Using the archive_reports.sms file to monitor inventory data

As you might know SMS/Configmgr; has some secret files that can change the way agents behave. One of the files is called archive_reports.sms. When you add this file to the inventory temp folder (\system32\ccm\inventory\temp\) it will prevent the inventory xml files from being deleted after they are send to the management point. This can be very useful when you want to track the size of each inventory file. In my screen dump you can see several xml file. I use this feature to spot the change in file size whenever I enable new classes in my sms_def.mof file (AI classes, [...]

By |2010-02-09T18:58:44+01:00februar 9th, 2010|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|2 Comments

The annoyance of none elevated command prompts.

You know how when ever you run something from a prompt in Windows 7 or Server2008 you need to remember to elevate the privileges, or you will get the annoying message that you do not have administrative privileges, which then means you will have to open a new prompt, run it as administrator,  and do things all over again.. (especially annoying when working with WAIK) Well I know that you could just disable UAC all together, but that's not what Microsoft intended when they put it there! and it would also mean a huge decrease in security. So what to [...]

By |2010-02-09T10:17:47+01:00februar 9th, 2010|General info, OS Deployment, Windows Client|Kommentarer lukket til The annoyance of none elevated command prompts.

Coretech nominated to System Center Alliance Partner Program

Coretech has joined the list of Microsoft nominated System Center Alliance Program partners. We are proud to have received the nomination and will continue our effort to develop tailor-made System Center solutions for the fast growing System Center community and our many customers. For more information about the partner program go to

By |2009-12-17T14:23:57+01:00december 17th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|Kommentarer lukket til Coretech nominated to System Center Alliance Partner Program

How to get registry information into hardware inventory

  When the hardware inventory agent is running it’s looking after values in the local WMI database on the client. By default WMI contains much valuable information that is “easy” to collect. But from time to time we need to gather information that’s not yet part of WMI. This post will guide you through the process of getting those information using a tool developed by Mark Cochrane. The ConfigMgr. files On the Configuration Manager Site server two files are used to control the hardware inventory data process: SMS_DEF.mof This file contains information about the WMI data classes used by hardware [...]

By |2009-10-23T09:22:07+01:00oktober 23rd, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|11 Comments

Changing boot order in Vista/Windows 7

If you do not want to play around with BCDedit or 3rd party tools like EasyBCD, it is quit easy to change boot order from within Windows 7. I Know that this is kind of low tech, but I notice a lot of  questions out there regarding, how to change the boot order using BCDedit. Here goes: Go to Computer – Properties. Note: You can also do this by hitting the key combo Windows + Pause/Break or Click on Advanced System settings Open the Advanced tab In the Startup and Recovery section click on Settings Note: run sysdm.cpl to go [...]

By |2009-08-17T09:08:39+01:00august 17th, 2009|General info, OS Deployment, Windows Client|4 Comments

Auto run action when a new user loges on / add setting to HKEY_CURRENT_USER

Ever wanted to set a registry key to automate some stuff for your users, only to find out that the key resides in HKEY_CURRENT_USER making it quit difficult to have it work for all users on the pc. You can of cause set this in your login script, but setting registry fixes is not really a job for the login script. During a deployment scenario, where only the administrator is logged in, we can obviously us the run once command from the registry, but that only run once on the computer, and not once pr. USER. We could also manipulate [...]

By |2009-05-25T10:05:34+01:00maj 25th, 2009|General info, OS Deployment|9 Comments

Disable the Windows Media Player wizard on first run

Ever get annoyed that your users have to run trough the media Player 11 wizard, the first time they launch the program. Well I do, and in general my customers do to.. The fix however is quit simple. All you have to do is set the AcceptedPrivacyStatement key to 1 in the registry, under HKEY_CURRENT_USER ___________________________________________________________________________________ Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Preferences] "AcceptedPrivacyStatement"=dword:00000001 ____________________________________________________________________________________ The obvious problem of cause, is the fact that the key is under current_user, which means that the user needs to be logged on to windows, when the key is added..  This can be automated by [...]

By |2009-05-22T10:26:33+01:00maj 22nd, 2009|General info|Kommentarer lukket til Disable the Windows Media Player wizard on first run

FAQs and flowcharts about – Configuration Manager (updated)

This post contains some references to the Config Mgr. FAQS, Flow charts etc on Technet. Having access to these information from a single webpage has saved me a lot of time and hopefully it can save you some time as well. I will keep adding information to this post. You are also more than welcome to provide links to other useful resources. Hardware and Performance Configuration Manager 2007: Sample Configurations and Common Performance Questions FAQ Features Software Distribution: Discovery: Branch Distribution Points: SQL Reporting Services: Flowchart and Super flows Software Updates: Software Updates Super flows: [...]

