A Coretech Christmas Tale.
Once a upon a time customers were having difficulties connecting their on-premise Active Directory to Azure AD.
Throughout this post We will tell the story about „Test-users-1‟ and his journey from his well-known On-Premise AD (AD.Sandbx.dk) to the exciting Cloud know as Azure.
If you are a customer and wish to recreate „Test-User-1‟ journey. Then it can easily be done by following his steps and completing your own POC for Azure AD.
Attached to this blog are a Word Document that in details shows all steps of the proces in 6 easy steps.
- Create Azure Subscription (Part 1)
- Verify domain in Azure (Part 2)
- Create Azure Sync user (Part 3)
- Configure on-premise users (Part 4)
- Install Azure AD Connect (Part 5)
- Verify that configuration works (Part 6)
Free to use at your own risk.
Download link: Azure AD Connect V1.0
Coretech wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Greate work,
but i would like to mention that your running an unsupported configuration if you change the default sync schedule to anything else than the default 3 hours.
I got this information from Mircosofts Azure AD Escalations Team a few weeks ago. Maybe they have changed this by now.
Hi Stefan.
Thanks. You are absolutely right.
„By default Azure AD sync is configured to every three hours and it is not supported to reconfigure it‟
(Thanks to Kaido for redirecting me to the Microsoft link)
Creating a new scheduled task starting/running the original Scheduled task might not be unsupported. 🙂
Bjørn Studsgaard Voss
Test Comment
good luck!