Sealing a management pack is fairly easy (everything’s easy when you’re good at it, i know), but this can be a little tricky the first couple of times. Follow this guide and you should not encounter any problems!
To get started you need to download sn.exe and all referenced management packs. For OpsMgr 2007, these can be found in the Program Files\Operations Manager folder. For OpsMgr 2012, these can be found on the installation media. I have uploaded sn.exe and the management packs you need. Download them from here.
It is far easiest seal management packs from your management server, as you need the Operations Manager assembly files.
Let get started!
First, on C: (or wherever suits you) create a folder called SealMP. In this folder you create the following folders:
– Input (the original XML file exported from Operations Manager)
– Output (destination for the .mp file)
– Key (folder containing the pair key file)
– MPs (containing all management packs for referencing)
Place sn.exe in the root of the folder.
Next, we need to create the key file. Open a command prompt to do this, and execute the following command:
sn –k PairKey.snk (as shown below).
Next, extract the public key to the file with this command: sn –p PairKey.snk PubKey (as shown below)
These commands should give you these two files:
Copy these files to the Key folder.
Next, copy all downloaded management pack files (.mp) to the MPs folder.
Next, export the management pack you want to seal from Operations Manager and place it in the Input folder.
Next, copy the MPSeal.exe from the SupportTools folder on the OpsMgr installation media. Note: MPSeal.exe from 2007 will NOT Work in 2012.
Last, open a commando prompt with the following syntax:
MPSeal.exe C:\SealMP\input\XML NAME.xml\ /I „C:\SealMP\MPs‟ /keyfile „C:\SealMP\Key\PairKey.snk‟ /Company „YourCompany‟ /Outdir „C:\SealMP\output‟
In my case that is:
MPSeal.exe C:\SealMP\input\MPSealDemo.xml /i „C:\SealMP\MPs‟ /keyfile „C:\SealMP\Key\PairKey.snk‟ /Company „Coretech‟ /Outdir „C:\SealMP\output‟ (as shown below)
That’s it! Now you should have a .mp file in the output folder:
Happy sealing!
Hi Michael
How can I seal an MP which references mpb?
Hi Michal
You will need to place the reference management packs in the MP folder.
Hello Michael,
Thx for this post. It is very easy to follow.
I am trying to seal the MPs in Kevin’s post following, and get the error message below.
I am running SCOM 2012R2.
Any ideas how to resolve this?
The xml file mentioned is there, I think, Microsoft.Windows.Library.xml, (Windows Core Library) but the version is 7.5.8501.0)
(Pls tell me if this is maybe a question for Kevin??)
John Bradshaw
Error 7:
Found error in 2|Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.Addendum|6.0.6958.0|Microsoft.Win
dows.Server.2003.Addendum|| with message:
Could not load management pack [ID=Microsoft.Windows.Server.Library, KeyToken=31
bf3856ad364e35, Version=6.0.6958.0]. The management pack was not found in the st
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.ObjectNotFoundException: An object of clas
s ManagementPack with name Microsoft.Windows.Server.Library was not found.
at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.AggregateStoreManagementPackManagement.GetM
anagementPack(String name, String keytoken, Version version)
at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackReference.GetMa
Could not load management pack [ID=System.Library, KeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Ve
rsion=6.1.7221.0]. The management pack was not found in the store.
Hi John
Make sure you have Microsoft.Windows.Server.Library in your MPs folder.
Yes, that is there.
Anything else?
Thx for you help,
Hi Michael,
Could it be a version thing with the MP?
Hi John
Yes, it is probably an issue with the version of the mp. Which version are you currently using?
I am trying to seal a MP but it ask for System Center Library Management pack, I have use your MP but no luck.
We have SCOM 2012 R2 UR3 environment, could you please suggest how I will get that Library Management Pack? it was not public ally available…
Thanks in Advance
Trying to seal a mp but getting the following error? Is this something that should be passed with the mpseal.exe?
: XSD verification failed for management pack. [Line: 1, Position: 78]
The ‚SchemaVersion‛ attribute is not declared.
Hi Michael,
How can we create a mpb using more than 1 mp and resources.