Hardware overview with Power BI

In the true spirit of christmas, I will share some cool tricks on how to get deeper into Power BI. My good friend and collegue Henrik Hoe started out by showing a little bit on how to get started with Power BI, I will extend upon that and show you how easily create a live view of SCCM inventory data. First of all, we need to have Power BI Dekstop installed. For easy access to my SCCM database I installed it on my SCCM Primary Site (it is a test environment so that okay, but normally you would not do [...]

By |2017-08-22T09:57:20+01:00december 21st, 2015|Visualization|2 Comments

December 18th: Unattended Java 8 update 66 installation

This is a request we often get from our customers as Oracle often updates Java. This blogpost takes the newest version of Java 8 as an example, and on this date (December 18th) it’s Java Version 8 Update 66. Through the different updates the installation method has changed, but the general idea is the same, so it should be possible to use this for the next updates of Java version 8. First off we want to obtain the newest version of Java, and in an offline installer version, we can get that from Oracle’s own site. Keep in mind that [...]

By |2017-08-22T10:00:01+01:00december 18th, 2015|Packaging & Installation|Kommentarer lukket til December 18th: Unattended Java 8 update 66 installation

December 17th: Azure AD Connect – Step by Step (Pixi Book Style)

A Coretech Christmas Tale. Once a upon a time customers were having difficulties connecting their on-premise Active Directory to Azure AD. Throughout this post We will tell the story about "Test-users-1" and his journey from his well-known On-Premise AD (AD.Sandbx.dk) to the exciting Cloud know as Azure. If you are a customer and wish to recreate "Test-User-1" journey. Then it can easily be done by following his steps and completing your own POC for Azure AD. ___________________ Attached to this blog are a Word Document that in details shows all steps of the proces in 6 easy steps. Create Azure [...]

By |2015-12-17T09:00:54+01:00december 17th, 2015|Azure, Office 365|4 Comments

SCSM Send Email for Cireson Analyst Portal

07-12-2016 Updated to support Cireson Portal 6+ Many people still use the community solution called Send Email made by Travis Wright for Incident and later extended to Service Requests by Patrick Sundqvist. This allows the analyst to write a message to the Affected User or other related users on the Incident or Service Request and wrap the message in a nice email notification with prefilled information of your own choosing. Example:   At the same time you can control what should happen to the Incident or Service Request after the email has been sent – for example if the Message [...]

By |2017-08-22T09:28:44+01:00december 15th, 2015|Service Manager (SCSM), Tools|1 Kommentar

December 11: Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) Resources at your fingertips

I know it's a pompous title, but that still the idea behind what I want to show next. As an IT-Pro I am used to staying up to date on the latest technology that I am working with. And with On-premises solutions like traditional ConfigMgr implementations, staying up to date is not too hard with a little bit of effort since new features and updates are not added daily as opposed to what is going on in the Cloud. Now for some time now I have been working with Cloud services like Microsoft Intune and eventually EMS after the suite [...]

Roll Out New Configuration Manager Distribution Point with PowerShell

Here is a quick example how to install new Configuration Manager Distribution Point with PowerShell. As you see we have many options to expand this script. We can install Windows Server features, reboot it remotely, install additional software etc. It all depends how you wanna install and configure it. #Import the Module Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Replace("\bin\i386","\bin\configurationmanager.psd1") $SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSITE #Change the connection context Set-Location "$($SiteCode.Name):\" #New DP Information $DistributionPoint = 'DP01.4demo4.com' $SiteCode = 'PS1' # Test the connection to server     Test-Connection `         -ComputerName $DistributionPoint # OPTIONAL - Install Windows Server Roles and Features     Install-WindowsFeature `         -Name [...]

