Last Friday I had the pleasure of being contacted by a customer who was in the middle of a Lync 2010 deployment.
The scenario:
- Windows XP, Windows 7×86 & Windows 7×64 client.
- Some computer do already have Office Communicator 2007 installed which must be uninstalled.
Solution, creating a task sequence:
- Conditions to only unstall Communicator 2007 if it is installed.
- CondÃtions to control whether to install the x86 or the x64 version of Lync 2010
The result:
Almost everything worked out as expected, except for 20% of the computers that failed during the Install Lync software step. In the log files it showed the installation was complaining about open files. One thing I have learned during the years, is that log files are you friend, but they can also be deceiving and sometime lead you down the wrong road. My problem was not an open file, and the task sequence worked on 80% of the computers. Second step in troubleshooting (after reading the logs) is performing a manual attended installation on one of the workstations that failed. It turned out that Lync wouldn’t install and still complained about open files. After a little investigation I found out that the computers that failed all previously had Office Communicator 2005 installed, and the upgrade to Office Communicator 2007 for some reason didn’t do a very could cleanup job.
For whatever resaon the Lync 2010 installation also checks for this old Communicator 2005 registry key HKCR\Installer\Products\034DA5EBC0E93424BAF3958353688955 and with this key Lync complains about open files and stops the installation.
Solution to that was to add a new step to the task sequence that deletes the registry key. Below VB script was created as a package and added as a Install Software step.
On Error Resume Next Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000 strComputer = "." strKeyPath = "Installer\Products\034DA5EBC0E93424BAF3958353688955" Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv") DeleteSubkeys HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKeypath Sub DeleteSubkeys(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKeyPath) objRegistry.EnumKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKeyPath, arrSubkeys If IsArray(arrSubkeys) Then For Each strSubkey In arrSubkeys DeleteSubkeys HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKeyPath & "\" & strSubkey Next End If objRegistry.DeleteKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKeyPath End Sub
Thanks to Claus for helping out with the script.
Hi Kent
I did the same, but if they had Outlook started the TS failed so in my script I killed the outlok proccess before Lync started to install.
Best regards
@Andreas, It wasn’t the same error. I tried the installation without any apps running, even killed all the OLK processes and it kept showing the same error message. But thanks for the tip, always appreciate that
nice findings.I wouldnt close the outlook which is running rather run the script that runs in the backend to see if outlook is opened or not,if opened,promt window to close the it and then execute TS as most of customers dont recommend to close outlook while they are running with imp things 😉
Make sure you have ownership of the ProgramData folder.