Hello Everybody

Here is a little xmas present from Team CTGlobal

This script is an improved version of the script used by MDT to for the “Execute Runbook” Step

I has the following improvements:

  • Success/Failed check
  • Retry if the webservice call fails
  • Retrieval of the correct result, when a runbook has failed over to one or more servers.
    • The currently included script in MDt, will accidently get the first result, which is the failed result, while the newst result is the succeded one.

This improves stability of the step by far.

This has been tested in a scenario that contains around 800 servers in each patch windows.

Each server executes around 20 runbooks in the TS.

Including retry/check status, this is about 20 calls per step.

So a total executions of 800*20*20 = 320,000 calls in a single Patch window!

It has been running for around 8 months, without any issues!

So we can  call this Tested!

Hopefully this script can be included in a future version of MDT.

I will make sure that the correct people get the message, but for now you can get it here and replace the file in your MDT package.

[download id=”12884″]



<job id="ZTIExecuteRunbook">
   <script language="VBScript" src="ZTIUtility.vbs"/>
   <script language="VBScript">

' // ***************************************************************************
' // 
' // This is a csutom version of the MDT toolkit script to enable retry
' // 
' // Authorered by CTGlobal - 2018/02/19
' // 
' // ***************************************************************************

' // ***************************************************************************
' // 
' // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
' // 
' // Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Solution Accelerator
' //
' // File:      ZTIExecuteRunbook.wsf
' // 
' // Version:   6.3.8443.1000
' // 
' // Purpose:   Execute a System Center Orchestrator 2012 runbook
' // 
' // Usage:     cscript ZTIExecuteRunbook.wsf [/debug:true]
' // 
' // ***************************************************************************

Option Explicit

'//  Main Class

Class ZTIExecuteRunbook

	'//  Global constant and variable declarations

	Dim iRetVal

	'//  Constructor to initialize needed global objects

	Private Sub Class_Initialize

	End Sub
	'//  Main routine

	Function Main
		Dim sURL
		Dim sMode
		Dim i, iCount
		Dim sID, sVar, sVal
		Dim sParameters
		Dim sRequest
		Dim oResult
		Dim oJob
		Dim sJob
		Dim bFinish
		Dim oStatus
		Dim oInstances
		Dim oInstance
		Dim oParameters
		Dim oParameter
		Dim sName
		Dim sValue

		' Local Variables

		iRetVal = Success

		' Build the Orchestrator server URL

		If Left(LCase(oEnvironment.Item("OrchestratorServer")), 7) = "http://" or Left(LCase(oEnvironment.Item("OrchestratorServer")), 8) = "https://" then
			If Right(LCase(oEnvironment.Item("OrchestratorServer")), 4) = ".svc" then
				sUrl = oEnvironment.Item("OrchestratorServer") & "/Jobs"
				sUrl = oEnvironment.Item("OrchestratorServer") & "/Orchestrator2012/Orchestrator.svc/Jobs"
			End if
		ElseIf Instr(oEnvironment.Item("OrchestratorServer"),":") > 0 then
			sURL = "http://" & oEnvironment.Item("OrchestratorServer") & "/Orchestrator2012/Orchestrator.svc/Jobs"
			sURL = "http://" & oEnvironment.Item("OrchestratorServer") & ":81/Orchestrator2012/Orchestrator.svc/Jobs"
		End if
		oLogging.CreateEntry "Orchestrator server URL = " & sURL, LogTypeInfo

		oLogging.CreateEntry "Runbook name = " & oEnvironment.Item("RunbookName"), LogTypeInfo
		oLogging.CreateEntry "Runnbook ID = " & oEnvironment.Item("RunbookID"), LogTypeInfo
		sMode = UCase(oEnvironment.Item("RunbookParameterMode"))
		oLogging.CreateEntry "Runbook parameter mode = " & sMode, LogTypeInfo

		' Build the parameters

		If oEnvironment.Item("RunbookParameters0ParameterID") <> "" then
			sParameters = "&lt;Data&gt;"

			' Loop through all possible parameters and add them to the request
			For i = 0 to 999

				' If the ID can't be found, we're out of parameters, so exit the loop
				sID = oEnvironment.Item("RunbookParameters" & CStr(i) & "ParameterID")
				If sID = "" then
					Exit For
				End if

				' Get the name and value
				sVar = oEnvironment.Item("RunbookParameters" & CStr(i) & "ParameterName")
				If sMode = "AUTO" then
					sVal = oEnvironment.Item(sVar)
					sVal = oEnvironment.Item("RunbookParameters" & CStr(i) & "ParameterValue")
				End if

