Om Andreas Sobczyk

Cloud & Datacenter Consultant, Focusing Azure, Azure Stack, System Center, Software-Defined Datacenter & PowerShell Personal blog:

Deploying a SDNv2 lab on a single host using nested Hyper-V

With Windows Server 2016 we got SDNv2 that is the second generation of the Microsoft Software-defined Networking for Hyper-V, if you to know more about SDNv2 check the Microsoft Docs. To make it easier to validate and test SDNv2 Microsoft has created a scripts repo to get you started. The SDNexpress scripts can be used to deploy SDNv2 with or without VMM on four or more Hyper-V hosts in a single rack/cluster/scale unit. But what if you don't have four spare servers to test this out? Don't fear nested Hyper-V is here! With Windows Server 2016 we also got the [...]

By |2018-08-29T16:32:42+01:00august 29th, 2018|SDNv2, Virtualization, Windows Server|2 Comments

Continuous Delivery WebApps with ARM Templates, Part 2

Previous: Continuous Delivery WebApps with ARM Templates, Part 1 Cross-posting from personal blog So it has been some busy months and therefor a bit delayed with this second post, but now I finally got a moment to finish it, so here we go! In the previous post we created and tested the continuous delivery pipeline for the Azure resources using a ARM template, and with the pipeline for deploying the Azure resources we are now ready to create the pipeline to deploy the application. First you should go and grab the latest version of the ARM template and the [...]

By |2017-12-12T15:15:53+01:00december 12th, 2017|Azure|Kommentarer lukket til Continuous Delivery WebApps with ARM Templates, Part 2

Continuous Delivery WebApps with ARM Templates, Part 1

Cross-posting from personal blog https://cloudmechanic.netThe boss words these days is all about DevOps, Everything as Code, Continuous Delivery, but how do you actually do it? And why should you do it? Hopefully this post will help you getting started, and by the end of the post provide you with a complete working scenario. So lets get started!First let me describe the scenario. This case will deploy a simple To-do List .NET WebApp using a Azure SQL Database and monitored with Application Insight.All code needed for this is provided doing the article, so don't worry you don't need to know anything [...]

By |2017-10-26T19:42:46+01:00oktober 26th, 2017|Azure|1 Kommentar