A group in SCOM contains anything: Servers, websites, databases and/or network devices. Normally you are using the group to do views, overrides, disables or as base for notification. But a nice feature is to visualize this Group objects in a way where you are able to do a Rollup of all the objects in the group to present it in the new Coretech Dashboard or give it an SLA. To present the group follow this step-by-step blog.



  1. Logon to the SCOM Server and start the SCOM Console
  2. Click Authoring
  3. Right click Groups and create a new group called “Grp.All Servers in Budapest”


Check the Group is Created

  1. Click Next and add some Servers to the group
  2. Click OK, Next 3 times and Create
  3. Click Monitoring and Discovered Inventory
  4. Click Change Target Type
  5. Click View all targets and search for Budapest


Create a Dependency Rollup to enable Health

  1. Click Authoring
  2. Right click Monitors and click “Create a Monitor” and “Dependency Mopnitor”
  3. Name it ACME.Servers in Budapest Rollup
  4. Selct ACME.SLA as the Managementpack
  5. Click Next
  6. Be sure to choose Object (Contains Entities), and click Availability


  1. Click Next and keep the Rollup defaults
  2. Click Next and Create
  3. Check the status of the Rollup by viewing the Discovered Inventory (Could take 2-5 minutes)


Add SLA and Present it on The Coretech Dashboard

  1. Click Authoring, Services Level Tracking and Create
  2. Name it: Budapest Server SLA, click Next
  3. In Targeted Class choose the Group: Grp.All Servers in Budapest, click Next
  4. Click Add, Monitor State SLO


  1. Give it a name like SLA Budapest Servers, keep the Monitor in Available and enter a service Level in % and choose the downtime for this SLA. Click Next and Finish, Close
  2. Click Monitoring, Right click Monitor and click New Dashboard View
  3. Click Grid Layout and Next
  4. Name it SLA for Datacenters, click Next
  5. Click One Cell and Next
  6. Click Create and Close
  7. Click Click to add widget
  8. Click Grid Layout and click Next
  9. Name it Budapest
  10. Click two cells and click the vertical Layout Template
  11. Click Create and Close
  12. Click to add Widget
  13. Click SLA Widget and Next
  14. Name it SLA for Budapest (Last 4 hours)
  15. Click Add
  16. Click Budapest Server SLA and Add and OK
  17. Choose 4 hours and click create
  18. Add a new window with SLA for 24 hours



Present your group on the Coretech Dashboard

Cleck Edit:


Click Add on the group where you want to present your new Rollup Group


Give it a Name, Click Groups, and search for All Groups in Budapest


And now you can see the status of All servers in Budapest:


If you havent tried our new dashboard, have a look at: http://www.coretech.dk/products/dashboard-scom/

Happy holidays and remember to visualize your Services in 2014
