Slides for OpsMgr 2007 R2 CU2 [download id=‟22″ format=‟1″] This slides are from my session at Global Knowledge, 12. maj 2010. By Kåre Rude Andersen|2017-08-22T13:46:59+01:00maj 12th, 2010|Events, Operations Manager (SCOM)|1 Kommentar Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkE-mail Om forfatteren: Kåre Rude Andersen Microsoft Certified Trainer since 1996, MCSE, TS and ITP in Microsoft Windows, SQL (also Microsoft), Exchange (MS) and Microsoft Operations Manager. Senior Consultant and have recently worked as a consultant at CSC, SAS, ISS, Nokia and Scandlines. Beslægtede indlæg 2017 SCUG Dates are planned januar 19th, 2017 Ready to Upgrade to SCOM 2016? november 3rd, 2016 Notes from the Top 10 Enterprise client management frustrations and how to avoid them session @ ITDevconnections in Las Vegas, October 2016 oktober 11th, 2016 SQL Error in SCOM 2016 TP5 maj 23rd, 2016 Links from our MMS ConfigMgr precon session maj 17th, 2016 En kommentar Kim Rousting maj 12, 2010 af 12:10 fint indlæg hos GlobalK… spændt på at teste / prøve SCOM 2007 Der er lukket for kommentarer.
fint indlæg hos GlobalK… spændt på at teste / prøve SCOM 2007