An updated version of our Coretech Shutdown utility is ready for Download

For more information about the utility and how to use it with ConfigMgr refer to this post

Change list

Bug Fixes:

Fixed problem, with program not ending in shutdown/restart/logoff, when using both the /f and /c switch.


Added Localization, the program will now appear in the same language as Windows, provided it exists. (default: english)

Added the posibility of RTF styled description, using the /dRTF argument

Added the argument support for localization, to force language of the program.

Added the argument support for Powered By „Wake on Lan‟, true or false

Added the argument support for Interactive User, true or false

Added the possibilty to use the /ER switch to determine if Registry Key Exists / NOT Exists

Added Support for other Registry Classes than HKLM, added: HKCR, HKCU, HKU, HKCC


In the case that no Interactive User is present on the system, the /t argument is overruled, and the action is executed immedieatly

In the case that postpone time (/m) is set to 0, the Postpone dropdown and button will be hidden.