WMI Inconsistent or Error 25205 Failed to Uninstall SDK MOF

In the past couple of years I have stumbled over this error when I install OpsMgr Clients - It seams like some products are doing naughty things with the WMI database, which then leaves the WMI repository in Inconsistent state. The way I correct this is by using the following recipe: Error when installing OpsMgr Agent: Symptoms: Check Properties on your computer, are there no information in Processor and Memory????? Resolution: 1)      Change to C:\windows\system32\wbem 2)      Run the command: winmgmt /verifyrepository 3)      Check the result: “WMI repository is INCONSISTENT” ? 4)      If so run the command: winmgmt /salvagerepository 5)      Check [...]

Configmgr 2007 R3

For those interested I just posted my first post on Installing and configuring ConfigMgr. 2007 R3. The post can be readhttp://scug.dk/blogs/configurationmanager/archive/2010/04/29/first-look-at-configmgr-r3.aspx

By |2010-04-29T10:20:04+01:00april 29th, 2010|Events|Kommentarer lukket til Configmgr 2007 R3

New SCUG event

It looks like the guys over at SCUG have arranged yet another exiting event - http://scug.dk/content/SystemCenterUserGroupMeeting-May2010.aspx

By |2010-04-29T07:28:42+01:00april 29th, 2010|Events|Kommentarer lukket til New SCUG event

MMS 2010 – Day 3 keynote

The keynote focused on desktop management with focus on these features: Configmgr 2007 R3 The upcoming release of ConfigMgr. R3. During the SCUG event back in November Wally Mead talked about the R3 feature pack. In the keynote we saw a life demo focusing on the power management feature in R3. It’s really a cool feature that will assist all of us in ongoing effort to save money and become greener. Availability: Beta 1 can be downloaded from Microsoft today ConfigMgr. Citrix XenApp integration We also saw a cool demo of how Citrix XenApp intergrates with ConfigMgr. The demo was [...]

By |2010-04-22T01:28:57+01:00april 22nd, 2010|Events|Kommentarer lukket til MMS 2010 – Day 3 keynote

MMS 2010 – Tuesday

My first day on MMS started with the keynote presented by Bob Muglia. The session was streamed and can viewed online here State of the union The number one session every year is the State of the Union. This session takes us thru the last 12 months of ConfigMgr and also look 12-18 months into the future of the product. Every year the session starts with a top 10 list. This year the list was about the code names for vNext. Top 10 – codenames for vNext 1. Code Name vNext won the competition because none of us are really [...]

By |2010-04-21T06:53:02+01:00april 21st, 2010|Events|Kommentarer lukket til MMS 2010 – Tuesday

Blogging from MMS 2010

From being on my way to bed Sunday evening I am now in Las Vegas. Just arrived to Hotel Venetian in Las Vegas last night; after 35 hours travelling from Denmark. Late Sunday evening (20:30) I heard a rumor on Facebook saying; that if we could be at the Copenhagen airport within 23:00 we could be transported to Oslo where a flight was waiting to take us to Washington or NY. I Called SAS and got the rumor confirmed (Huge thank to Stefan Schörling, Swedish ConfigMgr. MVP – great to have a friend who’s spending most of his Sunday evening [...]

By |2010-04-20T14:38:37+01:00april 20th, 2010|Events|Kommentarer lukket til Blogging from MMS 2010

Microsoft Scripting Games 2010

  It is almost time for the annual Scripting Games at Microsoft Scripting Guys! Scripting games is a fun “competition” with a lot of different scripting challenges. This year it is held from April, 26 – May 7. I suggest all scripters to join the fun!, it is good practice for both newcomers and hardcore scripting guys!, since there is both a basic and advanced part of the challenges! All challenges can be solved in VBScript or Powershell. This year i have been selected to make one of the expert solutions, so check out my solution at VBScript: Advanced event [...]

By |2010-04-20T12:50:29+01:00april 20th, 2010|Powershell, Scripting & Development|Kommentarer lukket til Microsoft Scripting Games 2010

On my way to MMS 2010

It’s nothing less than a miracle. The airspace in Norway is now open. Right now I am waiting for a bus that will take me from Copenhagen to Oslo tonight 02:00 AM. The bus will take us thru Denmark, Sweden and finally to Oslo (Captital of Norway). Here (hopefully) I will board my flight to Washington. This will take me around 30 hours; but hey – there is gold waiting for me at the end of the Rainbow. Great sessions with the number 1 System Management speakers of the world :-)

By |2017-08-22T13:46:21+01:00april 18th, 2010|Events, Personal|Kommentarer lukket til On my way to MMS 2010

Awarded MVP 2010 in Configuration Manager

Wauw, look what the Easter Bunny just mailed me: Dear Kent Agerlund, Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2010 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in System Center Configuration Manager technical communities during the past year. The award really makes me proud and I’m honored to become part of the Configuration Manager MVP team. A team of people I really admire and respect for their dedication and knowledge. Spending all this time in the Configuration [...]

