OpsMgr 2007 (SCOM): Coretech Certificates Expire checker Management Pack –

Download: [download id="13"] Intro: This management packs can be used to check the expire date on all or specific certificates in the client/servers certificates store. It uses the event log on the local client, to alert the OpsMgr unit monitor . It is supposed to check once every day, and make a warning in the opsmgr if any certificates are close to the expire date. This is the very first version. It has been tested in my test environments, and will soon be tested in production. Please do not hesitate to report any bugs and please send suggestions for the [...]

Powershell – WMI: Working with Shares – Part 1: Creating a Share with Custom Permissions

Download Script: [download id="12"] Intro: Last week, i was teaching a Powershell course (MOC6434), when a student asked me, how to create a share with custom permissions via WMI. I tried to find an answer for him, but could not really find any examples, cmdlets or functions for it. I found some examples and help in vbscript, so i decided to make some powershell functions of my own. I Created these functions that uses the Win32_Share class of WMI. They support remote creation and multiple permissions. New-Share is for creating a share. New-ACE is for creating one or more ACEs [...]