Collections not being refreshed in ConfigMgr 2012 R2
Case, old collections do not refresh when adding or removing objects to the collection. New collections are updated, it just takes a long time. Looking in the colleval.log file there was a lot of errors like this: *** exec dbo.sp_TransferMembership 'PS100014', 0 SMS_COLLECTION_EVALUATOR 02-06-2014 23:14:36 7392 (0x1CE0) *** [23000][547][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "ClientOfferStatus_ItemKey_Partition_CK". The conflict occurred in database "CM_PS1", table "dbo.ClientOfferStatus", column 'ItemKey'. : CollectionMembers_ins_upd_del SMS_COLLECTION_EVALUATOR 02-06-2014 23:14:36 7392 (0x1CE0) CCollectionSource_SQL::RefreshResults - could not execute SQL cmd exec dbo.sp_TransferMembership 'PS100014', 0 SMS_COLLECTION_EVALUATOR 02-06-2014 23:14:36 7392 (0x1CE0) STATMSG: ID=601 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS [...]