Links and notes from Mastering Configuration Manager 2007 R3 training (updated February, 17 2010)

 Websites: - SMS 2003 homepage - System Center homepage - Configuration Manager News groups - Configuration Manager webcasts - Config Mgr. homepage - Great community - Information about MOF editing - Config Mgr. addons – System Center Config Mgr. team blog – How to virtualize 3D games using the App V. sequencer – List of Configuration Manager log files - ConfigMgr 2007 Antivirus Scan and Exclusion Recommendations - Asset Intelligence License Wizard Tools: - Scriptomatic - Config Mgr Client Center - SCCM Right click [...]

By |2009-11-30T09:55:13+01:00november 30th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|3 Comments

Supporting ConfigMgr. workgroup clients

In order to successfully discover and install the ConfigMgr. clients on workgroup computers you need to configure a few settings. Configure a Server Locator Point Configure the proper client installation settings Configure the network discovery method Configure the Network access account Configure the client push installation account. Site Systems When you are working with clients that are not able to query the Active Directory services for ConfigMgr information you need to create a Server Locator Point – SLP. In my example I have one SLP a the central site. The SLP is used by the client during the site assignment [...]

By |2009-11-02T09:41:20+01:00november 2nd, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|4 Comments

Audit software installations r2

With this basic report you will be able to monitor any new applications installed and registrered in Add/Remove programs during the last 7 days on a client computer.  Thanks to Claus Codam for helping out The SQL code SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.v_R_System.Name0, dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName0, dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.InstallDate0, DATEDIFF(Day, CONVERT(date,dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.InstallDate0), GETDATE()) AS [days since installed] FROM dbo.v_R_System INNER JOIN dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS ON dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID = dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID WHERE (SELECT ISDATE(dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.InstallDate0)) = 1 GROUP BY dbo.v_R_System.Name0, dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName0, dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.InstallDate0, DATEDIFF(Day, CONVERT(date,dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.InstallDate0), GETDATE()) HAVING ( (CASE WHEN (ISDATE(dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.InstallDate0))=1 THEN (DATEDIFF(Day, CONVERT(date,dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.InstallDate0), GETDATE())) ELSE 500 END) > 0 AND (CASE WHEN (ISDATE(dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.InstallDate0))=1 THEN (DATEDIFF(Day, CONVERT(date,dbo.v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.InstallDate0), GETDATE())) ELSE 500 END) < [...]

By |2009-11-02T09:23:32+01:00november 2nd, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|17 Comments

Installing the ConfigMgr. SP2 client on Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2

ConfigMgr. 2007 SP2 was released a few days ago and can be downloaded from - details.aspx-displaylang=en&FamilyID=3318741a-c038-4ab1-852a-e9c13f8a8140 To successfully install the service pack you need to start the upgrade from the central site and then upgrade child sites and administrator consoles. After the sites have been upgraded it’s time to upgrade the clients. You can use various methods to upgrade the client – check the Technet article for detailed information about the methods - One of the most commonly used methods is using a ConfigMgr. package to perform the upgrade. It works like a charm but when deploying the client [...]

By |2009-10-24T16:39:43+01:00oktober 24th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Installing the ConfigMgr. SP2 client on Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2

How to get registry information into hardware inventory

  When the hardware inventory agent is running it’s looking after values in the local WMI database on the client. By default WMI contains much valuable information that is “easy” to collect. But from time to time we need to gather information that’s not yet part of WMI. This post will guide you through the process of getting those information using a tool developed by Mark Cochrane. The ConfigMgr. files On the Configuration Manager Site server two files are used to control the hardware inventory data process: SMS_DEF.mof This file contains information about the WMI data classes used by hardware [...]

