Solution for The certificate specified in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Machine Settings cannot be used for authentication. The error is The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized(0x8009030D)

  Certificates. Fairly easy to setup if you do it from scratch, but if something fails at some point, it can be a little tricky to troubleshoot. Today, I had one of the moments. At a customer we had a running OpsMgr environment with three gateway servers in the DMZ and some agents also in the DMZ, everything running smooth for a couple of months. Now, all of a sudden, no gateway servers could authenticate. We had changed nothing, we could telnet, the certificates weren’t expired etc. Weird!   On the management server I then noticed this error: Source: OpsMgr [...]

By |2013-02-19T12:25:53+01:00februar 19th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|5 Comments

Working with regular expressions and ip addresses in OpsMgr 2012

Today, one of my costumers asked me to create some groups and Live Maps views containing network devices with a specific ip address range. Now, im a big fan of the “work smarter, not harder” principle, so I wanted the groups and views to be dynamic using regular expressions. I’ve worked with regular expressions before, which is fairly manageable with a table of the meta characters on your hand. However, I find ip addresses a lot more tricky, which is why I’m posting different solutions. Before advancing, I would like to introduce you to a dear friend of mine: [...]

By |2013-02-12T17:16:48+01:00februar 12th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|7 Comments

Operations Manager 2012 Maintenance Mode

  ”How can I schedule maintenance mode in SCOM 2012?” “How can I put a server in maintenance mode without using the Operations Console?” These are fairly common questions from my costumers. A lot of tools was developed to Operations Manager 2007, but not for 2012, hence this blog. Tool: SCOM Remote Maintenance Mode Scheduler 2.0 by Tim McFadden I can’t take any credit for this one, as it was developed by Tim McFadden, but it is the best (only) scheduler I can find. Furthermore, it has an UI, which makes it far easier to put servers or group in [...]

By |2017-08-22T13:06:40+01:00februar 7th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|9 Comments

Property reference with id {XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} in workflow cannot be resolved

  Today i was creating a new management pack in the Authoring Console. When I saved I didn’t get any errors, neither did I when I imported it. Shortly after event 1201 (management pack received), I received this event:     I know this is a problem with my newly created management pack, but the property reference id {8F538D63-86DA-C149-3C84-1F1AACE2DF930} doesn’t make any sense to me (I doubt it does for anybody). Resolution: To resolve this id, run this query against the OperationsManager database.   SELECT MT.TypeName, MTP.ManagedTypePropertyName FROM ManagedTypeProperty as MTP, ManagedType as MT WHERE MTP.ManagedTypePropertyId = '8F538D63-86DA-C149-3C84-1F1AACE2DF930' AND MTP.ManagedTypeId = [...]

By |2013-01-28T14:48:28+01:00januar 28th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|2 Comments

Common issues when working with certificates in OpsMgr

The last couple of weeks I have been working a lot with certificates in Operations Manager 2012 – agents and gateways in workgroup. I have worked so much with this that it feels like I have seen all the possible issues one can meet when configuring this. Both for helping you guys, and as a notepad for myself, here’s the issues (and solution) I met on my way: First of all, make sure no firewall is blocking the communication. You can test this by telnetting port 5723 both ways.   Issue: no certificates available in the certificates dropdown list when [...]

By |2013-01-14T16:22:31+01:00januar 14th, 2013|Operations Manager (SCOM)|13 Comments

Set-SCOMLicense : Requested registry access is not allowed

  My colleague Kåre has already blogged about how to set the Operations Manager 2012 license, to be read here. However, I have experienced this command fails – even when running from an elevated Operations Manager Shell – giving error about registry access:   Solution: Instead of spending hours messing up the the security in registry, simply run Windows Powershell as Administrator, and import the Operations Manager module, by using the “Import-Module OperationsManager” cmdlet. When this has been imported, run the Set-SCOMLicense command and you should succeed:

By |2012-12-11T13:38:37+01:00december 11th, 2012|Operations Manager (SCOM)|18 Comments

“How to Raise Alert from Microsoft Outlook in OpsMgr 2007” or a New Outlook Connector to Operations Manager 2007 R2

Have you ever thought on creating Alerts directly from a mail? Or Send a mail to your OpsMgr to raise an alert in your Operations Manager? A few weeks ago I was talking with a guy participating on one of the Advanced OpsMgr courses, his existing monitoring environment currently delivered an mail to a group mailbox in which they used to react and resolve issues from a Nagios/IPMonitor installation. But what he really would like to was gather all issues in the Operation Manager Console, after a quick talk with Jakob Svendsen he came up with a “How To” [...]

OpsMgr 2007 R2: Script Unit Monitor Comparison Problems!

  While making my last Management Pack , I discovered a problem in the Operations Console of OpsMgr. Problem:   When i created the Critical/Unhealthy/Healthy Expressions i had to compare to a Integer that was returned by the Script. The problem was that when i compared 50 with 100, it acted like 50 was more than 100 !! I was kind of baffled and did not know what was going on. Solution: So i exported the Management Pack to XML and took at closer look in the details: This is a snippet from the XML, it is only one of [...]

By |2009-10-22T15:11:52+01:00oktober 22nd, 2009|Operations Manager (SCOM)|1 Kommentar

OpsMgr 2007 R2 (SCOM): Coretech Coffee Monitor Management Pack –

Download: [download id="16"] The file has included test examples and vlc player. The Management Pack is 32Kb Intro: This management packs can be used to keep track of the level of coffee in left in the pot. With this management pack, you will never run dry of, what we all know, is the most important part of a productive environment! This is mostly made as a proof of concept, as this technique can be transferred to other monitor types. It could be expanded with other types of sensors, like a weight to check the level of coffee instead of a [...]

By |2009-10-21T11:59:42+01:00oktober 21st, 2009|Operations Manager (SCOM)|47 Comments

OpsMgr 2007 (SCOM): Coretech Certificates Expire checker Management Pack –

Download: [download id="13"] Intro: This management packs can be used to check the expire date on all or specific certificates in the client/servers certificates store. It uses the event log on the local client, to alert the OpsMgr unit monitor . It is supposed to check once every day, and make a warning in the opsmgr if any certificates are close to the expire date. This is the very first version. It has been tested in my test environments, and will soon be tested in production. Please do not hesitate to report any bugs and please send suggestions for the [...]