[download id=‟25″]

Since we had a user of this product asking to be able to show more text, I have created a new version of the utility.

This version is a quick update of the old version.

Window  has been resized to a bigger size and it is now possible to specify font size in the XML config file.




Windows XP / Vista / Server 2003 / 2008

Microsoft .Net 2.0 Framework

Windows installer 3.1 (required by the msi installer)

Command line:

AutoInstallWarning.exe „Windows Title‟ „Message‟ „timeout in seconds”


„C:\Program Files\Coretech\AutoInstallWarning\AutoInstallWarning.exe‟ „Office 2007 Installation‟ „Internal IT is deploying Office 2007, it might take approx. 30 minutes‟ 30

Remember all string arguments, must have quotes around them if they contain space.

The last arguments is an integer, and therefore it does not need quotes.



This xml file contain all application settings


            <setting name="WindowTitle" serializeAs="String">
                <value>Installation is about to begin</value>
            <setting name="BannerLocation" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="CountDownTitle" serializeAs="String">
                <value>Closing in...</value>
            <setting name="TextSize" serializeAs="String">

Setting Description
WindowTitle The title for the window, this is not usually shown because it is set from the command line. But sometimes i could be shown for a short while (0-1 second)
BannerLocation Here you can change the name of the banner image file
CountDownTitle The label for the countdown can be changed here.
TextSize Font Size in message


This is the banner file, by default it is a coretech banner.

Change it to whatever you like.



The main application file


MSI Installer for the application.

Notice that the file are placed externally, this gives you the opportunity to change the baner, or settings, and keeåp using the same msi installer.

It is important that ALL files is placed in the same directory as the MSI file, for it to work



Errorcode Description
0 Application successfully completed
1 More or less arguments that the 3 required.
2 Argument 3 (timeout i second), can not be converted to an integer. Check



Size: Must be 300×100 for the banner to show correctly, smaller or larger can be used also though, but they will not be resized.

Name: banner.jpg, by default. This name can be changed in the config file