Move An Outlook Data file To A New Computer / (.pst) / Emails

Problem: How to Export your Outlook Data file (.pst) from one computer to another Short link to the blog: First I want you to notice that I am using Outlook 2013. There are other versions of outlook and it is possible to do the exact same thing. You are able to transfer the data files from one Outlook version to another. Follow this guide if you want to use another computer and want to keep your old data such as emails, folders and more. Through these steps, you are able to get all your emails and data with you into [...]

Working with managed applications within Configuration Manager 2012 R2 SP1

First, let’s define a managed application. In essence it’s a special policy that enable you to control settings in the application or browser like data encryption, can the user save the document as a new file etc. To successfully deploy a managed application you need to mix the application deployment with an application management policy. Configuration Manager will automatically discover if the application can be managed and will show an additional page in the wizard when you create the deployment. It’s worth noting that not all applications can be managed. They have to have the Intune App SDK built-in or [...]

Windows Mobile Phone 8.1 support gone after upgrading to Configuration Manager 2012 R2 SP1

One of the many changes in the newly released SP1 is support for Windows Phone 8.1 After the upgrade only there will only be support for Windows Phone 8.0. Navigate to the Administration workspace, select Cloud Services, right click your Intune connector, Configure Platforms, Windows Phone. Notice that Windows Phone 8.1 is not enabled.   In our environment we only support Windows Phone 8.1 and we do not deploy any custom signed Windows Phone LOB applications. Enable Windows Phone 8.1 support and click OK. Wait until the next synchronization and you will have Windows Phone 8.1 support back. Another “setting” [...]

By |2015-05-21T17:43:13+01:00maj 21st, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS)|Kommentarer lukket til Windows Mobile Phone 8.1 support gone after upgrading to Configuration Manager 2012 R2 SP1

Upgrade to System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1

Below is the guide that I normally use for a service pack upgrade in a single primary site environment. I will not go into the story about what files you should download as that is already explained by Jason Sandys here -  Planning and Testing Back up the SQL Server database and restore a copy of the database on an instance that is not hosting the production database. Perform a test upgrade of the database to SP1. The test upgrade must be performed on the database copy. Download the ConfigMgr SP1 prerequisite files. Disable management point replicas if they [...]

Links and tools from our Ignite Instructor lab – Upgrading to Windows 10 using ConfigMgr 2012 R2

Thanks all for attending the Instructor led lab @Ignite – All three Vikings had a great time on stage – thanks for turning the ILL into a very interactive breakout session :-)   Download the labfiles, scripts and instructions from the lab - Download ConfigMgr Technical preview - Driver Import script -

By |2015-05-06T17:59:17+01:00maj 6th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Events, General info, OS Deployment|Kommentarer lukket til Links and tools from our Ignite Instructor lab – Upgrading to Windows 10 using ConfigMgr 2012 R2

Notes and links from the #Ignite Pre-Day, Enterprise Management

Slides and links Here is the link to the slides: Video to deploying Windows 10 IoT to Raspberry Pi 2 Hydration Kit for System Center 2012 R2 The script that exported task sequences was gathered from the following post (by Trevor Sullivan) The script that imported task sequences was gathered from the following post (by David O’Brien) TechNet Docs - Create a Windows 8.1 Reference Image TechNet Docs - Deploy a Windows 8.1 Image Using MDT 2013 TechNet Virtual Labs - Creating a Windows 8.1 reference image Building reference images like a [...]

By |2015-05-04T11:54:49+01:00maj 4th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Events|1 Kommentar

Wsyncmgr.log: The request failed with HTTP status 503

Kent have blogged about WSUS maintenance before – its important so that we don’t hit problems like the one I’m about to share with you, so make sure you do something about it – Link. “The request failed with HTTP status 503: Status Unavailable” in this case the source is a stored procedure running (Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.ApiRemoting.ExecuteSPGetUpdatesThatSupersedeUpdate). The wsyncmgr.log snippet above is an example of the WSUS sync failing because the IIS Application Pool had stopped. The reason for it stopping is that the amount of private memory allowed to the application pool had hit the roof, and when that happens the [...]

By |2015-03-31T07:57:21+01:00marts 31st, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Wsyncmgr.log: The request failed with HTTP status 503

Create Status Filter Rules with PowerShell

Here is a quick example of creating a Status Filter Rule in Configuration Manager with PowerShell #Example 1 New-CMStatusFilterRule -SiteCode PS1 -Name 'Remove PC from OSD Collection' -MessageId 11144 -MessageType Milestone ` -RunProgram $True -ProgramPath 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -file D:\Scripts\Remove-CMDeviceFromCollection.ps1 -CollectionName "OSD Windows 8 Standard" -ComputerName %msgsys' #Example 2 $Parameters = @{ SiteCode = 'PS1' Name = 'Remove PC from OSD Collection' MessageId = 11144 MessageType = 'Milestone' RunProgram = $True ProgramPath = 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -file D:\Scripts\Remove-CMDeviceFromCollection.ps1 -CollectionName "OSD Windows 8 Standard" -ComputerName %msgsys' } New-CMStatusFilterRule @Parameters Execute the code     Happy Scripting

