A Coretech Christmas Tale.

Once a upon a time customers were having difficulties connecting their on-premise Active Directory to Azure AD.

Throughout this post We will tell the story about „Test-users-1‟ and his journey from his well-known On-Premise AD (AD.Sandbx.dk) to the exciting Cloud know as Azure.

If you are a customer and wish to recreate „Test-User-1‟ journey. Then it can easily be done by following his steps and completing your own POC for Azure AD.


Attached to this blog are a Word Document that in details shows all steps of the proces in 6 easy steps.

  • Create Azure Subscription (Part 1)
  • Verify domain in Azure (Part 2)
  • Create Azure Sync user (Part 3)
  • Configure on-premise users (Part 4)
  • Install Azure AD Connect (Part 5)
  • Verify that configuration works (Part 6)

Free to use at your own risk.

Download link: Azure AD Connect V1.0

Coretech wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.