Because of the issue with different HAL’s (Hardware Abstraction Layer) used by XP, it is necessary to make some changes to both Sysprep, and the Kernel files during deployment..
I thought I’d supply my HAL changing script, as it does not require the reference computer to be to build from a specific XXX, and you do not need to add any files to the image beforehand, as that will done by the script.
You will have to either integrate MDT into SCCM, or run the script from a package containing this script and ZTIUtility.vbs from the MDT package.
Just run the script after the image has been deployed, but before booting from WinPE to the MiniSetup
Click top-right icons to copy/paste or get plain text.
Script for download [download id="24"]
Is there any way to make this automatically run?
Plz email me at [email protected]
Please e-mail me your details. I have a question for you. Much appreciated.
Could changing the Hal resolve the issue of why my IBM xSeries 205 Server recognizes only one of its two processors in the BIOS and Device Mgr?
how can i run this script..?
Can you give an example of how to apply this script after the *.wim is layed down, but before Mini Setup is initiated?
Hey.. sorry for the late responce.. Just run it as the last step before „Setup Windows and Config.Mgr‟ (if you are runing SCCM) if you are runing MDT it should be after configure in the postinstall section. The script will add a line to sysprep.inf, And update som files in your OS.
Thx for sharing works great.
The upload motor belives its html so ‘ is suppoed to be ‚ & is &
just find and replace that and it works like a charm 😀
hmm posting like html aswell…i will try again remove _ from the line
&_amp_; is supposed to be & in the script.
Is it possible that you could make the script available for download ? When copy/pasting some characters are messed up. Did a search/replace without luck 🙁
To make the script work with MDT 2010 you have to change the line:
sLocalDrive = oEnvironment.Item(„DeploySystemDrive‟)
sLocalDrive = oEnvironment.Item(„DestinationLogicalDrive‟)
The environment variable „DeploySystemDrive‟ does not exist in MDT 2010….
Hi guys.
I have a question for Michael or Jens. I’m using MDT 2010 U 1, and have tried the script. As I can see from logs, the variable sLocalDrive doesn’t get any value, and the sequence fails at that point. I’ve tried also the variable assignment, as Jens suggests and even more:
sLocalDrive = oEnvironment.Item(„DestinationLogicalDrive‟)
sLocalDrive = oEnvironment.Item(„OSDTargetSystemDrive‟)
And so on.
When I do some hardcoding
sLocalDrive = „C:‟
The script works fine.
Do you have any Idea?
To be precise – the expand command which would normally expand the 3 dll-s to system32 directory does nothing, and then the copy command raises the error.
I had the same question, too.
However, I think I have an answer according to the MDT 2010 Update 1 Documentation, specifically the „Toolkit Reference‟ doc file which states:
„Specifies the drive where the operating system will be installed during OEM deployments‟.
Note: This property is dynamically set by the MDT 2010 scripts and is not configured in CustomSettings.ini. Treat this property as read-only.
Are you using the „Litetouch OEM Task Sequence‟? If not, I think the „OSDTargetSystemDrive‟ variable is not being set.
„The logical drive that the image will be deployed to.‟
I think the example is not correct because a valid value for this variable would be „C:‟ (without the quotes). At least, that’s the way the MDT 2010 scripts expect it, for example:
ZTIUtility.vbs, Line 3031-3035 (3rd if):
If oEnvironment.Item(„DestinationLogicalDrive‟) = „‟ Then
oEnvironment.Item(„DestinationDisk‟) = 0
oEnvironment.Item(„DestinationPartition‟) = 1
oEnvironment.Item(„DestinationLogicalDrive‟) = „C:‟
End If
Just one comment more regarding the use of these 3 variables.
ZTIUtility.vbs, Line 2971: (1st if)
If oEnvironment.Item(„DestinationLogicalDrive‟) „‟
And ZTIUtility.vbs, Line 2992: (2nd if)
If oEnvironment.Item(„DestinationDisk‟) „‟ AND oEnvironment.Item(„DestinationPartition‟) „‟
show us the way the „DestinationLogicalDrive‟, „DestinationDisk‟ and „DestinationPartition‟ are set.
The 1st if asks whether „DestinationLogicalDrive‟ is configured (can be done via Boostrap.ini or CustomSettings.ini). If it is, then the script guesses the other two: „DestinationPartition‟ and „DestinationDisk‟.
The 2nd if, asks whether „DestinationPartition‟ and „DestinationDisk‟ are set. If they are, then the script guesses the value for „DestinationLogicalDrive‟.
And the 3rd if (the default one) which basically says that if the „DestinationLogicalDrive‟ has still no value in spite of the first 2 if statements, then use the default values for the 3 variables.
So, I think that setting the pair „DestinationPartition‟/‟DestinationDisk‟ OR setting only the „DestinationLogicalDrive‟ will suffice.
If I’m wrong, please correct me. I’m new with MDT 2010. =)
Excellent HAL replacement script! This works flawlessly with ZTIUtility.wsf in the same package folder.
Trevor Sullivan
Question – where is the log file placed?
Hi Michael.
This scrips works like a charm in MDT 2010 (for me) but it fails in MDT 2012.
Can u maby update it for MDT 2012 plz 🙂
My failure code:
Deployment Summery:
ZTI ERROR – Unhandled error returened by HAL: File not found (53)
In SMS Trace log:
no HAL replasment fileses present
Kind regards
Hi Michael,
The script did not work for me when I was using MDT 2010 U1 and MDT 2012.
Got the same error message below from smsts.log file:
Failed to run the action: HAL Switch.
The network path was not found. (Error: 00000035; Source: Windows)
The execution of the group (Postinstall) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed.
Operation aborted (Error: 80004004; Source: Windows)
Failed to run the last action: HAL Switch. Execution of task sequence failed.
The network path was not found. (Error: 00000035; Source: Windows)
Task Sequence Engine failed! Code: enExecutionFail
Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005
Error Task Sequence Manager failed to execute task sequence. Code 0x80004005
Can you please advise steps on how to resolve this?
Hi. BRB, did you solved this thing out? I get the same error in MDT 2010, adding the HAL
script after configure-step. I get
WindowsSystem32 Found
Copying HALAACPI.DLL to WindowsSystem32
Copying NTOSKRNL.EXE to WindowsSystem32
Copying NTKRNLPA.EXE to WindowsSystem32
„ZTI ERROR – Unhandled error returened by HAL: File not found (53)
sorry for my English speaking
I did as you said:
I created the task sequence and I set the scrpt last step before setup „Windows and GonfigMgr‟
only the problem that feedback is not solved.
When you restart the installation after the step that has applied the script Hal.wsf, set the system to be operational in blue screen.
Help me Please.
Is this script still working with MDT 2012 integrated in SCCM 2012 SP1?
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