How to install PoshCAT

1. Download and Unzip 2. Right-Click Start-PoshCAT.ps1, WorkerFunctions.ps1, SharedFunctions.ps1 and Commands.xml and select properties. 3. Unblock the files if needed and click OK. 4. Right-click Start-PoshCAT.ps1 and choose Run with PowerShell 5. If you don’t have administrative permissions, this message will be shown.   Enjoy!

Coretech WMI and PowerShell Browser

I´m happy to announce our first version of WMI and PowerShell Explorer tool. The main reason why I did this tool is to simplify my own work and hopefully, it will help others also who are working with Configuration Manager. Description · Coretech WMI and PowerShell Explorer is a freeware tool with two main feature sets. · A powerful WMI tool that allows you to connect to and work with WMI locally and remotely. With the tool you can browse WMI namespaces, classes, methods, properties and class instances. Besides being a WMI browser the Coretech WMI and PowerShell Explorer allows [...]

SCCM 2012 PowerShell Class coming in the Fall

Summer is finally here, and what better to spend the Summer than developing a brand new System Center 2012 Configuration Manager PowerShell class. We (Kaido Jävemets & Kent Agerlund) are currently busy writing lots of labs and examples that will help you unleash the power of PowerShell. Why a PowerShell class you might ask? Well, because PowerShell is King and we love it The class will be running at a training center near you – and if not, please contact us. The agenda for the 3 day lab look like this: Mastering SCCM 2012 R2 with PowerShell Title: Mastering Configuration [...]

By |2013-06-15T12:32:24+01:00juni 15th, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|1 Kommentar

Notes and slides from the TechEDNA 2013 precon – Simplify and Maximize System Management with Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 – Configuration Manager: Notes from the Field

First, a huge thank to all the attendees in the Sunday precon session. Johan and I asked for questions in the morning, and I must say that I do not remember the last time we got so many good questions. Download the slide deck Download information about SQL recommendations: SQL re-indexing scripts: Working with Management Point and SQL replicas:Step-bystep guide to create a Management Point replica: Download the Collection update scripts Migrate reports from ConfigMgr 2007 to ConfigMgr 2012: Update the package source location: Shutdown tool: Managing 3rd. party software updates: Complete SCUP 2012 [...]

By |2013-06-03T20:55:59+01:00juni 3rd, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Events|2 Comments

Error when running Application reports in ConfigMgr 2012

During the SQL Reporting Services site system role, SCCM automatically create a login in SQL and assign the required permissions to the account that you have specified. However I have seen several times that the account do not have the permissions required to run some of the Application reports.   When running the Software Distribution - Application Monitoring > All application deployments (advanced) report I get the following error An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for dataset 'FirstMatchingAppOrCollection'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'fnGetSiteNumber', database 'CM_PS1', schema 'dbo'. To solve the [...]

Slide deck from Birds of a Feather “BOF08 PowerShell – Examples from the Real Word”

First, a huge thank to all of you who decided to spend a Wednessday evening in Las Vegas with Kaido and I – we hoped for 20 and 4 times that number showed up. The slide deck from BOF sessions are not available on You can download our slide deck from the BOF08 PowerShell – Examples from the Real Word session here

By |2013-04-11T15:14:03+01:00april 11th, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|1 Kommentar

Slides and demo files from NIC 2013– Software Update Management

A huge thanks to all NIC 2013 attendes, once again you proved that Norway is a perfect place to host the Nordic Infrastructure Conference. Two great days with A Class speakers.  Slides from my first session SC 2012 Configuration Manager - Software Update Management 5 minutes is all it takes During the session I demonstrated how you could use PowerShell to create a Software Update Packages and modify the update package in an existing Automatic Deployment Rule. Both scripts can be downloaded here – all credit goes to my colleague and undefeated powerShell champ Kaido I also demonstrated a nice [...]

SCCM 2012 SP1 – Now cleaning up Update Packages & Folders

This just made my day – i simply could not wait to get this out in a blogpost! Those of you that spend time managing Sofware Updates via ConfigMgr will be happy to know that Microsoft went ahead and made a maintenence task/routine for cleaning up packages and folders with expired updates. Previously you would have to run some executable script that would go in and do the cleanup for you, and could at times give you some trouble – well its a custom made script made by someone, so who knows what might happen. Plus it would require you [...]

By |2013-01-15T11:28:22+01:00januar 15th, 2013|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|10 Comments

ConfigMgr Cloud Distribution Points

One of the new features in ConfigMgr SP1 is Cloud based distribution points. ConfigMgr SP1 clients can use the CDP as a fallback solution when the requested content is not available at an on-premise distribution point (the new term for the “old fashion DP”). It is not a replacement for Internet Based Client Management. The benefit of having cloud distribution points are: You can easily create them You can easily add more resources if the scenarios where extra bandwidth is needed e.g. when upgrading to Office 2013 worldwide Nice fallback solution Clients will fallback to the Cloud DP if the [...]