				' Add it to the request
				sParameters = sParameters & "&lt;Parameter&gt;&lt;Name&gt;" & sVar & "&lt;/Name&gt;&lt;ID&gt;{" & sID & "}&lt;/ID&gt;&lt;Value&gt;" & oEnvironment.Substitute(sVal) & "&lt;/Value&gt;&lt;/Parameter&gt;"
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Added parameter " & sVar & " (" & sID & ")", LogTypeInfo

			sParameters = sParameters & "&lt;/Data&gt;"
		End if

		' Build the job request

		sRequest = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & _
			"<entry xmlns:d=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices"" xmlns:m=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata"" xmlns=""http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"">" & _
			"<content type=""application/xml"">" & _
			"<m:properties>" & _
			"  <d:RunbookId m:type=""Edm.Guid"">" & oEnvironment.Item("RunbookID") & "</d:RunbookId>" & _
			"  <d:Parameters>" & sParameters & "</d:Parameters>" & _
			"</m:properties>" & _
			"</content>" & _
		oLogging.CreateEntry sRequest, LogTypeVerbose

		' Invoke the job

		Set oResult = Invoke(sURL, "POST", sRequest)
		If oResult is Nothing then
			oLogging.ReportFailure "Unable to create Orchestrator job for the specified runbook.", 10801
		End if

		' Get the job ID

		oLogging.CreateEntry oResult.XML, LogTypeVerbose
		Set oJob = oResult.SelectSingleNode("//atom:entry/atom:id")
		If oJob is Nothing then
			oLogging.ReportFailure "Unable to find job.", 10802
		End if
		sJob = oJob.Text
		oLogging.CreateEntry "Orchestrator job created: " & sJob, LogTypeInfo

		' Are we waiting for the runbook to complete?  If not, exit

		If UCase(oEnvironment.Item("WaitUntilComplete")) <> "TRUE" then
			oLogging.CreateEntry "No need to wait for job to complete.", LogTypeInfo
			Main = Success
			Exit Function
		End if

		' Wait for the runbook

		i = 1
		bFinish = False
		Do While not bFinish

			Set oJob = Invoke(sJob, "GET", "")
			If oJob is Nothing then
				oLogging.ReportFailure "Unable to get Orchestrator job status.", 10803
			End if

			Set oStatus = oJob.SelectSingleNode("//atom:entry/atom:content/m:properties/d:Status")
			If not (oStatus is Nothing) then
				If UCase(oStatus.Text) <> "PENDING" and UCase(oStatus.Text) <> "RUNNING" then
					bFinish = True
					WScript.Sleep i * 1000
					If i <= 32 then
						i = i * 2
					End if
					oLogging.CreateEntry "Job status: " & oStatus.Text, LogTypeInfo
				End if					
			End if

		oLogging.CreateEntry "Final job status: " & oStatus.Text, LogTypeInfo
' Get the instance ID and retry if no result as instances sometimes is a bit delayed..
	Dim iTryIteration, bReTry
	iTryIteration = 0
	bRetry = False
		Set oInstances = Invoke(sJob & "/Instances?$orderby=CompletionTime desc", "GET", "")
		Set oInstance = oInstances.SelectSingleNode("//atom:entry/atom:id")
		If oInstance is Nothing Then
			If iTryIteration = 10 Then
				oLogging.ReportFailure "Unable to get Orchestrator job runbook instance id.", 10804
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to get Orchestrator job runbook instance. retrying", LogTypeInfo
			End If
			bRetry = True	
			iTryIteration = iTryIteration + 1	
			WScript.Sleep(2000) 'Wait 2 secs before retrying
		End If
	Loop While (bRetry Or iTryIteration = 10)
	iTryIteration = 0
	bRetry = False
		Dim oInstanceStatus
		Set oInstanceStatus = oInstances.SelectSingleNode("//atom:entry/atom:content/m:properties/d:Status")
		If oInstance is Nothing Then
			If iTryIteration = 10 Then
				oLogging.ReportFailure "Unable to get Orchestrator job runbook instance status.", 10804
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to get the selected Orchestrator job runbook instance status. retrying", LogTypeInfo
			End If
			bRetry = True	
			iTryIteration = iTryIteration + 1
			WScript.Sleep(2000) 'Wait 2 secs before retrying
		End If
	Loop While (bRetry Or iTryIteration = 10) 
	iTryIteration = 0
	bRetry = False
		' Retrieve and process the parameters
		oLogging.CreateEntry "Processing any out parameters.", LogTypeInfo
		Set oParameters = Invoke(oInstance.Text & "/Parameters", "GET", "")
		If oParameters is Nothing Then
			If iTryIteration = 10 Then
				oLogging.ReportFailure "Unable to get Orchestrator job runbook instance parameters.", 10805
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to get Orchestrator job runbook instance parameters. retrying", LogTypeInfo
			End If
			bRetry = True	
			iTryIteration = iTryIteration + 1
			WScript.Sleep(2000) 'Wait 2 secs before retrying
		End If
	Loop While (bRetry Or iTryIteration = 10) 

		For each oParameter in oParameters.SelectNodes("//atom:entry")

