Useful Software Metering Rules

One way to ensure a really fast ROI with Configuration Manager is usage of Software Metering. Creating the rules is a simple process but gathering the exe names of the software packages can be time consuming. To save you some time I have added some of the most commonly used products. Application Filename Vendor Visio Visio.exe Microsoft Project winproj.exe Microsoft Frontpage Frontpg.exe Microsoft Access Msaccess.exe Microsoft Autocad Autocad.exe Autodesk Acrobat Writer std Acrobat.exe Adobe Acrobat Writer Prof. Acrobat.exe Adobe Illustrator Illustrator.exe adobe Image Ready ImageReady.exe Adobe InDesign InDesign.exe Adobe Photoshop Photoshop.exe Adobe DreamWeaver DreamWeaver.exe Adobe Flash Prof. Flash.exe Adobe Crystal [...]

By |2008-11-11T16:00:01+01:00november 11th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|2 Comments

Creating Configuration Manager 2007 Reports – Part III Using Count

In this example I explain how to use the Count function. I anticipate that you already by now know how to create the report in Configuration Manager and how to start SQL Server Management Studio. This report will group all computer objects by Vendor and Model with a count of each unique model.     I've started SQL Server Management Studio, navigated to the SMS_Sitecode database, and created a new View. For information about those steps please refer to Part II of this post. Select V_GS_Computer_System, click Add and Close. Select the columns Manufacturer(), Model() and Model() - the Model [...]

By |2008-11-03T17:50:46+01:00november 3rd, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|1 Kommentar

Easy way to install depending on Chassis Type (laptop, Desktop or Server)

Lets say you have a application you only want to install on laptops, like f.ex. VPN or battery SW. Well now how do you get around this?? I use the MDT variable IsLaptop  as an option on my Task Sequence step. 1. add the MDT Gather step somewhere after the image has been deployed     2. On the Install Software step you only want to install on Laptops, you add the “Option-Task Sequence Variable” IsLaptop equals TRUE   This will make sure this step is only run is the Chassi type is LAPTOP. You can of cause do the [...]

By |2008-10-22T13:15:15+01:00oktober 22nd, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|4 Comments

Configuring WebDAV on Windows Server 2008 for Configuration Manager 2007

The WebDAV components is a required component for the configuration Manager site systems. In Windows server 2003 you simply add the component from Add/Remove programs in the Control Panel. Hovewer in Windows server 2008 the component has been removed. Installing WebDAV on Windows Server 2008, requires a download and some configuration in ISS.  32 bit: Download webdav_x86_rtw.msi from 64 bit: Download webdav_x64_rtw.msi from Start the installation by double clicking the correct msi file (in this guide I am installing the 32 bit version).   Select I accept the License agreement and click Install. Click Finish. Open Start, All [...]

By |2008-10-21T16:47:05+01:00oktober 21st, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|2 Comments

Client push fails when Management Point is installed on Windows 2008 server

I just went back from a customer that experienced a problem when they used client push to install clients. All client reported the same in ccmsetup.log Failed to correctly receive a WEBDAV HTTP request. Failed to successfully complete HTTP request. (StatusCode at WinHttpQueryHeaders: 405) The solution to this problem is adding this line: <add name="WebDAV" path="*" verb="PROPFIND,PROPPATCH,MKCOL,PUT,COPY,DELETE,MOVE,LOCK,UNLOCK" modules="WebDAVModule" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="None" /> To the %windir%\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config file. Open the applicationHost.config file Search for the text <handlers accessPolicy="Read, Script"> Add a new line after the text and paste this line: <add name="WebDAV" path="*" verb="PROPFIND,PROPPATCH,MKCOL,PUT,COPY,DELETE,MOVE,LOCK,UNLOCK" modules="WebDAVModule" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="None" /> It should look like the [...]

By |2008-10-11T15:39:41+01:00oktober 11th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|2 Comments

Configuration Manager OSD Frontend

We have received a lot feedback about our Coretech Application Creator. Some of you mention that the application name is a bit misleading. Well, you're right, the name don't reveal the real magic behind the application. The application has two main features: It's a OSD frontend which can be used to prestage computers and also to configure collection variables. It automates the entire software distribution process. The name will be changed in future releases. For more information about the application please refer to my previous post or Jakobs post

By |2008-10-11T13:59:48+01:00oktober 11th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|1 Kommentar

Coretech Application Creator for SCCM without Active Directory integration

Download: [download#3#size#nohits] System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista. Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Development team: Kent Agerlund: Contributor Michael Pedersen: Contributor Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen: Main Developer In the first version of our Coretech Application Creator the Collection membership was based on Active Directory Groups. Based on the first feedback we developed a version without the Active Directory integration. In this version the application will automatically create collections, import the package, create 2 programs and optionally two advertisements. The application is pretty esasy to use, but I will advice you to read the help before you start. For detailed information about installation and configuration [...]

By |2008-10-11T13:28:32+01:00oktober 11th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Tools|1 Kommentar

Capture from VPC keeps rebooting when deployed.

  I normally like to capture my reference images from a virtual machine as it eliminates a lot of the driver issues you have if you capture an Actual machine. I did sometimes run into problems capturing XP images though. The build and capture posses would work fine, but once I deployed the image (with Storage driver and HAL replacement scripts and everything ) it would just enter an endless loop ether before the minisetup, or just after. The problem turned out to be the old UberBug problem where WinPE 2.1 formats the HD in a way that XP doesn't [...]