By |2012-10-16T13:59:45+01:00oktober 16th, 2012|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|11 Comments

SMSPXE.Log in SCCM 2012

A commonly asked question the forums these days is – “anybody seen the SMSPXE.log?” With ConfigMgr SP1 the log is placed on the distribution point in <X>\SMS_DP$\SMS\Logs where X is the location of the contentlibrary. The log files contains a bit more useful information compared to Cm07 and CM2012 RTM. Below is a snippet of the log file where an unknown computer performs a PXE boot and runs an “advertisement” (what ever that is”) Client lookup reply: <ClientIDReply><Identification Unknown="0" ItemKey="0" ServerName="" ServerRemoteName=""><Machine><ClientID/><NetbiosName/></Machine></Identification></ClientIDReply>     SMSPXE    10/11/2012 5:35:33 AM    5640 (0x1608) 00:15:5D:01:75:20, B9291B40-5182-4CAB-BFFF-ADF05C1C4663: device is not in the database.    SMSPXE    10/11/2012 5:35:33 [...]

By |2012-10-11T17:10:10+01:00oktober 11th, 2012|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|3 Comments

Mastering SCCM 2012 SP1 training

System Center 2012 SP1 just released, and it’s not a minor release. I have been working with SMS since 1996 and I haven’t seen anything like this in the past. If you need training on Configuration Manager 2012 I highly recommend that you attend the correct class and it must be a class where the material is based on the latest Service Pack. There a huge changes in Service Pack 1 and we will make sure that you learn about all of them. Our Mastering Configuration Manager 2012 class has been running with great success since May 2011 and is [...]

By |2012-10-04T12:50:04+01:00oktober 4th, 2012|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Training|2 Comments

Updated version of the Package source Changer

As described in this blog post one of the many task involved in migrating from CM07 to CM12 is updating the package source in your packages. A new version of the tool has just been released with new cool features to make your migration experience easier and less painful. Installing and configuring the tool Download the latest version here and start the tool on the CM12 server. When the tool is launched click Configuration, specify the name of the Configuration Manager 2012 site server and click Save.  Click List, this will retrieve a list of all the source locations used [...]

By |2012-10-03T08:17:01+01:00oktober 3rd, 2012|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|8 Comments

Slides and links from the TechEd 2012 Pre-conference session

To all of you who participated in the User-Centric Application Delivery Rocks the World: Using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012 pre-conf sessions @Teched 2012 in Orlando and Amsterdam – thanks. Johan Arwidmark and I had a great time with lots of very good questions (more than 200 questions). During the session we promised to provide you with links to some of the tools and documents that we spoke about. Slides: The project plan for ViaMonstra: ViaMonstra-SC-2012-ConfigMgr-Project-criterias.pdf Software updates ConfigMgr 2007:Script to remove expired updates from you distribution points and update packages ConfigMgr 2012: Script to remove expired updates [...]

By |2012-06-26T09:42:46+01:00juni 26th, 2012|Events|Kommentarer lukket til Slides and links from the TechEd 2012 Pre-conference session

Error migrating from Configmgr 2007 to ConfigMgr 2012

I have done several Configmgr 2007 to Configmgr 2012 migrations, and so far all of them have been without to many issues. Well, that is, until this week. I was starting to migrate more than a 100 ConifgMgr 2007 sites into a single Configmgr 2012 primary site (YES, no CAS). After creating the source connecting to the ConfigMgr 2007 Central site, I received this error in the migmctrl.log file The error By reading the log file I could see that most of my objects were successfully analyzed and could be migrated. The error came was shown in the middle of [...]

By |2012-06-22T19:46:01+01:00juni 22nd, 2012|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|2 Comments

Installing a secondary site in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

  Reasons for installing a secondary site server in ConfigMgr 2012 have been somewhat limited to very few scenarios. I recommend installing secondary sites when you have: More than 500 clients in a remote location Need a local Management Point Need a local Software Update Point Need a local State Migration Point Run the Prerequisites Checker You should always run the prerequisite checker before starting any secondary site installation. The benefit of doing that is the ability to catch errors upfront. Below I’m running the prerequisites checker to verify that my future secondary site server CM05 is ok. Log on [...]

By |2012-06-02T12:31:33+01:00juni 2nd, 2012|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|21 Comments

Error installing the Application web catalog

Just ran into an error this morning while installing the Application Web Catalog role on my ConfigMgr 2012 server. When trying to log on to the catalog I got an IIS error related. I look into the SMSPortalWebSetup.log file on the site server and noticed this Error: IIS Asp.Net is not registered To fix the error I had to manually registered the component Open a command prompt as administrator and navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ type aspnet_regiis –i and Enter Remove the Application Web catalog role and reinstalled it (not needed but I didn’t want to wait for the reinstall process to [...]

By |2012-04-06T11:36:51+01:00april 6th, 2012|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|5 Comments

Sessions @MMS 2012 in Las Vegas

MMS 2012 is sold out (again) and just around the corner. I’m thrilled to announce that I'll be hosting a few sessions this year. I hope to see as many as you in those session as possible. Break out sesions CD-B351 A ConfigMgr. 2007 R3: Review and Simplify Your Deployments Join Kent Agerlund and Michael Petersen, two of the world’s foremost Configuration Manager experts in a dazzling session on how to get your existing Configuration Manager 2007 to work with you and be the super cool system management solution you always hoped it would be. In this session Kent & [...]

By |2012-03-13T14:45:34+01:00marts 13th, 2012|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Events|2 Comments