ensure that the SQL Server service for the Data Warehouse is running, and the current user has permission to access the Data Warehouse.     I checked the services and I had already upgraded the RMS emulator server so i was sure it wasn’t a permission issue.   Time to dig a little deeper…   I start by [...]

By |2013-11-07T11:05:07+01:00november 7th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|5 Comments

How to edit default Resolution States

  Resolution States is an area in SCOM that is highly underestimated in my eyes. These can really be used to a lot – scoping, viewing, alerting, subscriptions etc. I do see a lot using it, and those who do have seen the light in this magnificent “tool”.   However, with SCOM 2012 Microsoft has added some default Resolution States:     The Acknowledged state is fairly useful, but the rest… I don’t really know. But these are all predefined, so we can’t delete them. But we can actually!   To edit these it requires manually changes to the database, [...]

By |2013-09-17T16:32:34+01:00september 17th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|Kommentarer lukket til How to edit default Resolution States

Exchange 2010 MP – be aware of events!

  I admit it, the Exchange 2010 has been fairly improved comparing to its younger sibling, the Exchange 2003 mp. We still have a load of Rules and Monitors, it’s still noisy and we still have to run all the Test-Something.ps1 scripts. There i one thing that one should be aware of though. The mp generates a LOT of events. I was at a costumer site last week configuring the mp, and i got this: 45202 events! In 10 days! The events are pretty usefull when testing the Test-Something scripts, as they run with 5 min. interval, you will get [...]

By |2013-09-16T13:41:09+01:00september 16th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|Kommentarer lukket til Exchange 2010 MP – be aware of events!

Which management pack contains my group or Distributed Application?

  Which management pack contains my group or Distributed Application? A couple of days ago I got a question, which I thought could be the 1$ question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, but I was actually a bit wrong.   While you can always see directly in the UI in which management pack rules, monitors, overrides have been saved, it is not exactly the same with Groups and Distributed Applications.   Neither in the Groups view nor in the properties of the group can you see anything about the management pack in which it has been saved. Same [...]

By |2013-07-23T11:35:05+01:00juli 23rd, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|1 Kommentar

SNMP trap/probe – with or without the dot in the OID?

  I was setting up some UPS monitoring at a costumer, and i got into a “discusison” with a collegaue about the first dot in a OID. We were discussing whether or not you need the dot before the first number when creating monitors/rules in SCOM 2012. We went ahead and created two simple monitors – one with the dot and one without: UPS Battery Temperature: .   UPS Battery Temperature – WITHOUT DOT:   I faked a temperature alert and i got:   I got two alerts! So actually, apparently it doesn’t make a living difference if you [...]

By |2013-07-22T14:52:09+01:00juli 22nd, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|2 Comments

SCOM 2012 Linux discovery: Unexpected DiscoveryResult.ErrorData type. Please file bug report. ErrorData:

  Today at a costumer site I was installing some Linux agents, when I got a pretty weird and non-saying error:   Unexpected DiscoveryResult.ErrorData type. Please file bug report. ErrorData: Microsoft.SystemCenter.CrossPlatform.ClientLibrary.MPAbstractions.InvalidWSManTaskResponseException Failed to parse output from WSMan discovery. Output from task was: <DataItem type=”Microsoft.SystemCenter.WSManagement.WSManData” time=”2013-02-26T15:35:00.1849706+02:00″ sourceHealthServiceId=”16F56055-5671-604C-AF9D-088444BA4B6E”><WsManData><ErrorCode>0x800703fa</ErrorCode><ErrorMessage>Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion. </ErrorMessage></WsManData></DataItem>. at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.Invoke(Activity activity, IDictionary`2 inputs, WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensions, TimeSpan timeout) at System.Activities.WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(Activity workflow, IDictionary`2 inputs, TimeSpan timeout, WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensions) at Microsoft.SystemCenter.CrossPlatform.ClientActions.DefaultDiscovery.InvokeWorkflow(IManagedObject managementActionPoint, DiscoveryTargetEndpoint criteria, IInstallableAgents installableAgents)     This really didn’t give me any clues about the issue. Started Googling the issue, [...]

