Resizing a Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)

Ever run into problems with a VHD that ran out of space?? I did just yesterday, and found a couple of solutions for that problem. Here are two ways of dealing VHD size issues . Methode 1: Using 3rd part tool “VDH Resizer” Download and install VHD Resizer. Open VhdResizer and point to the file you VHD you want resized. Choose a location to put the new file, and choose a new size. The resizing process might take a while, but be patient, it will be worth the wait.   When the resizing is done start a the virtual pc [...]

Enable Integration features for Virtual PC Beta running server 2008

Running on Windows 7 it obvious you would use the new Windows Virtual PC Beta. There is a problem however, when you want to run a Server2008 virtual PC. The server it self runs great, and is much faster than Virtual PC2007, but like in Virtual server2005 Drag’n Drop is not supported. This Should basically not be a problem because the integration features gives you access to all the host machines drives (including USB).  Only problem is that it doesn't seam to work on Server2008. It might work at first, but after a couple of reboots the integration features suddenly [...]

Speed up your Microsoft Virtual PC environment

  Playing around with OS deployment (and teaching MS MOC courses) I often use virtual environments such as Microsoft Virtual PC and Virtual Server. Now more often that not I find myself pulling out what little hair I have left, in sheer frustrated over the speed with witch VPC/server runs… I mean trying to run a DC, a SCCM server and a client is near impossible unless you like  long walks along the beach and other slow boring things… So I find myself converting stuff to VMware as it seems to run some what faster along with other need features.. [...]

By |2008-10-23T11:29:55+01:00oktober 23rd, 2008|Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)|Kommentarer lukket til Speed up your Microsoft Virtual PC environment