A new and updated version of our popular shutdown utility is available for download. Read this post for a detailed description of the utility.
Added Exit Error Codes.
Added Minimize Button.
Added Notification Form when Minimized.
Added the support for an external description text file.
Added the argument support for LastBootTime more or less.
Added the argument support for RegistryKey equals or not equals.
Added the support for using Capital Letters as argument type.
Changed Main form as well as the Notification form to be Desktop Modal.
Changed the design to "Splash Form" style, with background and 90% opacity.
Changed the Company Logo to appear in both the left and right upper corners.
Changed the size of the Company Logo to 100×50, will scale, maintaining aspect ratio, to fit.
Changed the Extend Button to read Postpone.
Changed the Postpone selection to include "1 day", if applicable.
Changed the times for when the form should return from Minimized to Normal state, from 10/5/1 minutes to 60/30/10/5/1 minutes.
All credits goes to our developer Claus Codam – nice work dude!
Wicked, thats all i was waiting for i think. except for the language 😀
[How To Use ShutdownTool with a Task Sequence]
Create 2 Packages
1st Package ShutdownTool – xcopy
Program: xcopy
Commandline: xcopy „\yourserverShutdownTool*.*‟ „C:WindowsTemp‟ /e /i /y
On the Environment tab…
Select „Whether or not a user is logged on‟
2nd Package ShutdownTool – Run
Program: Restart
Command line: ShutdownTool.exe /t:60 /m:60 /c /r /f
Start in: C:WindowsTemp
On the Environment tab…
Select „Whether or not a user is logged on‟
Check „Allow users to interact with this program‟
On the Advanced tab…
Check „Run another program first‟
Browse for the Package „ShutdownTool – xcopy‟
Select the Program „xcopy‟
Check „Always run this program first‟
Right click on your Task Sequence then select Properties.
On the Advanced tab…
Check „Run another program first‟
Browse for the Package „ShutdownTool – Run‟
Select the Program: Restart
Check „Always run this program first‟
Right click your Task Sequence then select Edit.
*NOTE* Make this the very first step of your Task Sequence.
Add > General > Restart Computer
Select „The currently installed default operating system‟
Uncheck „Notify the user before restarting‟
Can you change the shutdown word to restart? Users get confused.