Take control of your ConfigMgr Collections part 1

If you are managing a large ConfigMgr environment, then it is important to know when your collections updating their memberships and if your collections are updating exactly the same time, then it may hit your SQL very badly. This script reads all the collections and you can specify which output you want – CSV or HTML. You can download the script from here

System Center 2012 ConfigMgr Advanced infrastructure session notes

Here are the promised links to our demos from the advanced infrastructure session @MMS 2013 in Las Vegas. View the session on channel 9 and download slides: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/MMS/2013/UD-B308 Working with Management Point and SQL replicas: Step-bystep guide to create a Management Point replica: https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/kea/working-with-database-replicas-on-your-management-point/ Video on setting up a Management point replica: http://myitforum.com/myitforumwp/2012/08/06/next-sccm-guru-webcast-features-brian-mason/  Working with Software Updates: Software Updates: http://blogs.technet.com/b/configmgrteam/archive/2013/03/27/software-update-points-in-cm2012sp1.aspx Installing Workgroup clients: Orchestrator runbook by Andreas Falck to install Workgroup clients with PKI  http://falckbloggen.wordpress.com/2013/03/13/configuration-manager-2012-and-deploy-agent-to-dmz/ Distribution Points and WAN: Coretech Distribution Point Utilization Monitor: https://blog.ctglobalservices.com/kea/coretech-distribution-point-utilization-monitor/ Brian Mason on twitter: @AbetterPC Brian Mason blog: http://www.mnscug.org/blogs/brian-mason Kent Agerlund on twitter: @Agerlund

By |2013-04-17T13:58:43+01:00april 17th, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|7 Comments

Coretech Distribution Point Utilization Monitor

Ever wanted to see how much content is being downloaded by each ConfigMgr. client and from where? Then look no further, the Coretech Distribution Point utilization monitor will give you the answers. The tool has a server portion with a database and a client that you install on all distribution points. Once a day the client (agent on the Distribution Point) will collect information from the IIS log files, convert the files to a CSV format and copy them to the server. The server uses a scheduled task in Windows to import all data into the database. Once in the [...]

By |2013-04-16T23:45:42+01:00april 16th, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|31 Comments

Consolidate several performance counter objects to one in a performance rule in SCOM

  Creating a performance counter rule is fairly easy using the Select button to get the object and counter. However, some “systems” create a new performance counter for each of a given object.   One of these systems is SQL and the Buffer Manager object. This object is created for each instance you are running on a SQL server, as shown below with my instances:   So, if you have five instances on a server you don’t want to create a performance rule five times with different names (at least I assume so). To avoid this you can use wildcards [...]

By |2013-04-12T13:49:29+01:00april 12th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|1 Kommentar

Slide deck from Birds of a Feather “BOF08 PowerShell – Examples from the Real Word”

First, a huge thank to all of you who decided to spend a Wednessday evening in Las Vegas with Kaido and I – we hoped for 20 and 4 times that number showed up. The slide deck from BOF sessions are not available on http://www.2013mms.com/ You can download our slide deck from the BOF08 PowerShell – Examples from the Real Word session here

By |2013-04-11T15:14:03+01:00april 11th, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|1 Kommentar

Slides from Coretech Seminar – April 2013

  Coretech wants to thank all attendee’s for a successful and fun day at Teknologisk Institut. As promised, the presentations have been uploaded. The file contains the following presentations: Service Manager ”Gennemgang af Service Manager og anvend systemets styrker i hverdagen” Speakers: Brian Fahrenholtz & Morten Meisler Powershell ”Managing SCCM2012 with Powershell” Taler: Kaido Järvemets SCCM and Secunia ”Håndtering af Microsoft opdateringer og 3. parts opdateringer” Speakers: Kent Agerlund & Henrik Hoe Operations Manager ”Operations Manager 2012 IRL” Speakers: Kåre Rude Andersen Service Manager – overview and selfservice using Orchestrator ”Introduktion til Service Manager og sammenspillet med Orchestrator” Speakers: Jakob [...]

