Do you use System Center Service Manager, and do you or your boss want to know how many Incident Requests the support team are resolving within the same day as it was created? If yes, then you are on the right blog post.
Run the query below against the Data Warehouse database DWDataMart, and you will get a monthly trend report on resolved Incident Requests.
Configure variables in the Query
There are two variable in the Query you need to configure before you run it.
SET @Year = 2014; define the year the request was resolved
SET @Supportgroup = ‘1. Level Support’; define the support group you want analyze
/* ******************************************************************************* Author: Brian Fahrenholtz, Coretech A/S. Purpose: This SQL Query return the numbers of Incidents that was resolved within the same day as it was created. Usage: Run the query on the DWDataMart database. History: 1.0.0 BFA 12/04/2014 Created initial version. ******************************************************************************* */ -- Variable declarations DECLARE @Year VARCHAR(50); DECLARE @Supportgroup VARCHAR(50); -- Initialize the variable. SET @Year = 2014; SET @Supportgroup = '1. Level Support'; -- Main routines SELECT a.ResolvedMonth AS 'Month', a.IncidentResolved AS 'Total IR Resolved', b.IncidentResolved AS 'Resolved within the same day' FROM (SELECT IncidentResolved.ranges AS 'ResolvedMonth', count(*) AS 'IncidentResolved' FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '1' then '1' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '2' then '2' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '3' then '3' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '4' then '4' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '5' then '5' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '6' then '6' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '7' then '7' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '8' then '8' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '9' then '9' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '10' then '10' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '11' then '11' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '12' then '12' ELSE 'x' END AS Ranges FROM DWDataMart.dbo.IncidentDimvw I INNER JOIN DWDAtaMart.dbo.EntityDimvw Entity ON I.EntityDimKey = Entity.EntityDimKey INNER JOIN DWDAtaMart.dbo.WorkItemDimvw WI ON I.EntityDimKey = WI.EntityDimKey LEFT OUTER JOIN DWDataMart.dbo.IncidentStatusvw AS StatusEnum ON StatusEnum.IncidentStatusId = I.Status_IncidentStatusId LEFT OUTER JOIN DWDataMart.dbo.DisplayStringDimvw StatusDS ON StatusEnum.EnumTypeId=StatusDS.BaseManagedEntityId AND StatusDS.LanguageCode = 'ENU' Left Outer Join DWDataMart.dbo.IncidentTierQueuesvw TierQueueEnum ON I.TierQueue_IncidentTierQueuesId = TierQueueEnum.IncidentTierQueuesId Left Outer Join DWDataMart.dbo.DisplayStringDimvw TierQueueEnumDS ON TierQueueEnum.EnumTypeId = TierQueueEnumDS.BaseManagedEntityId AND TierQueueEnumDS.LanguageCode = 'ENU' WHERE StatusDS.DisplayName IN ('Closed' , 'Resolved') and (TierQueueEnumDS.DisplayName IN (@Supportgroup)) and (DATEPART(year,I.ResolvedDate) = @Year) ) IncidentResolved group by IncidentResolved.ranges) a FULL JOIN (SELECT IncidentResolved.ranges AS 'ResolvedMonth', count(*) AS 'IncidentResolved' FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '1' then '1' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '2' then '2' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '3' then '3' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '4' then '4' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '5' then '5' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '6' then '6' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '7' then '7' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '8' then '8' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '9' then '9' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '10' then '10' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '11' then '11' WHEN DATEPART(month,I.ResolvedDate) = '12' then '12' ELSE 'x' END AS Ranges FROM DWDataMart.dbo.IncidentDimvw I INNER JOIN DWDAtaMart.dbo.EntityDimvw Entity ON I.EntityDimKey = Entity.EntityDimKey INNER JOIN DWDAtaMart.dbo.WorkItemDimvw WI ON I.EntityDimKey = WI.EntityDimKey LEFT OUTER JOIN DWDataMart.dbo.IncidentStatusvw AS StatusEnum ON StatusEnum.IncidentStatusId = I.Status_IncidentStatusId LEFT OUTER JOIN DWDataMart.dbo.DisplayStringDimvw StatusDS ON StatusEnum.EnumTypeId=StatusDS.BaseManagedEntityId AND StatusDS.LanguageCode = 'ENU' Left Outer Join DWDataMart.dbo.IncidentTierQueuesvw TierQueueEnum ON I.TierQueue_IncidentTierQueuesId = TierQueueEnum.IncidentTierQueuesId Left Outer Join DWDataMart.dbo.DisplayStringDimvw TierQueueEnumDS ON TierQueueEnum.EnumTypeId = TierQueueEnumDS.BaseManagedEntityId AND TierQueueEnumDS.LanguageCode = 'ENU' WHERE StatusDS.DisplayName IN ('Closed' , 'Resolved') and (TierQueueEnumDS.DisplayName IN (@Supportgroup)) and (DATEPART(year,I.ResolvedDate) = @Year) and ((DATEPART(day,I.CreatedDate)) = (DATEPART(day,I.ResolvedDate))) ) IncidentResolved group by IncidentResolved.ranges) b on a.ResolvedMonth = b.ResolvedMonth Order by ABS(a.ResolvedMonth)
The output will be like below, when you using it in Excel.
Mary Christmas