Managing Configuration Manager is like operating a high-speed train with new monthly updates to the Technical Preview build and 3 yearly updates to the production build. No matter how smooth and easy the upgrade process has become, an upgrade is still an upgrade and things can go wrong (read: backup/snapshot first). With the release of Technical Preview 1705 (and now also found in production build 1706), the Configuration Manager Update Reset Tool – CMUpdateReset.exe were released.

The tool will assist if you experience issues with new upgrades/hotfixes stuck in download. You’ll find the tool in .\microsoft configuration manager\cd.latest\smssetup\tools.

I recently had to use the tool during an upgrade, where the state were in downloading for more than 24 hours. Prior to running the tool, navigate to the easysetuppayload folder and take a note of the folder name (the guid).

in my example I ran the following to reset the process where after everything worked like a charm.


Once again, managing an enterprise client environment, just got a lot easier. For more detailed information about the latest features in 1706, refer to the public documentation