By |2015-03-23T13:16:47+01:00marts 23rd, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Powershell, Scripting & Development|Kommentarer lukket til Create Status Filter Rules with PowerShell

Beyond unsupported – How to add PowerShell ISE to ConfigMgr Admin Console

As you already know, then currently we can only start PowerShell Console through Configuration Manager Admin Console but most likely  you may want to start PowerShell ISE through Admin Console :) Step-by-step guide First, this is not supported so don’t blame me if something is not working. Please also remember that there is no SAVE button in Admin Console Builder Tool! Close ConfigMgr Admin Console Start AdminUI.ConsoleBuilder.exe – You can find this tool under the Admin Console installation folder   Select File –> Open –> ConnectedConsole Select View->Application Menu Items Select Connect via Windows PowerShell and right-click select Clone Now [...]

Working with Queries in ConfigMgr with PowerShell

I accidentally blew up my dev lab and now I need to build a new one but luckily we have PowerShell :). In this picture we have 8 Queries and I would like to create Device Collections based on these Queries. These Queries are built with Servicing Extension.   Here are some of the commands that we can use in Configuration Manager 2012 R2 CU4. These commands allows us easily export/import Queries from one system to another and much more. #Import Module Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Replace("\bin\i386","\bin\configurationmanager.psd1") $SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSITE Set-Location "$($SiteCode.Name):\" #Get all CM Queries $Queries = Get-CMQuery #Total Queries [...]

Quick intro to Configuration Items in ConfigMgr with PowerShell

Configuration Items that I would like to export and import   Here are some command examples that we can use in Configuration Manager 2012 R2 CU4. #Import Module Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Replace("\bin\i386","\bin\configurationmanager.psd1") $SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSITE Set-Location "$($SiteCode.Name):\" #Get all CIs $ConfigurationItems = Get-CMConfigurationItem #Total CIs $ConfigurationItems.Count #Get CIs only with specific keyword $ConfigurationItems = Get-CMConfigurationItem -Name "*CT - *" -ForceWildcardHandling #CI rules with 'CT - ' keyword - 12 CIs in this example $ConfigurationItems.Count #Export out CIs with 'CT - ' keyword foreach($CI in $ConfigurationItems){ Write-Output -InputObject "Exporting out $($CI.LocalizedDisplayName) CI" Export-CMConfigurationItem -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\CI_Rules\$($CI.LocalizedDisplayName).cab" -InputObject $CI } #New CI folder [...]

By |2015-03-16T09:50:54+01:00marts 16th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), Powershell, Scripting & Development|Kommentarer lukket til Quick intro to Configuration Items in ConfigMgr with PowerShell

Installing and configuring a SCOM multi-homed agent with SCCM 2012 R2

(In this blogpost only handling x64 versions) I had the challenge to automatic install and configure a SCOM multi-homed agent. I ran in to a couple of issues that I had to deal with – so today I am going to share my experiences regarding this with you. First you need to copy the source files for the SCOM agent to your SCCM source files location. The next thing you need to do is to download a copy of my PowerShell script (InstallSCOMMultiHome.ps1) created for the solution and place it in the content folder mentioned before. Your content folder should [...]

Windows 10 Preview Start Menu not working in build 9926

A quick fix to the StartMenu issue in Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 9926 During deployment of your Windows 10 image, you can fix this issue by prepping the default user profile, so that all users logging on to the device will benefit from the fix. In the registry key HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Create a REG_DWORD with the name EnableXamlStartMenu Set the value to 0 (zero) Or simply use this command to do it during a Task Sequence reg.exe add hku\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /v EnableXamlStartMenu /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

By |2015-02-15T18:28:51+01:00februar 15th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), OS Deployment, Windows Client|Kommentarer lukket til Windows 10 Preview Start Menu not working in build 9926

Slides and links from my Welcome to your new life as an Enterprise Client Hybrid Management expert session @NIC 2015

Thanks for attending my Hybrid Management session @NIC 2015. Slide deck Deploy wifi profiles with shared secret - Change device ownership in configmgr - Intune Extensions fail to install - and Device based vs User based policies - Troubleshooting iOS certificate deployments - Deny Apps on Windows Phone -

By |2015-02-14T15:06:32+01:00februar 14th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Slides and links from my Welcome to your new life as an Enterprise Client Hybrid Management expert session @NIC 2015

Slides and links from my Site Review session @NIC 2015

  Autmating the WSUS Cleanup process - SQL PowerShell audit script Splitting existing ConfigMgr database into multiple SQL files Pre-creating the database before installing Configmgr – download script Multiple software upate points and shared db – Slide deck SQL Script to for fragmentation on the SQL DB Checking the database fragmentation: Use CM_PS1 Go SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [Database Name], OBJECT_NAME(ps.OBJECT_ID) AS [Object Name], AS [Index Name], ps.index_id, index_type_desc,     avg_fragmentation_in_percent, fragment_count, page_count FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),NULL, NULL, NULL ,N’LIMITED’) AS ps     INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i WITH (NOLOCK)     ON ps.[object_id] = i.[object_id] AND ps.index_id [...]