By |2010-04-01T19:18:00+01:00april 1st, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Personal|7 Comments

New version of Johan Arwidmark’s “Pretty Good Frontend” has been released

Johan has just released a new version of his Pretty Good Frontend which is a suburb frontend for your MDT and Configuration Manager image deployment solutions. The frontend is a free download and comes with a complete setup guide. Download the tool and Download the setup guide To Johan; keep up the great work. There is nothing like really cool utilities directly from the “masters”.

By |2010-03-29T20:28:38+01:00marts 29th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Tools|1 Kommentar

.NET Links and Books (2956B/2957B)

Exam: 70-536: http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/Exam.aspx?ID=70-536&Locale=en-us Second shot (valid until June 30, 2010): http://www.prometric.com/Microsoft/SS_MCP_form.htm?s=ssm MOC 2956B: Delegates and Events in C# / .NET http://www.akadia.com/services/dotnet_delegates_and_events.html DotNetZip - Zip Class Library http://dotnetzip.codeplex.com/ Prefix-casting versus as-casting in C#: http://gen5.info/q/2008/06/13/prefix-casting-versus-as-casting-in-c/ MOC 2957B: Hatchbrush shapes: http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/CSharp/0480__2D/HatchBrushStyle.htm Manual Double buffering: http://www.bobpowell.net/doublebuffer.htm String Format 101: http://blogs.msdn.com/kathykam/archive/2006/03/29/564426.aspx Regex Lib: http://www.regexlib.com RegexBuddy: http://www.regexbuddy.com/ Service Custom Commands http://arcanecode.com/2007/05/30/windows-services-in-c-sending-commands-to-your-windows-service-part-7/ IPC Channel communication http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/csharp/cs_syntax/remoting/article.php/c9251 Automation Compatible Types: (not complete) http://dragona79.springnote.com/pages/97595 Other: From WinForm to WPF: A Quick Reference guide http://www.simple-talk.com/dotnet/.net-framework/from-winform-to-wpf-a-quick-reference-guide/ ReSharper http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/buy/index.jsp

By |2010-03-29T10:19:11+01:00marts 29th, 2010|Scripting & Development|6 Comments

SQL Reporting Services and antivirus settings

Just installed and configured SQL Reporting Services 2008 with ConfigMgr. 2007 R2 SP2 this morning. Everything went smoothly except for one minor detail; I got an error in my mail subscription: Failure sending mail: The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was 0x800ccc15. The server response was not available After a little investigation it turned out that the McAfee firewall was causing the problem. From the local firewall log file we could see these entries: 3/22/2010 9:57:12 AM Blocked by port blocking rule C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\ReportingServicesService.exe Anti-virus Standard Protection:Prevent mass mailing [...]

By |2010-03-22T14:51:52+01:00marts 22nd, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)|Kommentarer lukket til SQL Reporting Services and antivirus settings

VBScript: Move computer object to another OU via Command line parameter

[download id="19"] UPDATE: New improved script 0.0.3 uploaded. Thanks to Nico_ at Technet Forums! Hello everyone My collegue Michael Petersen, needed a script to move computers to another OU, after re-installing them via SCCM/ConfigMgr. He have written a blog post to show how to use it in a Task Sequence: https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/mip/using-ts-variables-when-running-a-script-under-a-different-account/ therefore i developed this small script All you needs to do is to run it with the CN for the new OU (without the LDAP://) in the commandline like this: cscript.exe MoveOU.vbs "OU=HQ,dc=woodgrovebank,dc=com" ' //*************************************************************************** ' //*************************************************************************** ' // ***** Script Header ***** ' // ' // Solution: ConfigMgr [...]

By |2010-03-17T16:30:33+01:00marts 17th, 2010|Scripting & Development|75 Comments

Automate your group creation with Powershell

One of our very good customers are managing servers with an dedicated internal administrator as a primary contact for each server. They are managing this one to one relation with an Excel sheet. A while ago we talked about automating this group creation with powershell, so the last time Jacob and I was discussing Powershell in Operations Manager we found a solution - Jacob who is the best Danish Powershell Guru of cause did a superoptimization of my first script and now its up to you to test it on your own. Please change the first lines of the script to [...]

