Restarting computers in the IT environment is often hard to accomplish, without facing problems like:
- Very unhappy users
- Scenarios where you restart while the end-user is using the computer for a demo or presentation
- End-users calling Servicedesk and complaining about a virus that’s shutting down their computer
- Restarting computers that are already compliant, and did not need a restart.
This tool tries to satisfy both the user and the administrator.
Giving the user:
- The ability to execute, abort or/and postpone.
- A clear indication of the time left.
Giving the administrator:
- The ability to customize the user experience, visual as well as functional.
- The ability to narrow down the affected computers.
Changelog version 0.9
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed problem, with program not ending in shutdown/restart/logoff, when using both the /f and /c switch.
- Added Localization, the program will now appear in the same language as Windows, provided it exists. (default: english)
- Added the posibility of RTF styled description, using the /dRTF argument
- Added the argument support for localization, to force language of the program.
- Added the argument support for Powered By „Wake on Lan‟, true or false
- Added the argument support for Interactive User, true or false
- Added the possibilty to use the /ER switch to determine if Registry Key Exists / NOT Exists
- Added Support for other Registry Classes than HKLM, added: HKCR, HKCU, HKU, HKCC
- In the case that no Interactive User is present on the system, the /t argument is overruled, and the action is executed immedieatly
- In the case that postpone time (/m) is set to 0, the Postpone dropdown and button will be hidden.
Available Languages:
- Danish (da), Dutch (nl), English (en), Hungarian (hu), Slovak (sk), Turkish (tr)
- Please do help to translate this tool into your language.
Upcoming Feature List
- Wait for specific processes to close or services to stop
- Close a number of processes or services
ShutdownTool.exe [/t] [/d] [/m] [/r | /l] [/f] [/c] [/g] [/eb] [/es] [/er] [/eu] [/ew] |
No args |
Shutdown procedure with default settings. |
/? |
Display help. |
/t:xxx |
Sets countdown time to xxx seconds. (Default 60) |
/m:xxx |
Sets max allowed extension to xxx minutes. (Default 1440) |
/d:‟xxx‟ |
Sets description to xxx. |
/dRTF:‟xxx‟ |
Sets description to xxx. |
/r |
Change action to Reboot instead of default Shutdown. |
/l |
Change action to Logoff instead of default Shutdown. |
/f |
Forces the chosen action. |
/c |
Disables the option to abort. Also triggers /f |
/g |
Changes the shown language of the program. |
/ebM:xxx |
Only run if last boot time was more than xxx hours ago. |
/ebL:xxx |
Only run if last boot time was less than xxx hours ago. |
/esM:xxx |
Only run if last shutdown time was more than xxx hours ago. |
/esL:xxx |
Only run if last shutdown time was less than xxx hours ago. |
/er:‟p‟== |
Only run if (p)RegistryKey exist. |
/er:‟p‟!= |
Only run if (p)RegistryKey not exist. |
/er:‟p‟==‟v‟ |
Only run if (p)RegistryKey value equals (v)Value. |
/er:‟p‟!=‟v‟ |
Only run if (p)RegistryKey value not equals (v)Value. |
/eu:true |
Only run if computer has an Interactive User. |
/eu:false |
Only run if computer does not have an Interactive User. |
/ew:true |
Only run if computer was powered by Wake on Lan. |
/ew:false |
Only run if computer was not powered by Wake on Lan |
Great changes! Keep up the good work on the utility 🙂
Awesome work on the shutdown tool! Thank you for creating and sharing this extremely useful utility.
Hei Claus!
Great work; if not already done I can assist in translating to Norwegian!
currently, i’m testing Version of your tool and it seems that it doesn’t work for me as expected.
I have some test machines, which haven’t rebootet since weeks. At least more than 6 days.
I run the tool with ConfigMgr and with the following command line:
ShutdownTool.exe /t:10800 /m:120 /esM:144 /r /c
There is no user logged on to the machines, but the tool does not restart the machines right away, it’ll wait until the countdown is finished.
Any idea what could be the issue?
Many thanks!
Great tool! I have one question. We have the /t switch configured as follows. /t:10800 this gives the user 3 hours in which to complete the shutdown. However, we have noted on several occassions that the tool is displayed for 3 seconds raher than three hours and then proceeds to force reboot the machine – you can image how frustrated the affected user gets..
Anyone seen this behaviour before and, if so, any ideas? Could it be related to machine hibernation, system locale settings, certain time since alst shutdown etc? We are pretty stumped right now…
Hi Guys
Great tool have been using this over the past year or so. Two queries:
(1) has the newer version been released yet? eagerly awaiting the wait for service to stop before the shutdown process executes!!
(2) With this current version, I have noticed that if there are more than 1 users logged in(other users have been locked) the shutdown tool is not presented to the current user logged in but infact it is only presented to the first initial user account logged in that has it’s account locked. It still shuts down fine but there is no warning. Is there a switch that allows this tool to work on numerous loggedlocked user accounts?