By |2013-04-08T14:08:38+01:00april 8th, 2013|Events|Kommentarer lukket til Slides from Coretech Seminar – April 2013

Deploy Windows 8 Enterprise x86 on a UEFI x86 device using SCCM 2012 SP1

New Toys For The Boys Don’t we all love new toys, especially the ones that require an occasional recharge. The latest thing I got my hands on is the Lenovo Tablet 2, a very nice 10” tablet thing, with a couple of nice add-ons, like a docking  station, Bluetooth keyboard and a pen like stylus. But what I really like about it is that it runs a full version of Windows 8 x86, which means that I can deploy its OS over and over again   So I fired up my SCCM Console to do exactly that … The Drivers [...]

Getting ready for MMS 2013

It’s that time of year again – MMS in Vegas. This year I’ll be (co)-hosting 6 sessions – if you still have an empty slot in your schedule please consider one of these Managing Third Party Updates with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1  - Sunday, April 7, 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM Kent Agerlund, Lawrence Garvin The session will provide you with tips and tricks to solve the daily challenges around patching your environment with Microsoft and non-Microsoft updates. You will learn how to design and configure a Software Update solution that will be easy to manage and yet [...]

Awarded Most Valuable Proffesional– MVP 2013

What a nice day, Sun is shining, the snow is melting and I just got this mail     Dear Kent Agerlund, Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2013 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in System Center Configuration Manager technical communities during the past year.

By |2013-04-01T16:49:42+01:00april 1st, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Personal|6 Comments

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 Cumulative Update 1 PowerShell Parameter Sets Excel Sheet

I just updated the SP1 RTM version of Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 RTM PowerShell Parameter Sets Excel sheet and with SP1 CU1 we have 511 CMDLETS and 1675 parametersets :)   You can download the Excel Sheet from here Happy Scripting Kaido    

By |2013-03-25T14:24:38+01:00marts 25th, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Powershell, Scripting & Development|Kommentarer lukket til System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 Cumulative Update 1 PowerShell Parameter Sets Excel Sheet

SCOM 2012 R2 – Advanced Operations Manager Training

The new instructor led training (Now in R2) are ready and scheduled. I have scheduled training in both US, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. So please contact me or one of the training centers about this training. If you have questions to the content or want more information – please send me an email. [email protected] And exactly as on the Mastering training – you will get a training book with more than 25 real life Labs. And samples of every Rule and Monitor in SCOM 2012 R2.   Training Schedule: SCOM Advanced Denmark: Coretech: 30. April – 2. may 2013 SCOM [...]

By |2013-03-22T09:38:47+01:00marts 22nd, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|1 Kommentar

SCO 2012: PS Function for parsing the result of the “Run Exchange Management Shell Cmdlet” Activity

  If you are using the Exchange Admin Integration Pack. You might have tried to use the run exchange shell cmdlet" activity and disocvered that the result is kind special in formatting.   Your result will look similar to this: [PSComputerName: ex2010.cloud.local] [RunspaceId: f30b4063-2b50-4609-9f84-91a480ac4bea] [Database: Mailbox Database 1872261918] [UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults: True] [RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup: False] to help you , i have created a function for powershell that does it job: function ConvertTo-ExchangeOutputCollection ([String] $inputText = @(throw "Error No Input Text supplied")) { $returnCollection = @{} $keypairCollection = $inputText.Split("`n") foreach ($keypair in $keypairCollection) { $trimmedKeyPair = $keypair.Trim().TrimStart("[").TrimEnd("]") $splitPosition = $trimmedKeyPair.IndexOf(":") $propertyName = $trimmedKeyPair.Substring(0,$splitPosition).Trim() $propteryValue [...]

By |2013-03-21T15:57:19+01:00marts 21st, 2013|Automation|5 Comments

PowerShell – How to do WMIClass CreateInstance but WITH credentials

Today I was building a script to create system resources in SCCM 2012 and part of the task was to add these resources to a set of collections. The script will use from the SCCM server when finally implemented but for now I was using my laptop for editing and debugging. When I came to the point where I had to create the actual membership rules for the collections I ran into a hurdle that puzzled me. The WMI object I had to create was the SMS_CollectionRuleDirect, which often is done using this simple PowerShell snippet: $ruleClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($server)\root\sms\site_$($sitecode):SMS_CollectionRuleDirect".CreateInstance() And [...]