By |2015-02-14T14:51:53+01:00februar 14th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|2 Comments

Slides and links from my Compliance Settings session @ NIC 2015 in Oslo

Thanks for attending another great NIC event, and a huge thank for the organization behind NIC for arranging a true International conference in Scandinavia. Some good resources for working with Compliance Settings: Henrik Hoe - Sherry Kissinger - Kent Agerlund - Kenny Buntinx - Technet - Slides and examples

By |2015-02-14T14:46:11+01:00februar 14th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|Kommentarer lukket til Slides and links from my Compliance Settings session @ NIC 2015 in Oslo

New ConfigMgr PowerShell cmdlets in CU4

Microsoft just released a new CU for Configuration Manager and with latest CU we got 35 PowerShell cmdlets. Now we have 597 PowerShell cmdlets. Here are the new ones: Add-CMDeploymentTypeDependency Add-CMDeploymentTypeSupersedence ConvertFrom-CMApplication ConvertFrom-CMConfigurationItem ConvertTo-CMApplication ConvertTo-CMConfigurationItem Get-CMCertificate Get-CMClientOperation Get-CMDeploymentTypeDependency Get-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup Get-CMDeploymentTypeSupersedence Get-CMMigrationSource Get-CMObjectSecurityScope Get-CMQuery Get-CMSiteRole Invoke-CMGroupDiscovery Invoke-CMQuery Invoke-CMSystemDiscovery Invoke-CMUserDiscovery New-CMADGroupDiscoveryScope New-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup New-CMEmbeddedObjectInstance New-CMEmbeddedProperty New-CMEmbeddedPropertyList New-CMQuery Remove-CMCollection Remove-CMDeploymentTypeDependency Remove-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup Remove-CMDeploymentTypeSupersedence Remove-CMQuery Set-CMDeploymentTypeDependency Set-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup Set-CMDeploymentTypeSupersedence Set-CMQuery Sync-CMMigrationSource   Happy Scripting! :)

Deploying WPA-2 personal WIFI profiles using ConfigMgr & Intune

For hybrid environments (that being ConfigMgr integrated with Microsoft Intune), it’s not possible to deploy a WIFI profile using a pre-shared secret in the UI. This will however not prevent you from creating and deploying WPA-2 Personal security WIFI profiles in the console. You will just be deploying the WIFI profile without the WIFI password.  Windows Phone 8.1 will re-apply the same profile over and over again When users receive the WIFI profile all they have to do is add the password and they will have WIFI connection. This works great for Android and iOS, but not for Windows Phone [...]

By |2015-01-28T14:28:20+01:00januar 28th, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|4 Comments

Intune Extensions will not install

It’s a common issue, but still worth mentioning. Being a Full Administrator is NOT the same as having full control of all features in the ConfigMgr console. An example is enabling new Intune Extensions like the one released in late December. As usual you are prompted when new Extensions are available. In this example I’m logged in as Full Administrator and trying to enable the extension in the Administration workspace. All looks good, right until the point where I accept the License Terms, And boom! I do not have the required permissions even though I’m a Full Administrator! Rule #7 [...]

By |2015-01-02T10:36:21+01:00januar 2nd, 2015|Configuration Manager (SCCM)|Kommentarer lukket til Intune Extensions will not install

Managing WIFI certificates for iOS devices with ConfigMgr MDM

This will be the last Christmas blog post from Coretech in 2014. A huge thanks to all of you who followed our Christmas blogs in December. @Coretech we wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – We look forward to service you again in 2015 with knowledge, inspiration and best practices on Microsoft technologies One of the many need features offered by ConfigMgr & Intune is the ability to deploy certificates and WIFI profiles. Both are essential when implementing a MDM/BYOD strategy. Creating the required SCEP certificate for iOS As mentioned in a [...]

By |2014-12-23T14:09:31+01:00december 23rd, 2014|Configuration Manager (SCCM), General info|3 Comments

Create ConfigMgr Collections and Admin Console Folders with PowerShell

Starting from ConfigMgr 2012 R2 we can use New-Item PowerShell cmdlet to create ConfigMgr Admin Console folders. Here is one simple and quick PowerShell script that allows you to create folders and Collections and finally it moves the Collection to correct folder. #Step 1 Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Replace("\bin\i386","\bin\configurationmanager.psd1") $SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSITE Set-Location "$($SiteCode.Name):\" #Step 2 New-Item -Name 'OSD' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection' New-Item -Name 'Mobile Device Management' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection' New-Item -Name 'Power Management' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection' New-Item -Name 'ViaMonstra' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection' New-Item -Name 'Software Updates' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection' New-Item -Name 'Compliance' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection' #Step 3 New-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'Test 1' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems' New-CMDeviceCollection -Name [...]