			If UCase(oParameter.selectSingleNode("atom:content/m:properties/d:Direction").Text) = "OUT" then
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Processing output parameter " & oParameter.selectSingleNode("atom:content/m:properties/d:Name").Text, LogTypeInfo
				sName = Replace(oParameter.selectSingleNode("atom:content/m:properties/d:Name").Text, " ", "")
				sValue = oParameter.selectSingleNode("atom:content/m:properties/d:Value").Text
				oEnvironment.Item(sName) = sValue
			End if


		' Force a failure if the runbook did not complete successfully
		If UCase(oStatus.Text) <> "COMPLETED" then
			oLogging.ReportFailure "Runbook did not complete successfully, final status = " & oStatus.Text, 10806
		End if

		' Force a failure if the runbook instance ends with warning or failed.
		If UCase(oInstanceStatus.Text) <> "SUCCESS" then
			oLogging.ReportFailure "Runbook instance did not complete successfully, final status = " & oInstanceStatus.Text, 10807
		End if

		oLogging.CreateEntry "Runbook executed successfully.", LogTypeInfo

		' Done

		Main = iRetVal

	End Function

	Function Invoke(sURL, sMethod, sEnvelope)

		Dim oHTTP
		Dim sReturn
		Dim oReturn
		Dim oNode
		Dim sUserID, sPassword

		Dim iRetryIteration
		Dim iMaxIteration 
		iMaxIteration = 30

		For iRetryIteration = 1 to iMaxIteration

		Set oHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
		Set oReturn = oUtility.GetMSXMLDOMDocument
		oReturn.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:d='http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices' xmlns:m='http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata'"
		Set Invoke = oReturn

		' Set timeouts to infinite for name resolution, 60 seconds for connect, send, and receive

		oHTTP.setTimeouts 0, 60000, 60000, 60000

		' Ignore SSL errors (avoids having to deal with certificates)

		oHTTP.SetOption 2, 13056

		' Issue the web service call

		Dim bNAACred
		Dim iTryIteration
		iTryIteration = 0 ' number of creds to get
		bNAACred = oUtility.GetNextNAACred(0)
		If Not bNAACred Then
			oLogging.CreateEntry "No NAA credentials specified. Using default.", LogTypeVerbose
			oLogging.CreateEntry "NAA credentials have been specified.", LogTypeVerbose
		End if
		Do While ((iTryIteration = 0 Or bNAACred))
			sUserID = oEnvironment.Item("UserDomain") & "\" & oEnvironment.Item("UserID")
			sPassword = oEnvironment.Item("UserPassword")

			oLogging.CreateEntry "About to execute web service call using method " & sMethod & " to " & sURL & ": " & sEnvelope, LogTypeVerbose
			oLogging.CreateEntry " --Attempt #" & CStr(iTryIteration + 1), LogTypeVerbose
			oHTTP.open sMethod, sURL, False, sUserID, sPassword
			oHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/atom+xml"

			On Error Resume Next
			oHTTP.send sEnvelope
			If Err then
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Error executing web service " & sURL & ": " & Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")", LogTypeError

				if iRetryIteration <= iMaxIteration Then
					Exit Do
				Else 'Exit if number of retries is 
					Set Invoke = Nothing
					Exit Function
				End If

			End If
			On Error Goto 0
			If oHTTP.status = 200 or oHTTP.status = 201 then
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Response from web service: " & oHTTP.status & " " & oHTTP.StatusText, LogTypeVerbose
					' Process the results
				oReturn.loadXML oHTTP.responseText
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Successfully executed the web service.", LogTypeVerbose
				Exit Function
			ElseIf bNAACred Then
				iTryIteration = iTryIteration + 1
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Unexpected response from web service: " &	 oHTTP.status & " " & oHTTP.StatusText & vbCrLf & oHTTP.responseText, LogTypeError
				'oLogging.CreateEntry "Web service returned unauthorized: " & oHTTP.status & " " & oHTTP.StatusText & vbCrLf & oHTTP.responseText, LogTypeWarning
				bNAACred = oUtility.GetNextNAACred(iTryIteration)
				If bNAACred Then 
					' We will try another account
					' All accounts have been tried and been denied
					oLogging.CreateEntry "All network access accounts failed to be authorized/connect.", LogTypeError
					if iRetryIteration <= iMaxIteration Then
						Exit Do
					Else 'Exit if number of retries is 
						Set Invoke = Nothing
						Exit Function
					End If
				End If
				oLogging.CreateEntry "Unexpected response from web service: " &	 oHTTP.status & " " & oHTTP.StatusText & vbCrLf & oHTTP.responseText, LogTypeError
				if iRetryIteration <= iMaxIteration Then
					Exit Do
				Else 'Exit if number of retries is 
					Set Invoke = Nothing
					Exit Function
				End If
			End If

		oLogging.CreateEntry "Wait 10 secs before retry - Attempt: " & iRetryIteration, LogTypeWarning
		WScript.Sleep(10000) 'Wait 10 secs before retrying
		Set Invoke = Nothing
	End Function

End Class