PowerShell to the rescue – Clean up direct collection memberships

We where talking to a customer about how to avoid waiting for Active Directory group synchronization to occur and place a device in the correct collections faster than “until the next synchronization”. The main problem with this setup was caused by the fact that they used a group-in-group membership to identify collection memberships and apparently SCCM 2012 don’t include indirect changes to group membership as delta changes (I have not tested this in details yet). So we came up with the idea to just create a direct membership to place the device in the collections instantly to make sure that [...]

By |2013-03-12T12:31:15+01:00marts 12th, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Powershell|3 Comments

Running Tasks with PowerShell and $ID$

Whenever you want to run a Task against an Alert, its so easy to use the $ID$ variable: Create the powershell script c:\scripts\UpdAlert.ps1 with at least the following lines: Param($ID) Import-module OperationsManager GET-SCOMAlert –id “$ID” | SET-SCOMAlert –TicketID ‘100’ –ResolutionState 249 And create the following Task: Stay on one of your Alerts and Run the tasks Refresh (F5) before you check the Alert You could extend the script with other parameters like Logging Computer and User etc. Check the Powershell help with the command: Get-Help Setp-SCOMAlert – Detailed to see more parameters. See you a MMS Kåre

By |2013-03-09T11:10:22+01:00marts 9th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|Kommentarer lukket til Running Tasks with PowerShell and $ID$

How can I determine what Antimalware Policy is applied to my SCEP 2012 SP1 client

Niall Brady posted a blog post a few days ago How can I determine what Antimalware Policy is applied to my SCEP 2012 SP1 client. Niall showed how to check Antimalware Policy via registry or via Configuration Manager Console. Actually there is one method more - Antimalware policy is also stored in WMI class . You can use query below to identify the Antimalware policy from WMI. $EmptyPolicy= @() $EPPolicy = Get-wmiObject -namespace "Root\ccm\Policy\Machine\ActualConfig" -query "Select Name from CCM_AntiMalwarePolicyClientConfig" | ForEach-Object {$EmptyPolicy+=$_.Name} $EmptyPolicy | Group-Object | Select-Object -Property Name -Unique   Script Output  

By |2013-02-22T18:53:09+01:00februar 22nd, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Powershell|1 Kommentar

Both True and False is enforced on a rule/monitor – who wins?

Got this question today: A rule/monitor is created and disabled by default The rule/monitor is overridden and enforced to False for a class The rule/monitor is then overridden and enforced to True for a specific object of the class Will the rule be True or False? I created a rule and disabled it by default. I then made an override for All Windows Server and enabled marked the ”Enforced” box.   I then made an override for a specific object of Windows Server, and changed the Override Value to True. I applied this change, but the Effective Value would still [...]

By |2013-02-22T12:23:35+01:00februar 22nd, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|2 Comments

Install a SCOM 2012 agent – silent

  As a part of a script, I wanted to install the SCOM agent on several servers. All these servers are in workgroup/dmz/other domains, which means I had to do a manual installation. Now, there’s a lot of guides on how to install an agent using a command line, the official one from Microsoft: Install Agent Using the Command Line: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh230736.aspx However, this one doesn’t describe any silent parameters. The only way to use the /silent parameter is when installing an OpsMgr component (server, gateway etc). I tried with the /qn option, which made my command look like this: msiexec.exe [...]

By |2013-02-21T15:14:53+01:00februar 21st, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|3 Comments

State of the Empire: How to use E-mail Notifications in ConfigMgr 2012 SP1

In the old days you found out something was wrong when phones started to ring and senior management was at you "doorstep" with an angry look. In Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 we have many ways of being proactive with the state of our environment and the state of our precious clients. In this blog post ill cover: Client Status alerts (Check, Remediation & Activity) Endpoint Protection alerts (Malware detection & outbreak) Site Server status alerts (Site backup, Software Update sync, Database free space & replication) Reports Note: E-mail Notification component has to be configured in the Configuration Manager environment. Client [...]