Personal notes nr.1 – USMT 4.0 with multiple partitions

So to remember all the small stuff/solutions I encounter during my work day, I decided to create a series of short post, as kind of reminder to myself on small tips and tricks , as swell as solutions to basic problems.  I figure that instead of writing this stuff down in a word doc, I might as well share it ( so don’t be surprised if some of the things seams almost to simple )   Today I ran into problems doing hardlink USMT 4.0 on some machines having tree partitions, (one of them being the BDE 300 MB Partition). [...]

By |2011-03-15T12:34:52+01:00marts 15th, 2011|OS Deployment, Personal|1 Kommentar

Complete SCUP 4.5 Guide

System Center Custom Updates Publisher is a freeware tool from Microsoft that can assist you in authoring and publishing 3rd. party updates to Configuration Manager. To get you started you can download the complete SCUP 4.5 installation and configuration guide In my guide I have references to two files used to deploy the needed certificates. Those are: Certutil.exe and certadm.dll, both files are part of the Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack.   If you are attending MMS 2011 don’t forget to stop by one of the SCUP labs, BOF or breakout sessions - BA18 Introduction to System Center Updates [...]

By |2011-03-10T12:12:00+01:00marts 10th, 2011|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Complete SCUP 4.5 Guide

How to assign basic reporting permissions in Configuration Manager R2

Configuration Manager 2007 R2 offers two options when it comes to reporting. The classical reports and SQL Reporting Services. This post will explain how you assign permissions to both solutions. Classical reports Add the user/group to the local SMS Reporting Users group on the Reporting Point In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to Security and assign the User/Group Read permissions on the Reporting Class. SQL Reporting Services Open the SQL Reporting Services website http://server/reports For SQL Reporting Services 2008 R2, Click Folder Settings. For SQL Reporting Services 2008, Click Properties. Click New Role Assignment Assign the Browser role for all [...]

By |2011-02-24T07:14:11+01:00februar 24th, 2011|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|5 Comments

MMS 2011 BIRDS-OF-A-FEATHER System Center Custom Updates Publisher

It’s only a month until this year MMS 2011 kicks off. I personally think it’s an awesome schedule this year, lots of very great speakers, hands on labs and BOF sessions. I have just submitted a BOF session with Jason Lewis. Jason is a program manager for Configuration Manager at Microsoft. The session will focus on System Center Custom Updates Publisher 2011 and version 4.5 The usage of SCUP is increasing and there is huge demand for knowledge on how to use the product correctly. This BOF will give you information about lessons learned from the field including tips and [...]

By |2011-02-20T12:09:33+01:00februar 20th, 2011|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til MMS 2011 BIRDS-OF-A-FEATHER System Center Custom Updates Publisher

Add AD user accounts to the SBS Console

[download id="28"] When you create AD user accounts through Active Directory Users and Computers, they don’t appear in the SBS Console. And therefore it is not possible to manage them from the Console. Run this VB script to add user accounts to the SBS console. Be sure to define the OU location for your users before running the script. The script don't add disabled accounts. ' //*************************************************************************** ' //*************************************************************************** ' // ***** Script Header ***** ' // ' // Solution:  SBS Console ' // File:      AddUsersToSBSConsole.vbs ' // Author:    Brian Fahrenholtz, Coretech A/S. ' // Purpose:   Add Active Directory [...]

By |2011-01-27T13:52:01+01:00januar 27th, 2011|Scripting & Development|5 Comments

Install the Configuration Manager administrator console

Recently I had to prepare a “Configuration Manager Servicedesk kit”. In the kit I added the Configuration Manager console and Client Center. The installation had a few challanges: Creating and specifying Setup.ini during the installation Installing the correct version of Client Center - X64 or X86 – depending on the architecture. To solve the challenge I created a Task Sequence with these steps Use Toolkit package Gather Run Command "%_SMSTSOOO00127%\bin\i386\setup.exe" /Script "%_SMSTSOOO00127%\Setup.ini" (where OOO00127 is the packge id). Make sure you have created a package with the Configmgr. source files and that package is selected in the TS Install software, [...]

By |2011-01-27T07:23:18+01:00januar 27th, 2011|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|2 Comments

Getting a Hardcopy of the TS progress report.

  I guess everyone uses the report showing how fare along a Task Sequence actually is, or if one of the steps has failed. But sometimes this report disappears after the TS finishes, so wouldn’t it be nice to always have it available afterword to see it one or more steps have failed, or to evaluate if an option acts like expected.. Well with a little help from one of my collages (Claus Codam) I created this routine to have that available, in by LOGS folder, and here is how. 1. Create a new user to use for reporting (in [...]

