A new 3 days Operations Manager (or Scom) course (# 50216) is showing up around August – I think the first course will be around the beginning october – Please email me kra[@]coretech.dk regarding participating on this Course.
Kurset vil naturligvis blive tilbudt gennem vores samarbejdspartnere, Teknologisk, Global Knowledge og Microworld.
God sommer – Kåre
Course Outline
How the ‘internals’ of Operations Manager work and how to troubleshoot
* Architecture
* Operations Manager “Health Engine”
* Troubleshooting
* Troubleshooting discoveries and monitors
* Troubleshooting health state changes
* Troubleshooting the Operations Manager agent
This module will explain management pack architecture and how to author a management pack
* Architecture
* OpsMgr Console vs Authoring console
* Targeting
* Override and thresholds
* PRO Tips
* Using overrides
* Targeting based on different scenarios
* Author a management pack
This module will explain how to develop custom reports
* The data warehouse database
* SQL Reporting and reporting items
* Author a performance report
* Author an event report
* Author a health report
* Author an ACS report
This module will explain how to connect Operations Manager to remote systems, like a ticketing system.
* Connector Architecture
* Using the Universal Connector
* Deploy, configure and use the Universal Connector
* Deploy and configure the Universal Connector
* Use the Universal Connector to forward alerts from Operations Manager
* Use the Universal Connector to import information from Remote Systems
This module will explain how to build and work with Operations Manager scripting and PowerShell.
* Operations Manager and PowerShell functionality
* Operations Manager and Visual Basic Scripts functionality
* Using PowerShell for ACS tasks
* Using PowerShell to retrieve and export information
* Using PowerShell to update information
* Using PowerShell for User Roles and Notification tasks
* Using PowerShell to troubleshoot the SCOM environment
* Creating visual basic scripts for 2- and 3-state “monitors”
* Creating visual basic scripts for “rules”
* Creating visual basic scripts for “discoveries”
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thanks 🙂
merci bien 🙂
merci bien article intéressant 🙂
thanks very much
thanks very much 🙂 conatct us 🙂