Hello Everyone

In the last few weeks, I have been working with Opalis, the new player in the System Center Suite.

A lot of the configuration wizards/gui, and documentation have not been easy at all. Some parts of opalis is very hard to setup, and requires a lot of reading and manually changing files/downloading files etc.

Especially the Opalis Operator’s Console, which is a web based console for monitoring the status, or running Opalis Runbooks (Policies).

This console in running on a java webserver with a lot of different jboss .jar files and other components needed.

I tried to find the manual setup guide, but it has been removed from the Microsoft website. I found a blog post at scug.be, which has a powershell script that is really useful!

unfortunately something went wrong in my setup , and I couldn’t get it to work!.


I search the net some more and found a tool made by



This tools is utilizes the PowerShell script and has all the setups and jar’s needed for this install!


I am looking very much forward to the next version, which is going to be called "System Center Orchestrator 2012".

This version contains a Silverlight based .net web site and service instead! it is looking really cool, unfortunately no beta is out yet, but it should be here during the summer! 🙂