Playing around with Windows 10 Servicing in ConfigMgr 1511 is kind of cool. But having said that; you might want to know the consequences of creating custom servicing plans. A servicing plan is basically an automatic deployment rule with a twist. The twist being (right now), you are unable to filter on the updates being downloaded. Regardless of the Windows 10 versions and languages the servicing plan will always download all 256 Windows 10 versions. Each version is about 2 GB….do the math. Contentlibrary will explode in size, if you selected all remote distribution points; the Network team will not be happy (as in, not at all).



If you like me (in my test), create a custom servicing plan, you might get an error like this, saying that you ran out of disk space!!!!!


So how do we work around this? For now; I personally download the update directly from the console. Right click your win10 enterprise x64 and download it to a package. Remember to apply this ConfigMgr hotfix or you might run into a cert issue when downloading.