SCO2012: System Center 2012 Integrations Packs and Toolkit Released
Integrations Packs for SC2012 is Out! .. go get them! :)
Integrations Packs for SC2012 is Out! .. go get them! :)
How to use PowerShell Accelerators, and how to get a complete list of them!
Links to videos of all 3 sessions i did at on Orchestrator
One of the questions that I have had a lot lately, is how we configure Multi forest support in ConfigMgr. 2012. It’s my plan to document a few scenarios in terms of supporting sites, site systems and clients in remote forests. In this first part, I’ll explain how you can support clients in an untrusted forest without installing any remote site systems. Discover information from the remote forest To configure support for the remote forest: Configure credentials for discovering the “remote forest”. Configure Active Directory forest discovery to discover IP ranges and AD sites. Configure AD System discovery. In the [...]
I have this customer who had to move all driver packages from from one server a another. This of cause meant all the Data Source references had to be change as well. Once al the packages were moved to the new server I ran the following two scripts to change the source. All you need to change is the $Site to your site code, or add it is a parameter when you run the script. You will obviously also have to type in the old and new path. Syntax: Script.ps1 –Site XXX If you want to only run against one [...]
Tænk sig, det har lige været Jul og alligevel vælter det igen ned med gaver System Center 2012 RC2 suiten er klar til download fra TechNet Evalueringscenter. Husk også registreringen til MMS 2012 i Las Vegas, US – det tegner til at blive en af de mest interessante MMS events i mange år og det forventes at konferencen bliver udsolgt tidligt i år, – du kan opnå Early Bird pris intil 27. januar. Vi er 5 deltagere fra Coretech, og håber at møde så mange af Jer som mulig i Vegas.
Sometimes you want to shutdown a running process before running an installation of a piece of software. In that case the native XP/win7/server08, utility TASKKILL comes in handy. In a case where I had to upgrade MS Office Communicator to Lync! this would fail if OC was active on the users machine. So I just ran this command to close it before uninstalling. cmd.exe /c TASKKILL /IM communicator.exe /T /F No need to call any 3rd party tools like PSkill or any thing else..
Websites: – Configuration Manager 2012 download – Configuration Manager 2012 discussion list – SCUP 2011 download – FEP2012 beta download – System Center homepage – Latest info on CM2012 – CM2012 videos – Configuration Manager News groups – Config Mgr. homepage – Great community – Information about MOF editing – Config Mgr. addons – System Center Config Mgr. team blog – ConfigMgr 2007 Antivirus Scan and Exclusion Recommendations – Java install and upgrades – New Out of Band Management features in Configuration Manager 2012 [...]
The TechEd EMEA 2012 website is open, and part of the exiting program has already been revealed. This year TechEd will start Monday 25th. of June with an opportunity to participate in one of the pre-conference Seminars. I’m proud to announce that I will be hosting one of the seminars together with Johan Arwidmark. Our seminar is “User-Centric Application Delivery Rocks the World: Using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012 a dazzling seminar on how to distribute software using Configuration Manager 2012. Learn about the new infrastructure changes in Configuration Manager 2012, how to upgrade from Configuration Manager 2007, and how [...]
This solution have been tested with the RC Release – it could be changed in the Final Release. Last week I had an interesting case at a customer – they have a need of making the OpsMgr 2012 RC installation completely Fault tolerance – both the Operator console, Web console and report service need to be able to switch between two OpsMgr Management servers. By default if your System Center 2012 – Operations Manager Operations console is connected to the Data Access service of one management server and the connection fails, it does not automatically failover to another management server [...]
Generally I always use the append method of capturing my images (MDT’s ZTIBackup.wsf will do that for you, as explained here). This allows me to store multiple versions of my production image in the same image file. The biggest benefit of storing multiple images in the same wim file is of cause utilization of the single storage capabilities, as each file is only stored once, hence, space requirements for storing images are less. One problem though, is the amount of images, or INDEXES in the wim. First of it can be kind of messy if you have lots of index [...]