By |2009-10-23T09:22:07+01:00oktober 23rd, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|11 Comments

Query and report all workstations that haven’t rebooted the last 7 days

I recently got a very good question from a student – how can we check the workstations that haven’t restarted during the last 7 days. The intention is to automatically restart the computers. However not until the end-users have been contacted. For that reason I need to create a report and a query. The report The SQL statement Create a new empty report and copy this SQL code into the SQL statement box: SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.v_R_System.Name0, dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.LastBootUpTime0, DATEDIFF(Day, dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.LastBootUpTime0, GETDATE()) AS [Days since last boot], dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.Caption0 FROM dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM INNER JOIN dbo.v_R_System ON dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.ResourceID = dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID WHERE (DATEDIFF(Day, dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM.LastBootUpTime0, [...]

By |2009-10-03T10:51:02+01:00oktober 3rd, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|16 Comments

Status report for Software Update deployments

Spending some time in other communities often gives me a lot of good ideas to reports and queries. A little while ago in the System Center Technet community I stumbled over a very need report created by a user called Qu4rk. His report shows a status of each update deployment, with a count of the each possible software update states. The only thing I have changed (thanks to Claus) is a new column showing the compliant computers in %. I am not going to take any credit for the report as my work was very limited. But this report is [...]

By |2009-09-21T09:43:54+01:00september 21st, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|21 Comments

How to remove Software updates from a deployment

From time to time you will need to remove one or more software updates from a deployment. To remove the update from the deployment you can: Identify the update by reviewing the updatesdeployment.log on one the clients. If the deployment process is visible, you can also identify the failure by looking at the Updates installation status. Remove the update from the Update Management list You can see which update lists the update is part of by looking at the updates properties in the Config Mgr. console Navigate to the Deployment Management node, select the Deployment management list. Select the update [...]

By |2009-09-07T19:55:00+01:00september 7th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til How to remove Software updates from a deployment

Links and other usefull information from this week Configuration Manager for Helpdesk training (updated 28/04-2010)

Tools - Scriptomatic - Config Mgr Client Center - SCCM Right click tools and more – Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 – ConfigMgr. 2007 evaluation VHD Other sites – Danish community for System Center products - List of Active Directory attributes names to be used in system and user discovery and - Where to configure AD system/User discovery attributes – Adobe customization wizard – Information about software and deployment Troubleshooting software installations Check if the advertisement is received by the client. Open the exemgr.log and look for any installation errors. [...]

By |2009-08-25T15:32:44+01:00august 25th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Links and other usefull information from this week Configuration Manager for Helpdesk training (updated 28/04-2010)

Creating a basic Config mgr. report with SQL reporting services

Converting the Configuration manager ASP reports to SRS reports (SQL Reporting Services) is a really easy task. Once you want to modify or create new the reports you need to a little more work. I create reports using these applications. SQL Server Report Builder 1.0 SQL Server Report Builder 2.0 (requires SQL Server 2008) Business Intelligence Development Studio – BIDS (Visual Studio) BIDS is the favorit choice as it gives the developer the most choices (creation of datasets etc.). However SQL Server Report Builder 2.0 is the easiest tool learn and doesn’t require a whole lot of SQL knowledge. In [...]

Configuring SQL Reportings Services mail subscriptions with Configuration Manager

In this post I’ll describe how you configure mail subscriptions with Configuration Manager 2007 R2. I assume that SQL Reporting Services is installed and configured on a remote database. I also assume that the Reporting Services Site system is configured in the Configuration Manager Administrator console. Prerequisites SQL Reporting Services requirements Execution account. Windows user account with read only access to all reports. The Execution account is specified in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager SMTP configured in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager. You also need to make sure that the SMTP port is enabled for relaying and anonymous access. If [...]

Configuring SQL Reporting Services user permission for Configuration Manager 2007

Using SQL Reporting Services is really a “blast”. If you want to use the reporting feature with Configuration Manager 2007 R2 (and you do!), you need to configure a few accounts, groups and configure permissions. In this post I assume that SQL Reporting Services is installed and configured. Accounts to be created Execution Account (Configured in the SQL Reporting Services manager) The EA is used by SRS to execute reports used for subscribtions. The account should be a low privilige account that has: Read access to all reports Open a browser and type SQLReportingSername/Reports Click Properties Click New Role Assignment [...]