Shavlik now integrates with ConfigMgr. Software Updates

Most of you already have knowledge about the power of SCUP used together with ConfigMgr. System Center Custom Updates (SCUP) gives you the possibilities to include 3rd. party updates in your normal Configuration Manager software update deployments. One of the downsizes to SCUP is that it requires high level of knowledge about each update you want to distribute. Shavlik now offers ConfigMgr. Customers to subscribe to a very rich catalog of 3rd. party updates. Read more about the solution http://www.shavlik.com/scupdates.aspx and to see full list of updates supported - http://forum.shavlik.com/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=15901

By |2010-03-06T11:09:13+01:00marts 6th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|3 Comments

Hide software update notifications

When configuring software updates with ConfigMgr. one of the challenges that I run into the most; is hiding software update notifications from some clients while allowing a full notification on other computers. You can solve this challenge in two different ways. Hide all software update deployments and create a package that will display notifications on some clients Allow software update notifications and create a package that will remove the notification on some clients. Configure the Software Update Client Agent In this example I will allow software updates notifications on the agent.  Then i will create a package that removes the [...]

By |2010-02-19T12:39:01+01:00februar 19th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Hide software update notifications

Tripple check your software updates this month

As some of you might already be aware of; MS10-015 (KB977165) might cause a BSOD. As far as I have read the problem is not the update itself, but caused by an existing infection on the computer.  For updates on this issue be sure to check - http://blogs.technet.com/msrc/archive/2010/02/11/restart-issues-after-installing-ms10-015.aspx

By |2010-02-15T09:28:56+01:00februar 15th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Tripple check your software updates this month

Problem finding the Win7 Time Zone names!

Remember In the good old Windows XP days, when the Time Zone you used when creating your Sysprep.inf/Unattend.txt was just a number you could look up in a Microsoft table (and properly also remember) Well those days are almost gone and now you will have to use Time Zone ID which is a Name rather than a number, so the Danish time zone that used to be 105, is now Romance Standard Time… So the question then is, where do i get a hold of those names?? The answer is simple…TZUTIL which is an embedded windows 7 command line tool. [...]

By |2010-02-12T10:28:15+01:00februar 12th, 2010|OS Deployment|1 Kommentar

Using the archive_reports.sms file to monitor inventory data

As you might know SMS/Configmgr; has some secret files that can change the way agents behave. One of the files is called archive_reports.sms. When you add this file to the inventory temp folder (\system32\ccm\inventory\temp\) it will prevent the inventory xml files from being deleted after they are send to the management point. This can be very useful when you want to track the size of each inventory file. In my screen dump you can see several xml file. I use this feature to spot the change in file size whenever I enable new classes in my sms_def.mof file (AI classes, [...]

By |2010-02-09T18:58:44+01:00februar 9th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|2 Comments

The annoyance of none elevated command prompts.

You know how when ever you run something from a prompt in Windows 7 or Server2008 you need to remember to elevate the privileges, or you will get the annoying message that you do not have administrative privileges, which then means you will have to open a new prompt, run it as administrator,  and do things all over again.. (especially annoying when working with WAIK) Well I know that you could just disable UAC all together, but that's not what Microsoft intended when they put it there! and it would also mean a huge decrease in security. So what to [...]

By |2010-02-09T10:17:47+01:00februar 9th, 2010|General info, OS Deployment, Windows Client|Kommentarer lukket til The annoyance of none elevated command prompts.

Distribution Manager – package status is install pending

Its Friday the weekend is coming up and what I don’t want is a day filled errors . On the other hand, errors can be a cool way to start the weekend – if you get them solved! The first 10 minutes at the customer site went according to my plan. I got some coffee and began to distribute a new package. The coffee was black and strong (which is good) but my package never made it to the distribution point (which is not good). The error The status in the console was stuck in Install Pending. I looked at [...]

By |2010-01-29T18:42:56+01:00januar 29th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|5 Comments

Software Updates – Waiting for another installation to complete

Looking at the compliance reports I see that most of updates are installing ok but some are constantly saying “Waiting for another installation to complete” The updates won’t install and end-users are constantly getting an error saying the another installation process is already running. It’s not another running process causing the problem, so restarting services won’t help. Information is stored in WMI and most likely is caused by an earlier installation that failed. To fix the problem – two solutions The drastic one – Repair WMI Log on to the client and stop the Windows Management Instrumentation Service – WMI [...]

By |2010-01-17T08:26:55+01:00januar 17th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|5 Comments