By |2013-06-20T11:06:46+01:00juni 20th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|Kommentarer lukket til SCOM 2012 Linux discovery: Unexpected DiscoveryResult.ErrorData type. Please file bug report. ErrorData:

SSL Certifikate Error – WS-Management Certificate Health

  Lately I have been working a bit with UNIX/Linux in SCOM 2012. I feel about it almost the same way I feel about certificates. Usually it works fine, but anything wrong or any errors, and it can quickly be a time consuming process.   Today I ran into the “SSL Certificate Error”. I got this alert on servers already monitored for a week, so I seemed a little strange. I had also done the scxconfig –export and –import, so I couldn’t see how it should be a certificate issue. Also, the Product Knowledge was of very little help, as [...]

By |2013-06-18T09:25:31+01:00juni 18th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|1 Kommentar

SCOM 2012 web console prompts for username and password

  I have seen this issue several times, but as I always forget it after I’ve fixed it, I decided to make a blog post about it. As far as I have learned this issue is due to a Kerberos double-hop. But, fear not! The solution is pretty simple: Open IIS Manager, go to Operations Manager and click Authentication:     Mark Windows Authentication and then click “Providers…” in the right side     Move up NTLM so it is first.   No restart of the server or IIS is necessary. This action must be performed on all management servers [...]

By |2013-06-17T15:38:33+01:00juni 17th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|9 Comments

Create a rule to collect Scheduled Task event log entries in SCOM 2012

  One of the biggest advantages of SCOM is how easy it is to pick up event from the event log and how flexible this can be. Simply go to Event Viewer, choose between the logs and find the event ID you want to alert upon.   But what about Scheduled Tasks? The status of the tasks is not written to any of the standard logs. So how does one pick them up? There is actually an event log for this; it is just not shown by default. In Event Viewer, right click Create Custom Views and scroll down to [...]

By |2013-04-29T15:44:31+01:00april 29th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|7 Comments

The Web Recorder tab is gone when recording a browser session in SCOM 2012

I was going to create a quite simple browser session for a customer today, but when IE opened the Web Recorder tab wasn’t present. As usual I minimize the 32 bit version and open the 64 bit version of IE instead, but with same result. I also made sure the “Enable third-party browser extensions*” was checked off. Odd! Clicking around in blind a little, I went to View and Explorer bars and noticed…. Web Recorder! Open that and enabled the Microsoft Web Recorder Helper And voila! I can now record sessions: NOTE: a little trick is also to edit the following [...]

By |2013-04-24T14:27:46+01:00april 24th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|Kommentarer lukket til The Web Recorder tab is gone when recording a browser session in SCOM 2012

Consolidate several performance counter objects to one in a performance rule in SCOM

  Creating a performance counter rule is fairly easy using the Select button to get the object and counter. However, some “systems” create a new performance counter for each of a given object.   One of these systems is SQL and the Buffer Manager object. This object is created for each instance you are running on a SQL server, as shown below with my instances:   So, if you have five instances on a server you don’t want to create a performance rule five times with different names (at least I assume so). To avoid this you can use wildcards [...]

By |2013-04-12T13:49:29+01:00april 12th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|1 Kommentar

Both True and False is enforced on a rule/monitor – who wins?

Got this question today: A rule/monitor is created and disabled by default The rule/monitor is overridden and enforced to False for a class The rule/monitor is then overridden and enforced to True for a specific object of the class Will the rule be True or False? I created a rule and disabled it by default. I then made an override for All Windows Server and enabled marked the ”Enforced” box.   I then made an override for a specific object of Windows Server, and changed the Override Value to True. I applied this change, but the Effective Value would still [...]