By |2008-10-08T16:24:03+01:00oktober 8th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Capture from VPC keeps rebooting when deployed.

Coretech Application Creator For SCCM

This version is obsolete! please download new Coretech SCCM Manager at System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista. Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Development team: Kent Agerlund: Contributor Michael Pedersen: Contributor Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen: Main Developer 1. Introduction This utility is developed based on many years of experience with Microsoft System Management Server now System Center Configuration Manager. Our mission is to streamline every aspect of the package creation process thus making the daily administration of the system smarter. In the latest version you’ll also find functionality to prestage computers and configure variables used in the image deployment process. This utility is Freeware, [...]

Links and other usefull information from this week MOC 6451

Websites: Config Mgr sites - SMS 2003 homepage - System Center homepage - Configuration Manager News groups - Configuration Manager webcasts - Config Mgr. homepage - Great community - Information about MOF editing - Config Mgr. addons Deployment Sites: - Deployment Blog, author Michael Petersen - MDT Blog Tools: - Scriptomatic - Config Mgr Client Center - SCCM Right click tools and more Troubleshooting Management Point: http://siteservername/SMS_MP/.sms_aut?MPCERT http://siteservername/SMS_MP/.sms_aut?MPList Other sites: - List of Active Directory attributes names to be used in system and user [...]

By |2008-09-26T08:55:44+01:00september 26th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Links and other usefull information from this week MOC 6451

Creating Configuration Manager 2007 Reports – Part II Creating the first report

In this part I will walk you through the creation of a report in SQL Server Managmenet Studio. The report will show all clients with SMS 2003 Toolkit installed. Open SQL Server Management Studio and log on to the server. Navigate to the Configuration Manager database. The name is most likely SMS_<Sitecode>. Right click Views and select New View Select the Views tab. Add V_R_System and V_GS_Add_Remove_Programs Note: V_R_System contains the basic discovery data. Now when we have the views we must create an Inner Join.From V_R_System drag the column RessourceID onto the RessourceID column onto the V_GS_Add_Remove_Programs view Select [...]

By |2008-09-08T19:30:19+01:00september 8th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|7 Comments

Creating Configuration Manager 2007 Reports – Part I the basics

I often hear customers and students complaining about the complexity of creating reports. Statements like; “the database is a mystery” and “I am not a SQL expert. I agree, the database can be a mystery. But using the proper tools and some very basic SQL skills you will be able to create powerful reports. I will post 4 parts explaining the basics and how to build a few reports. Views: Reports are based on SQL views. A view is basically just a query joining one or more tables. Knowing a few basics of the naming standard I very helpful: V_GS_Name [...]

By |2008-09-07T16:15:31+01:00september 7th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Creating Configuration Manager 2007 Reports – Part I the basics

SCCM versions

  As you properly know there are some significant differences in the way SCCM/OSD works before SP1 and after SP1. One being the OS target drive during the WinPE phase (D or E instead of C), and also weather or not you have to "press OK to accept that OS deployment is about to start, and your DeployCD should be removed" (I use CD in the form of .wim loaded into WDS for my "Mixed mode" customers). Also the difference between PE 2.0 from WAIK 1.0, that lack some NIC and Storage drivers that the 2.1/1.1 version have. Now where [...]

By |2008-08-13T16:12:21+01:00august 13th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til SCCM versions

Wrong PC name after deployment

  A while ago, I noticed that the PC name specified during the "Import Computer Name" part of SCCM didn't stick  trough out the entire deployment process.. The strange thing was that this wasn't the case for all my task sequences. What I then noticed was that the name (when it changed) always took the WINPE random name like  "MININT-XXXXXX", which led me to think that it properly had something to do with the MDT integrated TaskSequences, and what do you know, it did! It then got me thinking, that the MDT scripts properly updated sysprep.inf with the variable "OSDcomputername" [...]

By |2008-08-11T16:06:56+01:00august 11th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|5 Comments

easy way to change PC name during Deployment

  I know there are many ways to handle PC naming during deployment, like prestaging, variables, userexit scripts, etc. But a very simple way is to just have the PC prompt you for a Name during The TaskSequece. I wrote a small script that in conjunction wit the fabulous ZTIUtillity.vbs script from MDT does just that. It is very small and simple script (as I pretty much suck at scripting) so it shouldn't be hard to get it to work. The script will prompt you for a PCname, and write it to sysprep.inf (if needed on VISTA it must be [...]

By |2008-08-05T15:55:38+01:00august 5th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til easy way to change PC name during Deployment

Keep Test Computers in Test collection.

  When testing your different deployment scenarios eg. Task Sequences, you normally create a Test collection, and associate a test PC to that collection. Now ones the PC has successfully carried out the steps in the TS, you might want to change some thing, and then run the TS again. You now find that the test PC does not work any more, and you have to associate the PC all over again. Why does this happen! The PC receives a new GUID during deployment, and therefore, the original associated PC will become obsolete. The PC (obviously still with the same [...]

By |2008-07-09T15:33:15+01:00juli 9th, 2008|Configuration Manager (SCCM), OS Deployment|Kommentarer lukket til Keep Test Computers in Test collection.