Don’t be fooled by the new Site Server Servicing Window in ConfigMgr 1511

In ConfigMgr 1511 you have a new maintenance windows when you open the site server properties. That’s NOT for traditional software updates but for the new ConfigMgr Updates and Servicing model. You get to the maintenance windows in the Administration workspace, Site Configuration, Sites. Right the primary site and select properties. In the Maintenance Window tab, create a maintenance window (and make sure you call it something like ConfigMgr Dynamic update Only). I did a few tests and the maintenance window do not apply to traditional software updates. According to my tests normal software software updates will still apply unless [...]

By |2015-12-09T19:43:25+01:00december 9th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|4 Comments

System Center Configuration Manager 1511 – Dynamic updates

Looking at the life of an IT Pro today, people like you and me are being challenged like never before. Long gone are the days where we only focused on traditional desktop management, today we are also challenged with managing mobile devices, like iOS, Android, Windows Phones and tablets. MAC OS 10, traditional desktops, road worriers, cloud services, SLA and visualization demands from from management and the list just goes on and on. In the middle of everything, right there in the eye of the Tornado is You....often trying to put out fires instead of spending time on being more [...]

By |2015-12-09T13:59:19+01:00december 9th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|9 Comments

When Power BI met the SCCM Community

SCCM Community meet Power BI – Power BI meet the SCCM Community… This blog post is the part 1 of 2 blog posts – and as you can see it’s all about introductions. Power BI is not a “new” thing, it’s been around for some time but is really just now starting to take off. (https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/) So what is Power BI? It’s a new online service for us to get insight of our SCCM data, and for us to further display data internally or to others. Previous versions was a coop between Power BI and Office 365, but now we [...]

By |2015-12-03T23:06:28+01:00december 3rd, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Office 365|1 Kommentar

December 3rd – SQL Stored Procedure in a SCOM Widget

Download Stored Procedure: [download id="270" format="1"] Download Web Site: [download id="269" format="1"] If you already knows about the Widgets in SCOM you have perhaps thought about how to execute a stored procedure against a SQL server directly from your console. However – I have used the following use-cases a couple of times before and used it for presenting different information. In this Use-case its about creating a widget which is able to show the current performance on the SQL Server database disk for your SCOM implementation (Web Browser Widget): First of all – why produce and present this information. Often when [...]

By |2015-12-03T12:00:00+01:00december 3rd, 2015|Operations Manager (SCOM), Visualization|Kommentarer lukket til December 3rd – SQL Stored Procedure in a SCOM Widget

December 2nd: Part 2: Uninstall Java (or any other software) with ConfigMgr Compliance Baselines

It's December 2nd and Christmas is just around the corner! Yesterday Jakob kicked off the Coretech December Calendar with a great post about "Triggering a webhook from a SharePoint workflow using Out-of-the-box Activities" (Check out his blog post here: http://bit.ly/1N16fte).  That was the  first, this is the second post in the Coretech blog series that will continue until December 24th - Christmas Eve! :) In Part 1 (http://bit.ly/1PlnDPr) I explained how you can utilize ConfigMgr Compliance Baselines for uninstalling software like Java, Adobe etc. with the help of PowerShell and WMI. Well in Part 1 we used the Win32_Product class which is not recommended [...]

December 1st: Azure Automation: Triggering a webhook from a SharePoint workflow using Out-of-the-box Activities

Welcome to this year Coretech December Calendar! Today is the 1st of december and we have a great little christmas treat for you! This is the first post in a series of posts, published every day in December. Today's subject is Triggering Webhooks from SharePoint! One of the great new features in Azure Automation is Webhooks! Webhooks is everywhere! More and more cloud services support them. Basically it is a simple HTTP Post sent to a web service that starts the runbooks. We can then send a bunch of data with the post and have the runbook receive these dato. [...]

By |2015-12-01T12:00:00+01:00december 1st, 2015|Automation, Azure|7 Comments

Get the latest post from the Coretech blog the moment it is published

Add the CTGlobal blog as an RSS Feed in Outlook Staying up to date is important as IT evolves and changes so rapidly. For the employees of Coretech, blogging about the products we work with and solutions we create or discover is a great way to stay current. Where we at the same time build a information database where others, both inside and outside of Coretech, can benefit from. This is key for us in Coretech and in this post I will show you how you can get the latest posts from the Coretech Blog the moment the post is [...]