By |2013-02-22T12:23:35+01:00februar 22nd, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|2 Comments

Install a SCOM 2012 agent – silent

  As a part of a script, I wanted to install the SCOM agent on several servers. All these servers are in workgroup/dmz/other domains, which means I had to do a manual installation. Now, there’s a lot of guides on how to install an agent using a command line, the official one from Microsoft: Install Agent Using the Command Line: However, this one doesn’t describe any silent parameters. The only way to use the /silent parameter is when installing an OpsMgr component (server, gateway etc). I tried with the /qn option, which made my command look like this: msiexec.exe [...]

By |2013-02-21T15:14:53+01:00februar 21st, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|3 Comments

Solution for The certificate specified in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Machine Settings cannot be used for authentication. The error is The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized(0x8009030D)

  Certificates. Fairly easy to setup if you do it from scratch, but if something fails at some point, it can be a little tricky to troubleshoot. Today, I had one of the moments. At a customer we had a running OpsMgr environment with three gateway servers in the DMZ and some agents also in the DMZ, everything running smooth for a couple of months. Now, all of a sudden, no gateway servers could authenticate. We had changed nothing, we could telnet, the certificates weren’t expired etc. Weird!   On the management server I then noticed this error: Source: OpsMgr [...]

By |2013-02-19T12:25:53+01:00februar 19th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|5 Comments

Working with regular expressions and ip addresses in OpsMgr 2012

Today, one of my costumers asked me to create some groups and Live Maps views containing network devices with a specific ip address range. Now, im a big fan of the “work smarter, not harder” principle, so I wanted the groups and views to be dynamic using regular expressions. I’ve worked with regular expressions before, which is fairly manageable with a table of the meta characters on your hand. However, I find ip addresses a lot more tricky, which is why I’m posting different solutions. Before advancing, I would like to introduce you to a dear friend of mine: [...]

By |2013-02-12T17:16:48+01:00februar 12th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|7 Comments

Property reference with id {XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} in workflow cannot be resolved

  Today i was creating a new management pack in the Authoring Console. When I saved I didn’t get any errors, neither did I when I imported it. Shortly after event 1201 (management pack received), I received this event:     I know this is a problem with my newly created management pack, but the property reference id {8F538D63-86DA-C149-3C84-1F1AACE2DF930} doesn’t make any sense to me (I doubt it does for anybody). Resolution: To resolve this id, run this query against the OperationsManager database.   SELECT MT.TypeName, MTP.ManagedTypePropertyName FROM ManagedTypeProperty as MTP, ManagedType as MT WHERE MTP.ManagedTypePropertyId = '8F538D63-86DA-C149-3C84-1F1AACE2DF930' AND MTP.ManagedTypeId = [...]

By |2013-01-28T14:48:28+01:00januar 28th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|2 Comments

Set-SCOMLicense : Requested registry access is not allowed

  My colleague Kåre has already blogged about how to set the Operations Manager 2012 license, to be read here. However, I have experienced this command fails – even when running from an elevated Operations Manager Shell – giving error about registry access:   Solution: Instead of spending hours messing up the the security in registry, simply run Windows Powershell as Administrator, and import the Operations Manager module, by using the “Import-Module OperationsManager” cmdlet. When this has been imported, run the Set-SCOMLicense command and you should succeed:

By |2012-12-11T13:38:37+01:00december 11th, 2012|Operations Manager (SCOM)|18 Comments

OpsMgr: seal a management pack step by step

Sealing a management pack is fairly easy (everything’s easy when you’re good at it, i know), but this can be a little tricky the first couple of times. Follow this guide and you should not encounter any problems! To get started you need to download sn.exe and all referenced management packs. For OpsMgr 2007, these can be found in the Program Files\Operations Manager folder. For OpsMgr 2012, these can be found on the installation media. I have uploaded sn.exe and the management packs you need. Download them from here. It is far easiest seal management packs from your management server, as you need [...]

By |2012-09-24T20:55:10+01:00september 24th, 2012|Operations Manager (SCOM)|10 Comments