Last week, Microsoft announced a great new addition to Microsoft Azure, called “Microsoft Azure Automation”.

In short, it is the “Service Management Automation” from Windows Azure Pack in Microsoft Azure!

This means you can run PowerShell in Azure, without having to worry about servers to execute the code (Runbook Workers).

It is all handled by Microsoft Azure.


Another cool thing is that it is FREE!

Here is the current price list from Microsoft:



As you can see, both of the editions are Free within the Preview period, but actually the “FREE” version (marked by the red rectangle) will stay free afterwards!

At least that is how i understand the text, of cause this is subject to change while in the preview period.

Prices can be found at


Go test it out!


To get started you can find great info here:

Announcing Microsoft Azure Automation Preview

Step-by-Step: Getting Started with NEW Microsoft Azure Automation preview feature

Get started with Azure Automation


More info and runbooks soon!