By |2011-01-21T16:09:02+01:00januar 21st, 2011|General info, OS Deployment|5 Comments

Making file copy easy.

I often run into questions concerning simple file copy during a SCCM/MDT Task Sequence.  There are many ways to accomplish this, but it seams most people wind up using the good old XCOPY command, and in general there is nothing wrong with that. When copying from a DP though, you might run into problems when copying all files and folders in the root on your source, as that points to the root of X:\windows and not the root of the package specified.. Well to work around any issues I created a small VBS script, that takes care of the copying [...]

By |2011-01-17T13:54:24+01:00januar 17th, 2011|General info, OS Deployment|29 Comments

Specific updates installed

A common question in the forums is “How can I see who has this specific update installed”. One easy way to check that is by creating a DCM rule. Create a new DCM Baseline Click Theese software Updates must be present Select the needed updates and click OK Fiinish the wizard and assign the baseline to collection If you want to create a collection based on the non-compliant computers, check this blog post -

By |2011-01-02T12:07:46+01:00januar 2nd, 2011|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|1 Kommentar

Configuration Manager Power Management charts won’t show

At a few sites I have experienced a problem where none of the Power Management charts will show in the canned SQL Reporting Services reports. Everything looks like fine from the client side, power management is part of the inventory and data is being send correctly back to the Management Point. Yesterday evening I found the solution the Technet forums (credit goes to Paul024). The solution In order to fix the problem, log on to the SQL Reporting Services point and run Dunsetup.exe (found in Configuration Manager install dir\Bin\I386\) The report after running Dunsetup.exe

By |2010-12-31T10:27:33+01:00december 31st, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Configuration Manager Power Management charts won’t show

How to fix ConfigMgr 2007 Console Error: “MMC cannot initialize the snap-in”

Today I was working in my test environment, my colleague had been testing some backup/restore of the site software. This had resulted in the console not working. this error appeared, when I tried to start it: “MMC cannot initialize the snap-in” I searched the net and found this article: ConfigMgr 2007: Unable to open Configuration Manager Console, error: MMC Cannot Initialize the Snap-in It helped me a lot in finding the installation log and testing the error. I had the problem in the installation log, but when I ran the commandline test: “C:\windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.0.50727\installutil.exe "Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager Console\AdminUI\bin\AdminUI.ResourceExplorerConsole.dll" /logfile=C:\inst.log  /showcallstack” [...]

By |2010-12-29T13:04:38+01:00december 29th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|1 Kommentar

Create ISO using WAIK and OSCDIMG

  To make an ISO file with a bundle of files, all you need is the Windows Automation Installation Kit WAIK. No need to pay for any 3rd party tool to do this. This Kit includes a tool OSCDIMG primarily used for making a bootable ISO of your WinPE, but can however also be use it to create a simple ISO file containing files, so you can access them trough CD mounting, in your Virtual environments. (or what ever you would need the files for) For this to work you must of cause have the Windows AIK installed on the [...]

By |2010-12-29T09:51:14+01:00december 29th, 2010|General info, OS Deployment|9 Comments

Using Software distribution and Desired Configuration Management to fix non-compliant computers

Desired Configuration Management (DCM) is a feature in Configuration Manager which helps us tracing non-compliant computers. In Configuration Manager 2012 the feature also allows us to automatically remediate non-compliant computers. With Configuration Manager 2007 we can use a combination of DCM and Software Distribution to achieve the same functionality. In this example I will create a DCM CI that will report a workstation as non-compliant if Adobe Flash automatic update is enabled. To fix the problem, I have a script that will disable the check for new updates. The script will be deployed using a normal software package. Part I [...]

By |2010-12-24T10:45:49+01:00december 24th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|5 Comments

Technet Julekalender d. 22. december 2010 (opdateret med svar)

Technet julekalenderen er godt igang og undertegnet deltager med spørgsmålet d. 22. december. Der er masser af spændende præmier i spil og en masse interessante spørgsmål. Spørgsmålet som findes nederst i denne blog post (fra d. 22. december kl. 09:00), kan besvares fra d. 22. december, når Bjarne Dollerup har givet startskuet, dette kan følgende på hans blog eller på Twitter (@ bdollerup). Svaret skal sendes som email [email protected] Den første som svarer rigtigt bliver kontaktet, og vinderen vil denne blive annonceret på bloggen. Spørgsmålet burde kunne besvares enten fra almindelig viden, eller ved at søge lidt på min blog. [...]

