In ConfigMgr Current Branch, version 1511/1602 you have a new pre-production client upgrade feature that allows you to test the new client install on a pre-preproduction collection. The feature works like a charm and allows you to gain control over the upgrade process by testing first. However, while testing the new client, you might run into client installation issues if you are installing a new client on a Management Point.
In ccmsetup.log on the management point you will see errors stating that “The client version 5.00.8325.1000 does not match the MP version 5.00.8355.1000. The client will not be installed.”
The fix is easy, the only question is – if you are ready. Configure you the client install options to deploy to production instead of the pre-production collection. That can be done from Cloud Services, Updates and Servicing. You’ll notice in the illustration below that Client Update Options is still in pre-production (if it was not, the option would be grayed out).
Click Client Update options and enable I’m ready……
After that, time to spend a few seconds in cmtrace reading hman.log (on the site server). Notice that both the preproduction and production packages are impacted by your recent change. Look for the line Loaded client upgrade settings from DB successfully. FullClientPackageID=PS100002, StagingClientPackageID=PS100007, ClientUpgradePackageID=PS100003, PilotingUpgradePackageID=PS100008, ClientUpgradeAdvertisementID=PS120000, ClientPilotingAdvertisementID=PS120003
After the upgrade, your management point will successfully install.
Good day Kent
I am busy designing for a client and I am wandering – is it possible to install the client as a first install?
In other words :
1 can I complete the CAS install on base 1511 and upgrade and
2 then do the database move to a SQL always on and
3 Primary Site install on 1602 then
4 deploy the clients?
Or do I have to do the 1511 completely (meaning must I first do a full install of CAS then Primary site then ) including clients, and then only after that do the upgrade?
No, you can wait with the client upgrade until 1602/1606
Thanks a million for clearing this for me.
We recently ran across this issue on our CM server (issue was present in 1810 and 1902). Promoting the client didn’t help in our case.
Turns out there was an issue with duplicate registry keys under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products for the ConfigMgr Management Point. Perhaps ccmsetup.exe was querying the registry directly rather than talking to the CM MP to get the current running version.
The following cleared up the issue (and a related issue with the SMS_NOTIFICATION_SERVER not running properly):
– remove the Management Point role from the ConfigMgr server (we have only one in our environment)
– look for entries for the „BGB http proxy‟ and „ConfigMgr Management Point‟ under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products and delete them (I exported them to files first, just-in-case)
– re-add the Management Point role
– reinstall the ConfigMgr client using ccmsetup.exe
After all that, the new client is up and running. Probably not the same cause as what Kent originally posted about, but the errors logged were remarkably similar.