By |2009-08-13T21:35:56+01:00august 13th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|6 Comments

Creating a search folder with all required security updates in Configuration Manager 2007

Having a list of all required updates can be very usefull. I this example I will create a search folder containing all required security updates. Open the Config Mgr. console, navigate to Computer Management, Software Updates, Update Repository, Search Folders Create a new search folder. In the search folder select Required and enter the numbers from 1 to 9 (don’t type any “ around the numbers) or type [^0] – both metods will work. Select Superseded and change the value to No Select Expired and change the value to No Select Update Classification and select Security Updates Name the Search [...]

By |2009-08-12T09:13:00+01:00august 12th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|1 Kommentar

Deploy Adobe Flash Player Updates with SCUP 4.5

When deploying Adobe Flash Player updates with SCUP 4.5 you might run into a few problems with the installation of the update. My work around to fix that is by creating the update from scratch. In this post I assume that you have a working SCUP 4.5 environment up and running. The update being deployed is install_flash_player_ax.exe version which can be downloaded from    Open SCUP and select Create Update Type: Update Title: Adobe Flash Player 10 Describtion: Something nice Classification: Critical Update Bulletin ID: APBB09-10 Vendor: Adobe Systems, Inc. Product: Adobe Flash Player 10 Click Next [...]

By |2009-08-09T09:42:58+01:00august 9th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|15 Comments

Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 Beta changes

We all know that support is added for the latest operating systems: Windows 7 Windows Vista Sp2 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 SP2 After some testing of the servicepack yesterday I discovered a few other very nice changes like policies being applied straight away (in the “old days” Config mgr SP1 and previous versions) policies were retrieved from the Management Point and were not effective until after 2 minutes. Some policies are now applied immediately like software policies and policies for Service Windows.  I might not be the biggest of all changes but it now allows to deliver [...]

By |2009-06-11T09:12:19+01:00juni 11th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|1 Kommentar

Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 Beta released

The System Center Configuration Manager team would like to announce that the following has been released and available for download: Configuration Manager 2007 Service Pack 2 Beta This is the official Beta build for Configuration Manager 2007 SP2. New features: Refer to the SP2 Overview article posted on the primary Configuration Manager MSConnect site for all the new features and new supported configurations Hotfixes included in SP2 article can be found on the primary Configuration Manager MSConnect page. Deployment guides for BranchCache and the new AMT features are available in the download section. . The new OpsMgr07 R2 ConfigMgr07 Management [...]

By |2009-06-09T17:28:36+01:00juni 9th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 Beta released

List of hotfixes in Confiugation Manager 2007 (updated)

  Add Windows Windows 2008 SP2 and Vista SP2 support (Thanks to Jens-Ole for posting these): Configuration Manager 2007 RTM Hotfix Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 Hotfix   954214 The SMS_Site_Component_Manager service stops unexpectedly when you try to install Configuration Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 or reinstall a specific component after an unsuccessful installation attempt 954474 System Center Configuration Manager 2007 blocked from deploying security updates 954716 The SMS_EXECUTIVE service of System Center Configuration Manager 2007 on a child site server may crash when it handles the .sha file and sends inventory data to its parent site 954718 You [...]

By |2009-06-09T11:07:00+01:00juni 9th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til List of hotfixes in Confiugation Manager 2007 (updated)

Ups I deleted 1.000 computers in Config. Mgr console

Accindently deleting computer objects in the Config Mgr. console has happened in the past and it will most likely happen again in the future. This post will hopefully help you understand what’s going on in the background and how Configuration Manager recovers the deleted objects. Components involved On the site server the data loader component is responsible for loading inventory data (and other stuff) into the SQL database. The log file used is Dataldr.log On the client you should pay attention to the Inventory Agent which is responsible for gathering inventory data. The log file used is InventoryAgent.log What happens [...]

