Updated version of the shutdown utility is ready for download. Thanks to Tom for reporting a bug in the previous version.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Memory Leak, which let the program consume up to 160MB.
Fixed /eb switch generating a file instead, changed argument syntax to /ebM:xxx and /ebL:xxx
ShutdownTool.exe [/t] [/d] [/m] [/r | /l] [/f] [/c] [/eb] [/es] [/er]
No args Shutdown procedure with default settings.
/? Display help.
/t:xxx Sets countdown time to xxx seconds. (Default 60)
/m:xxx Sets max allowed extension to xxx minutes. (Default 1440)
/d:‟xxx‟ Sets description to xxx.
This can also be set, by placing a .txt file next to the tool.
/r Change action to Reboot instead of default Shutdown.
/l Change action to Logoff instead of default Shutdown.
/f Forces the chosen action.
/c Disables the option to abort. Also triggers /f
/e:xxx Deprecated (use /es<xxx instead)
/ebM:xxx Only run if last boot time was more than xxx hours ago.
/ebL:xxx Only run if last boot time was less than xxx hours ago.
/esM:xxx Only run if last shutdown time was more than xxx hours ago.
/esL:xxx Only run if last shutdown time was less than xxx hours ago.
/er:‟p‟==‟v‟ Only run if (p)RegistryKey value equals (v)Value.
/er:‟p‟!=‟v‟ Only run if (p)RegistryKey value not equals (v)Value.
Command: /t:300 /m:60 /d:‟Because I said so!‟ /f /c
Description: Shutdown the computer in 300 seconds(t),
with the ability to postpone a total of 60 minutes(m),
force the shutdown(f), and disable the ability to abort(c).
Command: /er:‟HKLM\SOFTWARE\CT\Name‟==‟Coretech‟
Description: Shuts down the computer in 60 seconds,
with the ability to postpone a total of 1440 minutes,
only if the value of registry key Name equals Coretech(er).
Description from text file:
Include a .txt file in the same folder, with the same name as the program.
i.e ShutdownTool.txt
Company Logo:
Include a picture in the same folder, with the same name as the program.
i.e ShutdownTool.png, ShutdownTool.jpg or ShutdownTool.bmp‟
All creadit goes to Claus Codam, System Center developer.
Thanks for great tool!
Do you plan add multilingual support for GUI?
Hello Wojciech,
Localization is in the works, and will be a functionality of the next version.
We are looking for people to submit the translations.
I’ve send you an e-mail, regarding this.
/r switch doesn’t seem to work with this version.
Hi John,
I’ve just checked the /r switch in this version, and everything about it works for me.
It changes both the text on the form, and correctly restarts the computer when the countdown hits zero.
Please elaborate on your problem with the /r switch.
What exactly isn’t working for you?
Which OS are you running the utility on?
If you are using /r with /f and /c in the command line, try removing the /f. Since the /c implies /f already, it does not need to be there. I was seeing the same issue. My command line was ShutdownTool_NoBack.exe /r /t:300 /m:0 /d:‟Message to user‟ /f /c
When i removed the /f it worked.
ShutdownTool_NoBack.exe /r /t:300 /m:0 /d:‟Message to user‟ /c
would it be possible to add a parameter to skip the countdown when no user is logged on? Or do i miss the trick how it can be combined with standard techniques?
Hi Chris,
This is allready incorporated into the next version, which will be out sometime next week.
If you have any other suggestions, please let us know.
Hi Claus,
are there any news regarding the release date of the new version?
Thank you for all your work creating this tool.
How can I use the Registry Key command line switch to run shutdowntool.exe based on only if a reg key exists? (If I didn’t know any of the Name/Value pairs under the reg key ahead of time) Or is there some way to check for the „Default‟ valueless Name/Value pair using the /er: switch?
The reg key I would like to check for is: HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdateAuto UpdateRebootRequired
Hi Claus,
Thanks for the wonderful and easy to use tool. I have updated the same on my blog.
It seems that the example command is wrong, and that runs fine when i remove the backslash() before the Quotation marks as given below:
Command: /t:300 /m:60 /d:”Because I said so!” /f /c
Hi Rajeesh,
You are absolutely correct, thoose escaping backslahes aren’t supposed to be there…Damn copy-paste!
Thanks for the notification, i’ve corrected the „typo‟.
Hey Kent,
I was in your CM 2007 R3 Cleanup class at MMS and you showed the shutdown tool. Seems really slick! It got me thinking, do you have a tool with simialr fuctionality that would close IE rather than shutdown/reboot? I often have to close IE with 3rd party updates, jre, quicktime, etc… I hate having to force close IE sessions if a user could be potentially working.
The tool is amazing! Many Thanks.
I need your help. I am in the IT training and would like to introduce the tool in the school. Unfortunately, I do not understand how I need to integrate the tool into SCCM so that runs after a software Installation from SCCM. I read the article How to configure the tool In Configuration Manager but dont undestand where I Need to create the programs in the package to control the Shutdowntool..
I would like to install a software via SCCM which runs the tool after the instalaltion with the Notification Window.
Did exist an German language pack for the tool ?
Thanks in advance
Great and thanks for this tool! I am trying to have the application run only if it is NOT already running. I am using the following command but it dopes not work:
shutdowntool.exe /r /t:86400 /c /f /m:1440 /ebM:120 /eps:‟ShutdownTool.exe!=‟
Any help would be appreciated.