Slides for OpsMgr 2007 R2 CU2
[download id="22" format="1"] This slides are from my session at Global Knowledge, 12. maj 2010.
[download id="22" format="1"] This slides are from my session at Global Knowledge, 12. maj 2010.
In the past couple of years I have stumbled over this error when I install OpsMgr Clients - It seams like some products are doing naughty things with the WMI database, which then leaves the WMI repository in Inconsistent state. The way I correct this is by using the following recipe: Error when installing OpsMgr Agent: Symptoms: Check Properties on your computer, are there no information in Processor and Memory????? Resolution: 1) Change to C:\windows\system32\wbem 2) Run the command: winmgmt /verifyrepository 3) Check the result: “WMI repository is INCONSISTENT” ? 4) If so run the command: winmgmt /salvagerepository 5) Check [...]
One of our very good customers are managing servers with an dedicated internal administrator as a primary contact for each server. They are managing this one to one relation with an Excel sheet. A while ago we talked about automating this group creation with powershell, so the last time Jacob and I was discussing Powershell in Operations Manager we found a solution - Jacob who is the best Danish Powershell Guru of cause did a superoptimization of my first script and now its up to you to test it on your own. Please change the first lines of the script to [...]
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Dette indhold er adgangskodebeskyttet. For at se det, indtast venligst din adgangskode nedenfor: Adgangskode:
If you want to monitor a Service and run a predefinded recovery task follow this walkthrough:
Resolved Alerts in Operations Manager is easy to extract from your DW and Operations Manager environment: In Powershell: Get-Alert | Where {$_.Resolutionstate -eq 255} | ft resolvedby Or if you need a query from OperationsManagerDW in SQL as a dataset in your report: SELECT Alert.vAlert.AlertName, Alert.vAlertResolutionState.ResolutionState, Alert.vAlertDetail.Owner, Alert.vAlertDetail.TicketId, Alert.vAlertResolutionState.StateSetByUserId, Alert.vAlert.RepeatCount, Alert.vAlert.RaisedDateTime, Alert.vAlert.AlertDescription, vManagedEntity.Path FROM Alert.vAlert INNER JOIN Alert.vAlertResolutionState ON Alert.vAlert.AlertGuid = Alert.vAlertResolutionState.AlertGuid INNER JOIN Alert.vAlertDetail ON Alert.vAlertResolutionState.AlertGuid = Alert.vAlertDetail.AlertGuid INNER JOIN vManagedEntity ON Alert.vAlert.ManagedEntityRowId = vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId Where (Alert.vAlertResolutionState = 255) Thanks to Michael Westergaard for his question about Resolved Alerts....
While making my last Management Pack , I discovered a problem in the Operations Console of OpsMgr. Problem: When i created the Critical/Unhealthy/Healthy Expressions i had to compare to a Integer that was returned by the Script. The problem was that when i compared 50 with 100, it acted like 50 was more than 100 !! I was kind of baffled and did not know what was going on. Solution: So i exported the Management Pack to XML and took at closer look in the details: This is a snippet from the XML, it is only one of [...]
Download: [download id="16"] The file has included test examples and vlc player. The Management Pack is 32Kb Intro: This management packs can be used to keep track of the level of coffee in left in the pot. With this management pack, you will never run dry of, what we all know, is the most important part of a productive environment! This is mostly made as a proof of concept, as this technique can be transferred to other monitor types. It could be expanded with other types of sensors, like a weight to check the level of coffee instead of a [...]
Download: [download id="13"] Intro: This management packs can be used to check the expire date on all or specific certificates in the client/servers certificates store. It uses the event log on the local client, to alert the OpsMgr unit monitor . It is supposed to check once every day, and make a warning in the opsmgr if any certificates are close to the expire date. This is the very first version. It has been tested in my test environments, and will soon be tested in production. Please do not hesitate to report any bugs and please send suggestions for the [...]
A new 3 days Operations Manager (or Scom) course (# 50216) is showing up around August - I think the first course will be around the beginning october - Please email me kra[@] regarding participating on this Course. Kurset vil naturligvis blive tilbudt gennem vores samarbejdspartnere, Teknologisk, Global Knowledge og Microworld. God sommer - Kåre Course Outline How the 'internals' of Operations Manager work and how to troubleshoot * Architecture * Operations Manager "Health Engine" * Troubleshooting * Troubleshooting discoveries and monitors * Troubleshooting health state changes * Troubleshooting the Operations Manager agent This module will explain management pack architecture and how to author a management pack * Architecture * OpsMgr Console vs Authoring console [...]
Hermed mine slides fra Global Seminaret den 14. april 2009. Mail endelig såfremt i ønsker flere oplysninger. [download id="9" format="1"]