Rocket Man
Hi Guys
Great tool have been using this over the past year or so. Two queries:
(1) has the newer version been released yet? eagerly awaiting the wait for service to stop before the shutdown process executes!!
(2) With this current version, I have noticed that if there are more than 1 users logged in(other users have been locked) the shutdown tool is not presented to the current user logged in but infact it is only presented to the first initial user account logged in that has it’s account locked. It still shuts down fine but there is no warning. Is there a switch that allows this tool to work on numerous loggedlocked user accounts?
hi Guys,
Can anybody tell me how to configure this tool in to run from task scheduler.
1) when user is logged in it should and allow to postpone
2) If no body is logged in it should shutdown automatically
Hi Claus,
pretty cool tool, great work! 🙂
Some feedback from our users:
1) Is it possible to remove the SPACE and ENTER „hotkeys‟ for the buttons. If the reminder window pops up at a bad time and the focus is on the Restart button, pressing either one of those keys might unintentionally reboot the pc.
2) This request is related to the first one, but not as „important‟: Is it possible to disable the Reboot button for a few seconds (5 or 10?) when the reminder window pops up.
Hello Claus,
many thanks for your free tool.
I have a problem to use german displayed buttons.
Command /g:de-DE didn’t works. I get always english buttons (default)
Hey will it be possible to change the the menus text???
what happen in this situation:
User is working on a bunch on document, gone for the day and just log the computer. Shutdown tool starts in at mid-night, so therefore, no user response, will it just restart the pc?
[…] of those areas. Kent spoke of a tool that Coretech developed called Shutdown Tool (download link here). This tool creates a pop up that forces a reboot of the computer after a given amount of time. The […]
We use this shutdown tool and it works very well. However, the timer box appears over a critical button on our primary application. Would it be possible to obtain the source code so we may modify the position of the timer dialog? We simply need to move it to the left a couple of inches.
Thank you,
Tim Coddington
c’est un article très intéressant!
Hi, very interesting Program. We use SCCM and the user often does not recognize that updates have been installed. Is it possible to receive the source code so we could change the language to german?
Thanks very much
Available Languages:
•Danish (da), Dutch (nl), English (en), Hungarian (hu), Slovak (sk), Turkish (tr)
•Please do help to translate this tool into your language.
Ok, so i gonna help with the french (fr) translation :
Shutdown in Progress = Arrêt en cours
Abort = Annuler
Minimize = Minimiser
Postpone = Remettre à plus tard
Shutdown = Arrêter
minutes = minutes
hours = heures
Exceeded = Maximum atteint
Thank you
[…] of those areas. Kent spoke of a tool that Coretech developed called Shutdown Tool (download link here). This tool creates a pop up that forces a reboot of the computer after a given amount of time. The […]
Available Languages:
•Danish (da), Dutch (nl), English (en), Hungarian (hu), Slovak (sk), Turkish (tr)
•Please do help to translate this tool into your language.
Ok, so i gonna help with the Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) translation :
Shutdown in Progress = Desligamento em Andamento
Abort = Cancelar
Minimize = Minimizar
Postpone = Adiar
Shutdown = Desligar
Restart = Reiniciar
Logoff = Fazer Logoff
minute = minuto
minutes = minutos
hour = hora
hours = horas
day = dia
days – dias
Exceeded = Máximo já definido
Available Languages:
•Danish (da), Dutch (nl), English (en), Hungarian (hu), Slovak (sk), Turkish (tr)
•Please do help to translate this tool into your language.
Ok, so i gonna help with the Russian (ru) translation :
Shutdown in Progress = Завершение работы
Abort = Отменить
Minimize = Свернуть
Postpone = Отложить
Shutdown = Выключить
minutes = Минуты
hours = Часы
Exceeded = Развернуть
Thank you
When will more languages be included?
I need DE and FR
Shutdown in Progress = Arrêt en cours
Restart in Progress = Redémarrage en cours
Logoff in Progress = Déconnexion en cours
Abort = Annuler
Minimize = Minimiser
Postpone = Différer
Shutdown = Arrêter
Restart = Redémarrer
Logoff = Fermer la session
minute = minute
minutes = minutes
hour = heure
hours = heures
day = jour
days = jours
Exceeded = Excédé
The download link at the top of this page is not working
Thanks to let me know how i can download this software
can anyone tell how to configure the tool?
German Translation:
Shutdown in Progress = Gerät wird heruntergefahren
Restart in Progress = Gerät wird neu gestartet
Logoff in Progress = Gerät wird abgemeldet
Abort = Abbrechen
Minimize = Minimieren
Postpone = Verschieben
Shutdown = Herunterfahren
Restart = Neu Starten
Logoff = Abmelden
minute = Minute
minutes = Minuten
hour = Stunde
hours = Stunden
day = Tag
days = Tage
Exceeded = Überschritten