Stumbled over an issue with a Configuration Manager 2007 Reporting point this morning. The customer couldn’t run a report, instead they got this message in the browser: Cannot set application role 'webreport_approle' because it does not exist or the password is incorrect For what-ever reason it turned out the application role has dropped the default permissions in SQL. To fix and verify the problem I: Started SQL Server Management Studio Navigated to SMS_SiteCode, Security, Roles, Application Roles, verified that the wbreport_approle is created Opened the properties for the role and assigned the webreport_approle schema (which is the default setting for [...]
Converting flatten data to multi-value executions in Orchestrator 2012
It has happen to me before, and it will happen again. I ran my ConfigMgr. 2012 administrator console without starting it as Administrator. When trying to edit a report I got the error message: Report Builder 2.0 is not installed as a click-once application on report server The error message is kind of funny, as I had already configured ConfigMgr. 2012 to launch Reporting Builder 3.0 and not the default 2.0 version. When I finally managed to start the Configuration Manager Administrator console as administrator I successfully launched Reporting Builder 3.0 for information about tweeking ConfigMgr. 2012 to launch report [...]
I have had all kinds of trouble installing the Biometric fingerprint scanner that comes with most all new Lenovo laptops. Using the Lenovo software works, but I also installs al kinds of stuff that I don’t want, or need for that matter. Instead I choose to go with the original drive for the Hardware , exactly as I would do with Storage and network drivers.. All Lenovo machines ( that I know of anyway), that has a built in Biometric fingerprint scanner, uses hardware from AuthenTec, formerly UPEK, so all there is to it is to pull the correct drivers [...]
Cannot figure out how to search for a user via Distinguished name field in the active directory IP for SCORCH 2012? Look no futher, here is the solution.
The follwing two Configuration Manager 2012 courses will be published by Microsoft next year: Course 10747A: Administering System Center 2012 Configuration Manager For a complete description of the course: Course 10748A: Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager For a complete description of the course: Please note that the courses have not been released yet but beta versions should be availible primo January 2012 and if you are lucky you might be able to find a training center running these.
One very importent thing to check BEFORE you upgrade is the log file environment for your Operations Manager database, Please check the log size and the possibility to expand it along with the installation. Unfortunately is did cost me a couple of hours because of a Database where Autogrowth was disabled. Beside the Error 26319 in the Operations Manager log you will also get an error with MPInfra_p_ManagementPackinstall in the setup log. This is done when the installation is importing the new Management pack, Resolution – extend the size of your Operations Manager database log or Enable Autogrowth.
Nu er der kun 3 dage til jul, og i den anledning har jeg 3 spørgsmål der sikkert kræver lidt tid på TechNet og Bing. Nævn mindst 3 nye OSD features der bliver introduceret med Configuration Manager 2012 Hvilke krav er der til et Configuration Manager 2007 secondary site der skal migrereres til et Configuration Manager 2012 distribution point? Hvilket verdensklasse fodbold hold vandt den engelske mesterskab i sæsonen 1989/1990?
Min låge til technet kalenderen d. 19. december
Da der kun er 10 dage til jul har jeg valgt at vi i dag skal have to spørgsmål at varme os på. Medens du skyller morgen jule-gløcken ned, kan du passende gå på TechNet og finde svarene på følgende spørgsmål: Hvorfra kan du downloade alle de seneste System Center 2012 releases? Hvad hedder den nye discovery metode der er blevet introduceret i System Center Configuration Manager 2012? Vinderen er fundet, dagens heldige person er Per Møller, System Integrator, AARHUS TECH. Per har vundet denne Byg din egen robot arm – hvor fedt er det lige, stort tillykke herfra Proceduren [...]
The holidays are coming, and what better to spend them than together with your Families and favorite System Center apps. You can download all the latest System Center 2012 releases from -
I have a few customers who have many sits, end even more Distribution Points. They also have several different task sequences for deploying everything from XP to Server08R2. Every now and then, they will create new DP’s that needs to be updated with packages, and because of space and bandwidth issues, they do not necessarily want everything distributed to these DP’s. So how do we go about adding only the stuff we need to the new (or existing) DP? 1 – Download “ConfigMgr DP Util” by Cory Becht , and install it on your Computer. 2 – Run the [...]
Min låge til d. 9. decembers technet julekalender!