By |2017-08-22T13:09:43+01:00december 21st, 2010|Powershell|2 Comments

Include other files in VBScript

Have you ever wanted to include another .vbs file with all your common functions in a script? Many people I have met thought it wasn’t possible. But it is actually pretty easy to do with “ExecuteGlobal” to make it even easier, I have created a small function which you can put in your scripts and use a simple Include("C:\functions.vbs") I have made 2 small example scripts to show you how to use it: Functions.vbs: Sub WriteLog(strMessage) Const FOR_APPENDING = 8 strFileName = "C:\test.txt" Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFS.FileExists(strFileName) Then Set oFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFileName, FOR_APPENDING) Else Set oFile = objFS.CreateTextFile(strFileName) [...]

By |2010-12-17T14:36:03+01:00december 17th, 2010|Scripting & Development|5 Comments

Mastering Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 R3 training – 2011 Q1 dates and updated agenda (now with Forefront Endpoint Protection integration)

I’m thrilled to announce the lab schedule for first Quarter of 2011 along with the updated agenda. Dates Oslo, Norway - January 31 – feb. 2, 2011 Chicago, US - February 8-10, 2011  Stockholm, Sweden, February 16-18 New York, US - March 16-18, 2011 Boston , US - April 12-14, 2011   I have updated the agenda to include Forefront Endpoint Protection, client remediation, advanced software deployment, deploying custom updates like Adobe and Java. Updated agenda: Day 1 Introduction to System Center Installing and Configuring ConfigMgr. SP2 and R3 Installing and supporting ConfigMgr clients Installing and configuring clients Maintaining and [...]

By |2010-12-17T13:47:11+01:00december 17th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Mastering Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 R3 training – 2011 Q1 dates and updated agenda (now with Forefront Endpoint Protection integration)

Building a Discovery and a Group based on Computername Convention

To create a Group and a rollup for all your DNS servers like: DkCphDNS0xx you could create your own Management Pack like this walk through. The code used in the example is from Jonathan Almquist\s blogpost: and in this example the code is like this: <RuleId>$MPElement$</RuleId> <GroupInstanceId>$MPElement[Name="MP_RWSiteServers.RWSiteServersGroup"]$</GroupInstanceId> <MembershipRules> <MembershipRule> <MonitoringClass>$MPElement[Name="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.Computer"]$</MonitoringClass> <RelationshipClass>$MPElement[Name="SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroupContainsComputer"]$</RelationshipClass> <Expression> <Contains> <MonitoringClass>$MPElement[Name="MP_RWSiteServers.SiteServers"]$</MonitoringClass> </Contains> </Expression> </MembershipRule> </MembershipRules> </Configuration>

By |2017-08-22T13:09:03+01:00december 8th, 2010|Operations Manager (SCOM)|1 Kommentar Julekalender, 8. december (opdateret med spørgsmål)

Technet julekalenderen er godt igang og undertegnet deltager med spørgsmålet d. 8. december. Der er masser af spændende præmier i spil og en masse interessante spørgsmål. Spørgsmålet som kan findes nederst i denne blog post (fra d. 8. december kl. 09:00), kan besvares fra d. 8. december, når Bjarne Dollerup har givet startskuet, dette kan følgende på hans blog eller på Twitter (@ bdollerup). Svaret skal sendes som email [email protected] Den første som svarer rigtigt bliver kontaktet, og vinderen vil denne blive annonceret på bloggen. Spørgsmålet burde kunne besvares enten fra almindelig viden, eller ved at søge lidt på min [...]

By |2017-08-22T13:08:44+01:00december 6th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|1 Kommentar

XMAS fun at Microsoft Denmark

Snow is falling all around us these days and December is just around the corner. This year Microsoft Denmark is celebrating X-MAS with a daily quiz and your chance to win some great prices. Check out Bjarne Dollerups blog for more information. One more thing, the “Julekalender” is in Danish :-)

By |2017-08-22T13:47:46+01:00november 26th, 2010|General info|Kommentarer lukket til XMAS fun at Microsoft Denmark

Error extracting files from KB977384

I have seen a few Configuration Manager R3 installations failing when trying to create the Configuration Manager package and program. To fix that problem I extract the SCCM2007-SP2-KB977384-ENU.msi file like this: msiexec /a SCCM2007-SP2-KB977384-ENU.msi /qb TARGETDIR=D:\R3 The command will extract all files and place them in D:\R3. From this folder you can take the sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp file and create the configuration manager package manually.    

By |2010-11-24T21:47:02+01:00november 24th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|2 Comments