An updated version of our Coretech Shutdown utility is ready for Download
For more information about the utility and how to use it with ConfigMgr refer to this post
Change list
Bug Fixes:
Fixed problem, with program not ending in shutdown/restart/logoff, when using both the /f and /c switch.
Added Localization, the program will now appear in the same language as Windows, provided it exists. (default: english)
Added the posibility of RTF styled description, using the /dRTF argument
Added the argument support for localization, to force language of the program.
Added the argument support for Powered By „Wake on Lan‟, true or false
Added the argument support for Interactive User, true or false
Added the possibilty to use the /ER switch to determine if Registry Key Exists / NOT Exists
Added Support for other Registry Classes than HKLM, added: HKCR, HKCU, HKU, HKCC
In the case that no Interactive User is present on the system, the /t argument is overruled, and the action is executed immedieatly
In the case that postpone time (/m) is set to 0, the Postpone dropdown and button will be hidden.
Just a note for the Wake on lan
The dell 790 doesnt support this feature, you cant read out the wmi for the wake up type.
All their other models do support this.
They have decided to no longer support this feature „unless others start complaining also perhaps.‟
For how to read it out your self see:
its saved in the class class Win32_ComputerSystem :
uint16 WakeUpType;
Thank you for adding the Reg Key EXISTS/DOES NOT EXIST feature to the /ER switch in version 0.9.0.
How does this version detect if there is an Interactive User on the system at runtime? My test system never behaves as if it is running an interactive users session when I run ShutdownTool.exe reguardless of which switches are added to the commandline. (Examples: /t:900 is always overridden – 05 second countdown, /eu:true doesn’t run ShutdownTool.exe even when it’s invoked from an interactive command line on the test system.)
Is there any workaround or way to disable this feature (No Interactive User detected – No /t:xxx override) from the command line?
Thanks again for all your work on this tool.
Hello Patrick,
The tool detects Interactive User Sessions with WMI.
I’ve sent you an email, so we can try to figure out the problem.
Thanks for letting us know, about your experience with this product.
Hello Claus
I have same problem as Patrick. Some machines override the /t:xxx.
You have some workaround for this?
Thanks for all
Hi, I’m just above to move this product into our production SCCM envrionment, I think we’ll have about 8000 happy users who don’t have to restart their PCs on SCCM’s schedule.
Love the tool, just got one question how does it detects Interactive User Sessions. When a user has locked the machine or not has forgotten to lock it before he goes to a meeting is the session than active?
Hello Sem,
The version available for download in this post, uses WMI to determine interactive sessions. Future versions will simply look at explorer.exe processes, both methods should return true, even when a user has locked the computer.
Let me refraise that last question.
I am having issues using /eu:true argument.
When is use this commandline: shutdowntool.exe /t:300 /m:720 /c /esM:24 /eu:true
The mashine shutsdown even though the machine is locked and also when no user is logged on the machine.
Any thoughts?
With eu set to true, the tool should run ONLY when an interactive session is present, this includes all GUI sessions, remote and idle.
So the tool will run, even when the user has locked the computer.
However, it should NOT run, when no user is logged on to the machine.
I’ve send you a mail, with a newer version, which uses the explorer.exe process method, described in my other reply. This should improve the false positives of WMI.
Thanks for using our tool, let me know if i can me of further assistance to you.
I have tested with eu:false because I want that the machine is only rebooted if there is no user logged on.
I send the command using SCCM and make sure the machine is logged off. The machine is not rebooting. I’m only get an exit code 0 to say it is successfully.
Hello Claus
Awesome utility!
Can you please send me the version that you describe below which uses explorer.exe for detecting an interactive user?
What is the latest version number as of May 2013? Is it 9.2 BETA 6? Or is there a non-beta version out now?
I’ve send you a mail, with a newer version, which uses the explorer.exe process method, described in my other reply. This should improve the false positives of WMI.
Hello James,
The latest version is 0.9.2 Beta 6, however this version is stable, and will probably be renamed to Version 1.0 Stable, sometime in the future, when we start the beta of version 2.0
0.9.2B6 includes the explorer.exe to detect interactive user. Also it will now only do the action immediately if no interactive user is found AND the /i switch is used.
Thank you for your interest.
Hello Claus
I am using the latest (beta) version you sent me on 5/23 and we’re in the process of testing it within our IT Dept. I’ve had 3 people contact me about getting a .NET error when they hit Postpone. The error is an „Unhandled exception‟ and below that it says „Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: ‚Reminder'‟ and then they can either Continue or Quit. I can send you the full details if you need to see more. Any ideas as to why that’s coming up? Should I try reverting back to a previous version and see if it occurs?
Thanks for your help. Again, love the util.
Hi did you ever hear back from CT Global about the .NET error? i’m running into the same issue otherwise seems to be working just fine.
I’m having the .net error as well – is there any update on the cause of this?
Hi did you ever hear back from CT Global about the .NET error? i’m running into the same issue otherwise seems to be working just fine.
Hello I have a question, once you set a „Schedule Reboot‟ for a collection, Do you know where this task is located?, basically I’m trying to find out this just in case that in the future a modification to it is needed or perhaps remove the task.
Where can I get the newest version of this tool?
Hi, did you ever hear back on a newer version? Thanks. I’m getting the .NET error message on this version and wondering if a later one was available.
Is there any way to change the background image of the tool?