By |2009-06-04T10:55:32+01:00juni 4th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|1 Kommentar

Links and other usefull information from this week MOC 6451 (updated 04/05-2010)

Websites: – Danish System Center User Group - SMS 2003 homepage - System Center homepage - Configuration Manager News groups - Configuration Manager webcasts - Config Mgr. homepage - Great community - Information about MOF editing - Config Mgr. addons – System Center Config Mgr. team blog – More online training on ConfigMgr. 2007 Deployment Sites: - Deployment Blog, author Michael Petersen - MDT Blog Tools: - Scriptomatic - Config Mgr Client Center - SCCM Right click tools and more – [...]

By |2009-05-27T15:34:21+01:00maj 27th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Links and other usefull information from this week MOC 6451 (updated 04/05-2010)

Config. Mgr Report – List all Maintenance windows

Configuration Manager ships with a built-in report showing maintenance windows for a single computer. I have just done a few modifications to that report (added a few columns and removed the prompt). SELECT     TOP (100) PERCENT sw.Name AS [MW Name], sw.Description, sw.StartTime, sw.Duration AS 'Duration Minutes', sw.IsEnabled AS 'MW Enabled',                       dbo.v_R_System.Name0, dbo.v_R_System.Operating_System_Name_and0 FROM         dbo.v_ServiceWindow AS sw INNER JOIN                       dbo.v_FullCollectionMembership AS fcm ON sw.CollectionID = fcm.CollectionID INNER JOIN                      dbo.v_R_System ON fcm.ResourceID = dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID WHERE     (dbo.v_R_System.Operating_System_Name_and0 LIKE '%server%') ORDER BY [MW Name], dbo.v_R_System.Name0

By |2009-05-19T15:09:43+01:00maj 19th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|3 Comments

Configuration Manager Version 5

At MMS 2009 the next version of Configuration Manager was shown to public for the first time. Here is the list of news and  improved features to look for: Name The name is not yet made public. If you are searching for any other news about the version try using Config Mgr. Next which is the “name” used during public presentations at MMS Performance No more MMC console I repeat NO MORE MMC CONSOLE yes I wrote that with capitals As a result to the removed MMC console no more F5 for refresh :-) Only a 64 bit version will [...]

By |2009-04-30T21:21:08+01:00april 30th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Configuration Manager Version 5

Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 features

While we are waiting for the next Config Mgr. service pack here are some facts: Will be released 90 days after Windows 7 New Operating System Support Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 SP2 Windows Vista SP2 New and improved features Out of band management Intel Active Management Technology Integration - Version 2 Wireless Management: Wireless Profile Management (mobile ONLY) End Point Access Control: 802.1x support Persistent Data Storage: Non Volatile Memory or Third Party Data Store (3PDS) Access Monitor: Audit Log Remote Power Management: Power State Configuration Asset Intelligence Open for all not only for SA [...]

By |2009-04-30T21:04:26+01:00april 30th, 2009|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 features

Coretech Auto Install Warning – Freeware

DOWNLOAD REMOVED! Update: New version out. please look at : When we are deploying application to the user's computers, we sometimes want to warn them about what is happening. This is to prevent any complains about etc. "My Computer is slow", "Do i have Virus?" or similar complains that might occur when the computer slows down while installing. Therefore i have created this small utility. It can show a message, with a countdown, that all. This can be used in etc. Config Mgr Setups. for a guide of how to use it please read: Requirements: Windows XP / [...]

Coretech SCCM Manager 1.0.3 – Freeware Download

New version is out! . We're back with a new version of Coretech Application Creator! We have decided to change the name of the application, since the old name did not fit with all the features available. Changelog / What’s New 1.0 RC1 -> 1.0.3 Application has a new name, the old name did not cover the features, and future plans for the application. Configuration wizard is shown the first time the program is run, to help setup the basic settings. Changed collection structure, which means that no specific collection names are needed, only a user-defined “root collection” is [...]