[download id=‟115″]


UPDATE: New version uploaded fixing a bug in list and improving error logging. Please send any logs if your application crashes

This post describes the tool and configuration.

Blog post by Kent Agerlund, describing how to use it in your environment


1. Introduction


As we start migrating from CM2007 to CM2012 one of the requirements is that the package source used for packages must be a UNC.

we have seen many site installations where the package source is either a local source on the site server or a UNC pointing to the site server. In either case, you must somehow update the package source before starting the migration.

You can use the “list” button to list all sources that are current in use, and select the one you want to edit.


This utility is Freeware, making it illegal to change or sell, but legal to use in any purposes.

This is the second beta version. Please report any failures or bugs!

Thank you! 🙂

We hope you’ll benefit from our application. Please report any suggestions problems or errors to Coretech at [email protected]


2. Installation

No installation needed. Unpack the zip file to a folder on the site server


3. Setup


1. Start PackageSourceChanger.exe as an administrator

2. Accept License Agreement

3. Click „configuration‟

4. Setup servername and log location

4. Advanced configuration


The application contains one configuration file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


In this file you can setup default values for the textboxes, servername, log file path, check update and license agreed.

Change it manually if you require that the applications startup values are different.

The other parts of the configuration will be setup by the application.

5. Changelog / What’s New –>

Added support for listing the sources available

Update notification support



6. Credits

The utility is created and distributed by Coretech A/S.

Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen: Main Developer

Kent Agerlund: Contributor / Initiator