By |2017-08-22T10:05:11+01:00november 30th, 2015|General info|Kommentarer lukket til Get the latest post from the Coretech blog the moment it is published

Part 1: Uninstall Java (or any other software) with ConfigMgr Compliance Baselines

Compliance Items and Compliance Baselines in ConfigMgr is so powerful! And with some PowerShell magic you can almost use it to do anything you like on a Windows based computer – Only your imagination that will be the showstopper! Here I will show how you can uninstall software using WMI and Compliance Items in SCCM. However, it is important that you read the following articles as the uninstallation process uses win32_product WMI class which is known for its evilness. Thanks to Kaido, Jürg and Torsten for pointing this one out. A updated post as been created using a better and more [...]

Azure automation: Start-AutomationRunbook – New simple way to start runbook jobs from within a runbook!

Microsoft has just released a new cmdlet in the realm of Azure automation. Start-AutomationRunbook The cmdlet is designed to start runbook jobs in the same account as the current running runbook, without having to define any endpoints/credentials/etc. Syntax is: Start-AutomationRunbook [-Name] <string> [-Parameters <IDictionary>] [-RunOn <string>] [<CommonParameters>] How to start a runbook: Start-AutomationRunbook – Name "Test-JSONOutput" Start a runbook on a hybrid worker Start-AutomationRunbook – Name "Test-JSONOutput" –RunOn "Denmark" NB! The cmdlet can only be used inside runbooks Great little addition to the built in cmdlets in Azure automation!

By |2015-11-20T15:33:22+01:00november 20th, 2015|Automation, Azure|6 Comments

MMS 2015 precon notes

Hi, thanks for an amazing week @ MMS. Here are the notes from our ConfigMgr Autmating the WSUS Cleanup process – https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/kea/house-of-cardsthe-configmgr-software-update-point-and-wsus/ SQL PowerShell audit script  http://stevethompsonmvp.wordpress.com/2014/05/19/powershell-sql-audit-script/ Splitting existing ConfigMgr database into multiple SQL files  http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/jnelson/archive/2009/07/27/140199.aspx Pre-creating the database before installing Configmgr – download script Multiple software upate points and shared db – http://blogs.msdn.com/b/steverac/archive/2013/02/07/configuring-multiple-software-update-points-in-a-configmgr-2012-primary-site-what-to-expect.aspx Slide deck SQL Script to for fragmentation on the SQL DB Checking the database fragmentation: Use CM_PS1 Go SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [Database Name], OBJECT_NAME(ps.OBJECT_ID) AS [Object Name],     i.name AS [Index Name], ps.index_id, index_type_desc,     avg_fragmentation_in_percent, fragment_count, page_count FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),NULL, NULL, NULL ,N’LIMITED’) AS ps     [...]

By |2015-11-19T00:06:16+01:00november 19th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Events|1 Kommentar

Microsoft EMS News App for Windows 10 and Windows Phone 10

Update: The app has now changed name and is published to the Microsoft store under the name Microsoft EMS Resources An updated blog post is published here: https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/mas/december-11-microsoft-enterprise-mobility-suite-ems-resources-at-your-fingertips/ As an IT-Pro I am used to staying up to date on the latest technology that I am working with. And with On-premises solutions like traditional ConfigMgr implementations, staying up to to date is not too hard with a little bit of effort since new features and updates are not added daily as opposed to what is going on in the Cloud. The cloud is evolving so fast with new features and services added daily [...]

Videos from System Center Universe Europe 2015 Online! Watch my 3 session here!

