This just made my day – i simply could not wait to get this out in a blogpost!
Those of you that spend time managing Sofware Updates via ConfigMgr will be happy to know that Microsoft went ahead and made a maintenence task/routine for cleaning up packages and folders with expired updates.
Previously you would have to run some executable script that would go in and do the cleanup for you, and could at times give you some trouble – well its a custom made script made by someone, so who knows what might happen.
Plus it would require you to actually go and do something manually – and we humans are built in a manner that we do sometimes forget things. No more!
Look at this:
sync: SMS performing cleanup
Removed 89 unreferenced updates
Done synchronizing SMS with WSUS Server sccmserver.domain.local
Set content version of update source {…..} for site PS1 to 191
Sync succeeded. Setting sync alert to canceled state on site PS1
Updated 195 items in SMS database, new update source content version is 191
Sync time: 0d00h10m08s
Deleting old expired updates…
Deleted 2 expired updates
Deleted 35 expired updates
Deleted 35 expired updates total
Deleted 205 orphaned content folders in package PS10000D (2012-2)
Deleted 2076 orphaned content folders in package PS10000E (EndpointProtection)
That is pretty Nice!
I have SCCM 2102 SP1 and my expireg updaet are not deleting. Is this an option in SCCM that I need to enable?
Well you can always look in wsyncmgr.log file and check the progress of cleaning up.
But im pretty sure that expired updates wont disappear all together right away from the console view. The auto cleanup will delete the files in the WSUS folders but the update meta data will probably remain for some time until microsoft does something to their Windows Update database.
You will offcourse need to right click your expired updates and remove them from the update group memberships.
but check the log file – thats where you will see what happens.
[…] на эту тему и наткнулся на интересную заметку Henrik Hoe — SCCM 2012 SP1 – Now cleaning up Update Packages & Folders автор которой констатирует факт того, что уже начиная […]
Henrik, Thanks for sharing info 😉
I am new to SCCM 2012, and am trying to configure windows updates. I created an ADR for Windows 2008 Servers, but failed to limit the updates to only the newer updates. Now I have the WSUS folder holding the Deployment Packages with much more data than I need. I changed the ADRs have the Date Released or Revised to be „Last 1 Year‟. In All Software Updates I filtered on all of the old updates, Edited the memberships,and removed them from all of the update groups. Is there something I need to do to have them disappear from the WSUS folder because I made these changes yesterday, and am still seeing them in the WSUS folder, and in All Software Updates.
Very useful! keep update thanks for sharing it.
[…] на эту тему и наткнулся на интересную заметку Henrik Hoe — SCCM 2012 SP1 – Now cleaning up Update Packages & Folders автор которой констатирует факт того, что уже начиная […]
My sms-wsus-control-manager log file seems to get stuck at „Deleting old expired updates…‟ and doesn’t seem to clean anything, this repeats hourly.
Is there a way I can enabled verbose logging to see why/what is going ?
Does not work for me. Started out good, but after a couple of days it ends up give me the below issues. Have yet figured out how to fix this.
sync: SMS performing cleanup SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8/7/2017 8:34:29 PM 27268 (0x6A84)
Sync failed: The operation has timed out. Source: Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.ApiRemotingCompressionProxy.GetWebResponse SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8/7/2017 8:37:29 PM 5232 (0x1470)
STATMSG: ID=6703 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE=‟SMS Server‟ COMP=‟SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER‟ SYS=SERVERNAME SITE=MSS PID=2372 TID=5232 GMTDATE=Tue Aug 08 00:37:29.436 2017 ISTR0=‟Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.ApiRemotingCompressionProxy.GetWebResponse‟ ISTR1=‟The operation has timed out‟ ISTR2=‟‟ ISTR3=‟‟ ISTR4=‟‟ ISTR5=‟‟ ISTR6=‟‟ ISTR7=‟‟ ISTR8=‟‟ ISTR9=‟‟ NUMATTRS=0 SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8/7/2017 8:37:29 PM 5232 (0x1470)
Sync failed. Will retry in 60 minutes SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 8/7/2017 8:37:29 PM 5232 (0x1470)
After the synchronization:
sync: SMS synchronizing updates, processed 0 out of 12604 items (0%) SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 12/13/2018 4:16:02 AM 11384 (0x2C78)
How many „SMS Performing cleanup‟ are expected? or How long does it take to do it?
I have already 43 items and 90 minutes !!!