I have seen a few threads across a couple of forums asking about how to disable LEDBaT correctly. Here are two options which are applicable across a couple of scenarios:

Scenario#1: You are confident you do not have any other custom CongestionProvider or TransportFilter configurations on your server.

1 of the 2Pints, Phil Wilcock (follow: @2PintPhil), has provide what is by far the quickest and easiest solution with good ‘ol netsh:

netsh int tcp reset

*When you run the reset command, it overwrites the following registry keys, both of which are used by TCP/IP:


This has the same effect as removing and reinstalling TCP/IP.

Scenario#2: You have custom CongestionProvider or TransportFilter configurations in your environment or you are unsure.

Using PowerShell we can accomplish the removal of any custom TransportFilters configured for the InternetCustom setting as well as reverting its CongestionProvider to the Default, all without any danger of affecting any known or unknown custom configurations that may currently exist.

# Remove Transport Filters
Remove-NetTransportFilter -SettingName InternetCustom -Confirm:$false

Remove-NetTransportFilter will remove all configured transport filters for a setting (you can also remove a single transport filter). It will however, leave LEDBaT as the CongestionProvider for the Setting (i.e. InternetCustom). This is not a problem if the setting being “reset” is not being or will not be used in a scenario that requires the default CongestionProvider.

The default CongestionProvider for InternetCustom is Compound TCP (CTCP) and this could be easily changed as well to effectively disable LEDBaT:

# Reset Congestion Provider
Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName InternetCustom -CongestionProvider CTCP -Confirm:$false

All together now:

# Reset TCP Parameters for a Specific Setting
Get-NetTransportFilter -SettingName InternetCustom | Remove-NetTransportFilter -Confirm:$false | Set-NetTCPSetting -CongestionProvider CTCP -Confirm:$false

I hope this helps someone in the community out and feel free to leave me a note below if you have any questions.

You can also follow me on the Twit: @surferstylee13

Cheers and Happy LEDBaT-ing!!