  Azure Automation Introduction SCUE15 - Azure Automation Introduction from itnetX AG on Vimeo. Azure Automation Deep Dive SCUE15 - Azure Automation Deep Dive from itnetX AG on Vimeo. Get runbooks from the AA sessions here: https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/jgs/azure-automation-samples-from-sessions/ Service Management Automation - Automating System Center SCUE15 - Automating System Center from itnetX AG on Vimeo. Here another cool Azure Automation session from SCU: SCUE15 - Migrating from Orchestrator to Azure Automation from itnetX AG on Vimeo.   Thanks for a great time at SCUE 2015! .. hopefully see you next year!

By |2015-10-23T15:22:20+01:00oktober 23rd, 2015|Events|Kommentarer lukket til Videos from System Center Universe Europe 2015 Online! Watch my 3 session here!

Tech Days.se 2015 – SCO & SCSM–Lessons learned from the real world–Slides, Examples, Tools, Template / How to use runbook template

Thanks for being a great audience! and for so many showing up! As promised I have uploaded the runbooks and management packs I demonstrated in the session including my SCO Template for runbooks Content Examples Tools Runbook Template Slides Download here: [download id="263"] Links: Best practices book: https://t.co/pOHfdmSJra Coretech MP Transfer tool https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/jgs/scsm-sco-management-pack-transfer-tool-beta-3-freeware/ SCSM Extension Integraiton Pack https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/jgs/scoscsm-2012-create-objects-with-activities-with-coretech-integration-pack-for-scsm-2012-extension-beta-2 Parse Export https://scorch.codeplex.com/releases/view/104915 Sanitize Export + Custom Runbook Activity Type + Lots of other stuff https://scorch.codeplex.com/   How to use the runbook template: Import runbooks. this includes folders and shared runbooks. But, to be able to create another stage that points to [...]

By |2015-10-22T16:29:31+01:00oktober 22nd, 2015|Automation, Events|Kommentarer lukket til Tech Days.se 2015 – SCO & SCSM–Lessons learned from the real world–Slides, Examples, Tools, Template / How to use runbook template

Techdays Sweden 2015, notes and links

Thanks to all attending the preconference on Managing Windows 10 with Microsoft EMS, MDT and Configuration Manager. To all of those who attending the “What’s new and coming in Configuration Manager vNext”. Sessions from Techdays will be online on Channel 9 https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechDays-Sweden/TechDays-Sweden-2015 Configuration Manager vNext information https://technet.microsoft.com/library/dn965439.aspx#BKMK_Win10Servicing Windows 10 Servicing must read https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt598226(v=vs.85).aspx Windows 10 Servicing must read https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt574263(v=vs.85).aspx and NO, it’s not the same doc SQL Audit - https://stevethompsonmvp.wordpress.com/2014/05/19/powershell-sql-audit-script/ WSUS optimization - https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/kea/house-of-cardsthe-configmgr-software-update-point-and-wsus/ Windows 10 Defender OMA-URI downloads - https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/kea/managing-windows-10-using-on-premises-mdm-in-system-center-configuration-manager-vnext/ Install and configure onprem-mdm in Configuration Manager vNext - https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/kea/install-and-configure-on-prem-mobile-device-management-mdm-with-configmgr-vnext-tp3/  

By |2015-10-22T09:43:47+01:00oktober 22nd, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Events|Kommentarer lukket til Techdays Sweden 2015, notes and links

Troubleshooting: An error occurred when creating the WSUS Signing Certificate (Secunia)

Lately I have been doing some Secunia integrations with System Center 2012 R2: Configuration Manager (SCCM/ConfigMgr 2012). When you are setting up the connector between Secunia CSI and WSUS one of the first things the wizard is asking you to do is to Configure a WSUS Self-Signed Certificate, the WSUS signing certificate is required to create and install local packages. Without it, only packages from Microsoft Update will be installed. How-ever this time I got this error when trying to 'Automatically create and install certificate'  during the Connector Wizard: An error occurred when creating the WSUS Signing Certificate Now this [...]

By |2015-10-20T20:14:46+01:00oktober 20th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Security|1 Kommentar