By |2009-05-20T09:05:50+01:00maj 20th, 2009|General info|1 Kommentar

The Serial number game

Just spend a frustrating (but interesting morning) at a customer site: Case: Config Mgr. installed on a Virtual Server, with a 3 month old backup. Config Mgr. DB installed on another server. Config Mgr. server was corrupted and a the very old backup was used. Symptoms: No changes made in the config mgr. console was successful. Nothing was written to the SiteCtrl.log file. SiteCtrl.log : SMS_SITE_CONTROL_MANAGER will ignore this record because it was already processed as part of an older delta site control file. Solution: Background and basic information about the serial numbers in Config Mgr If the serial number [...]

By |2009-05-11T15:12:33+01:00maj 11th, 2009|General info|5 Comments

FAQs and flowcharts about – Configuration Manager

This post contains some references to the Config Mgr. FAQS, Flow charts etc on Technet. Having access to these information from a single webpage has saved me a lot of time and hopefully it can save you some time as well. I will keep adding information to this post. You are also more than welcome to provide links to other useful resources. Hardware and Performance Configuration Manager 2007: Sample Configurations and Common Performance Questions FAQ Features Software Distribution: Discovery: Branch Distribution Points: Flowchart and Super flows Software Updates: Software Updates Super flows: Other useful links [...]

By |2009-05-09T09:06:12+01:00maj 9th, 2009|General info|Kommentarer lukket til FAQs and flowcharts about – Configuration Manager

Member of the System Center Influencers Program

Today I received a confirmation mail from the System Center Influencers Program. The program is a new initiative from Microsoft launched at MMS 2009. I looks like the program will help “us” in convincing the world about all the great features in Config Mgr. and other System Center products. I really look forward to see what the program has to offer and love to play my part in it. Greetings from the System Center Influencers Program! You have been invited to participate in this program on Microsoft Connect. Program Overview This program gives influencers—user group leads, MVPs, popular bloggers, and [...]

By |2009-05-06T03:39:09+01:00maj 6th, 2009|General info|Kommentarer lukket til Member of the System Center Influencers Program

Running a custom notification before installing a program with Configuration Manager

One question that is seen again and again in the news forums is “how to configure a custom message prior to running a software package”? In this post you can download a utility developed with help from Jakob G. Svendsen that can be used to customize a message that is shown prior to running the real software package. The utility – WarnBeforeInstall – is installed on each client. When you want to show a custom message you just call the program with a few parameters. The parameters control the title, the message and the countdown value. When the user clicks [...]

By |2009-04-15T10:46:11+01:00april 15th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|39 Comments

Speed up performance on the Config Mgr. 2007 MMC console

The MMC 3.0 might not be the fastest console in the world so here are a few little tricks that might speed up the performance. Open Internet Explorer, select Internet Options and the Advanced tab. Remove the check mark from Check for publisher’s certificate revocation.   The revocation check only takes place a startup (when the DLL’s are loaded) so it wont effect the performance once the console i loaded. Another trick that might boost the performance when working with snap-ins in the MMC is to use the mmcperf.exe command found in .\Windows\System32\ Open a command prompt Navigate to Windows\System32 [...]

By |2009-04-08T07:09:55+01:00april 8th, 2009|General info|1 Kommentar

Configuring Config Mgr. agents to run inventory on a custom schedule

Agent settings are configured for each site leaving you with a single schedule for all clients. To configure some of the clients to run on an individual schedule you can create a script that trigger the action you want to run e.g. perform a hardware inventory. So basically you create a collection containing the computers you want to run the action. Create a package that contains the script. Create a program that runs the script e.g. crscript.exe hw.vbs Create an advertisement with a reoccurrence schedule e.g. every 10 minutes (really not recommended). Script to trigger Hardware inventory ' Set the [...]

By |2009-03-23T17:01:38+01:00marts 23rd, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|3 Comments

Config Mgr prompting for credentials when running report

This is really a top annoying problem, the constant prompt for credentials each time you open a report. All you need to do is disable the Internet Explorer Enhanced security on the reporting server. This is done by running Add/Remove programs, Add/Remove Windows Components. In Windows 2008 you will find the setting in Computer Management, Security Information, Configure IE Esc. Deselect the checkmark in Windows 2003 and you can start running your reports without the prompt :-) Select Off in Windows 2008.

By |2009-03-18T13:57:13+01:00marts 18th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|3 Comments

Speed up performance on the Config Mgr. 2007 MMC console

The MMC 3.0 might not be the fastest console in the world so here are a few little tricks that might speed up the performance. Open Internet Explorer, select Internet Options and the Advanced tab. Remove the check mark from Check for publisher’s certificate revocation.   Another trick that might boost the performance when working with snap-ins in the MMC is to use the mmcperf.exe command found in .\Windows\System32\ Open a command prompt Navigate to Windows\System32 Type mmcperf.exe - you will notice that the mmc dll files are now being "GAC'd" which they for some unknown reason aren't by default. [...]

By |2009-03-07T13:00:34+01:00marts 7th, 2009|General info|1 Kommentar