Ran into an interesting error today after updating ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 to ConfigMgr 2012 R2. The hierarchy is a CAS and 3 primary sites (but I do not believe that the error is releated to having multiple primary sites).

*** insert DepPolicyAssignment (PADBID, PolicyAssignmentID, PolicyID, DepPADBID, DepPolicyAssignmentID, DepPolicyID, IsTombstoned, LastUpdateTime) values (67118015, N'{ccff0eb1-db33-49c3-9dd3-c704c3a638f8}‛, N’PS120012-PS10013D-6F6BCC28′, 67689129, N'{060a13d7-7ed8-46ae-927f-4420b0fefdcb}‛, N’DEP-PS120012-PS1002B1-6F6BCC28′, 0, GetUTCDate())

*** [23000][547][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "DepPolicyAssignment_1_FK". The conflict occurred in database "CM_PS1", table "dbo.PolicyAssignment", column ‚PADBID‛.

Failed to create policy and policy assignment based on package PS1002B1, program * and offer PS120012

After a little investigation it turned out that the package being referenced was a boot image and the “offer” aka “deployment” was a task sequence deployment using the package. After changing the boot image in the task sequence to a new boot image, and deleting the deployment (deployment name started with an “_”) – all went back to normal.