This is a quick blog post to show you can set this fairly easily using Intune. Intune requires you to point to a URL for the wallpaper which at first seems a bit odd, but it actually makes a lot of sense when you have solutions like OneDrive. What am I talking about? Well, find a suitable wallpaper and place it on your Sharepoint OneDrive or Personal OneDrive. Then share the wallpaper and create a public viewing link like so



Next, test the link by pasting the URL into your browser and take a look at the result. It should look something like so

If you are happy with the result move on into Intune, go to Device Configuration and create a Windows 10 Device Restriction Profile where you configure Personalization and Lock Screen Experience where you simply paste the URL like so:



Assign the policy to a sutible group and sync your settings. and Voilà there you go – a perfect result! Smile




Stay tuned for more posts.  Smile

And do not forget to leave a comment if you have any questions.