SCCM: Improved MDT – “Execute Runbook” Script

Hello EverybodyHere is a little xmas present from Team CTGlobalThis script is an improved version of the script used by MDT to for the “Execute Runbook” StepI has the following improvements:Success/Failed checkRetry if the webservice call failsRetrieval of the correct result, when a runbook has failed over to one or more servers.The currently included script in MDt, will accidently get the first result, which is the failed result, while the newst result is the succeded one.This improves stability of the step by far.This has been tested in a scenario that contains around 800 servers in each patch windows.Each server executes [...]

Disabling LEDBaT on Your Windows 2016/2019 Server

I have seen a few threads across a couple of forums asking about how to disable LEDBaT correctly. Here are two options which are applicable across a couple of scenarios: Scenario#1: You are confident you do not have any other custom CongestionProvider or TransportFilter configurations on your server. Solution: 1 of the 2Pints, Phil Wilcock (follow: @2PintPhil), has provide what is by far the quickest and easiest solution with good 'ol netsh: netsh int tcp reset *When you run the reset command, it overwrites the following registry keys, both of which are used by TCP/IP: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCP\Parameters This has the same effect as [...]

By |2018-11-19T06:23:22+01:00november 18th, 2018|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Powershell, Scripting|3 Comments

Create User collections based on AD department attribute with Powershell

If you are an organization who uses the Department attribute in Active directory and want to target users withing those departments for different deployments but you have a lot of departments and you don't know where to start, well then this post might be useful for you.   The script in this post retrieves all the departments that gets collected by the Users AD attribute by ConfigMgr (Not turned on by default needs to get added. See guide below) and from those departments it creates a user collection with a query that populates the collection with all users who are [...]

ConfigMgr PowerShell and WMI Excel spreadsheet

I just posted on Github updated version of Excel spreadsheet where you can find all the ConfigMgr PowerShell cmdlets, Primary Site WMI namespace methods, ConfigMgr Client WMI methods and COM object methods as well. You can download the Excel spreadsheet from here -

By |2017-12-08T09:48:01+01:00december 7th, 2017|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Powershell, Scripting|Kommentarer lukket til ConfigMgr PowerShell and WMI Excel spreadsheet

Intune: Use PowerShell management extension to enable BitLocker on a modern managed Win10 device

I wrote a blog post back in April on "how to manage BitLocker on a Azure AD Joined Windows 10 Device managed by Intune", where I also wrote a PowerShell script to automate the encryption process for the day that we would get PowerShell support in Intune. Well Microsoft announced in September the Management extension for Intune which basically lets you deploy PowerShell scripts via. Intune to Windows 10 devices. My co-worker Peter Daalmans wrote a great blog post about it right after, where he explained in more detail about the extension. I have a link for that post at [...]

PowerShell Script for updating Runbook Steps in a Task Sequence!

The MDT Toolkit is great! One very useful feature is the “Execute Runbook” Step, which can execute a runbook in Orchestrator. Unfortunately Orchestrator has a little quirk, when moving to new environment, such as moving from Test to Prod. All runbooks get a new GUID, and runbook parameters might get a new GUID.  Besides this, the Server names usually needs to be changed too! This can be a trivial task, which an automation guy like me hate to do! Everytime Server name is updated, all parameters has to be setup again. This also makes the task prone to errors! So [...]